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Submitted To:
Dr. Preeti Singhal

Prepared By:
Vrutika Shah (207050592001)
Nitika Salekar (207050592052)
What is Digital Marketing?

• Any marketing that uses electronic devices to convey promotional messaging and
measure its impact. In practice, digital marketing typically refers to marketing
campaigns that appear on a computer, phone, tablet, or other device.
• It can take many forms, including online video, display ads, and social media
posts. Digital marketing is often compared to “traditional marketing” such as
magazine ads, billboards, and direct mail.
• Digital marketing is a broad field, including attracting customers via email, content
marketing, search platforms, social media, and more.
• Internet marketing differs from digital marketing. Internet marketing is advertising
that is solely on the Internet, whereas digital marketing can take place through
mobile devices, on a subway platform, in a video game, or via a smartphone app.
1. AI in Marketing
Many companies - and the marketing teams
that support them - are rapidly adopting
intelligent technology solutions to encourage
operational efficiency while improving the
customer experience.

Through these platforms, marketers are able to

gain a more nuanced, comprehensive
understanding of their target audiences. The
insights gathered through this process can then
be used to drive conversions while
simultaneously easing the workload for
marketing teams.
2. Instagram Reels

The Instagram Reels was great news for

marketers & content creators.

The great news for digital marketers is that

Reels are providing more than double
engagement rates when compared to posting
a normal video.

An effective Reels and video content strategy

is necessary to grab and retain your
customer’s attention in 2021.
3. YouTube Shorts

The recent addition by the popular platform

YouTube is called “Shorts”. It is similar to
Instagram Reels, where you can create short-
form video content for 15 seconds or under.

With the increasing popularity of short-form

video content today, YouTube Shorts is a very
good opportunity for all those who have their
existing target audience on that platform.
Engaging 15-second videos is all it takes now,
to grab the attention of your viewers.
4. Augmented Reality

It is an enhanced version of the real physical

world that is achieved through the use of
digital visual elements, sound, or other
sensory stimuli delivered via technology. It is
a growing trend among companies involved
in mobile computing and business
applications in particular.

Retailers and other companies can use

augmented reality to promote products or
services, launch novel marketing campaigns,
and collect unique user data.
5. Chatbots

Chatbots are considered one of the top digital

marketing trends in 2021, the AI-based
technology makes use of instant messaging to
chat with customers, and with site visitors. It
is designed in such a way that Businesses can
leverage the use of chatbots to engage with

Since there are plenty of users visiting the

website at once, it advantageous to have a
technology that answers hundreds of users at
6. Personalization

Personalization is the act of tailoring an

experience or communication based on
information a company has learned about an

If company want to outperform their

competitors and want to stand out in the
market, they must focus on personalizing
content, products, emails, etc. Personalization
is the next big trend that will soon become an
industry standard.
7. Geofencing

Geofencing is a location-based service

marketing in which an app or other software
program uses radio frequency identification
(RFID), GPS, Wi-Fi, and cellular data to
provoke a targeted marketing action like a
text, social media advertisement, email, or an
app notification. When the mobile device
enters or exits a geographic boundary, it is
known as geo-fence.

There are many types of alerts can be send

when a user enters a geofence. The more
popular types include text messages, in-app
notifications and social media ads.
8. WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp Marketing is believed to be one of

the biggest & must-use digital marketing
trends in 2021. WhatsApp has completely
changed the way businesses now reach &
engage with their customers.

You can now personally message on an app

that is used by all age groups and always
checked multiple times in a day. And you will
not be creeping out the consumer because you
will reach them through a WhatsApp
Business Account which helps them trust you
and your business’ credibility.
9. Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing is a hybrid of old and

new marketing tools. It takes the idea of
celebrity endorsement and places it into a
modern-day content-driven marketing
campaign. The main differentiator in the case
of influencer marketing is that the results of
the campaign are collaborations between
brands and influencers.

But influencer marketing doesn't just involve

celebrities. Instead, it revolves around
influencers, many of whom would never
consider themselves famous in an offline
10. Shoppable Content
Shoppable Content is any content- picture,
video, or article, that includes a direct link to
a buyout portal. 

This makes the process of a customer getting

aware of a product through content marketing
and making a decision to buy the product on
an eCommerce platform far simpler and

Instagram has introduced a shoppable content

feature, where users can buy a product
directly from a story or a post. Even Pinterest
has introduced this feature for its audiences.
11. User-Generated Content

People like to participate in activities,

especially activities relating to their favourite
products or services. User-Generated Content
or UGC harnesses this excitement of the
customer and prompts them to create
something of their own with the concerned
product and share it with the world.

UGC is a great strategy for a couple of

reasons. Firstly, it massively reduces the time,
effort, and resources required to run a
12. Automated & Personalised
Email Marketing

As the name implies, automated email

marketing is sending emails to your
customers automatically based on triggers or
schedules you set.

Emails have always been the most reliable

channel of digital marketing. Promotional
emails are an amazing way to reach out to
your customers and let them know what your
organization has achieved or any sale you
have coming up. 
13. Voice Search Optimization

These new voice devices and technology

make it easier than ever for people to
simply ask a question and get information
from their device. This allows for a more
natural way to interact with machines using
a conversational voice.

Using your voice, you can now play music,

turn on your lights, search for a local pizza
restaurant, order products and get information
on everything from breaking news to the

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