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❖ A positive attitude brings light and life
into your life, like a shining sun on a
beautiful day.
❖ Building a positive attitude is like
holding a powerful torch that lights
your life.
❖ People are often too focused on their problems,
difficulties and daily life. They focus on the
problems, instead of on the solution, and the more
they do so, the more problems well up, because
what you focus on grows.
❖ It is so tempting and easy to immerse in self pity,
believe that everyone is against you, and that life
is difficult. This attitude will keep away happiness
and success.
Definition of Attitude
❖ An attitude is somewhere between a belief, a
stance, a mood, and a pose. If you've got an
attitude about something, it can be hard to
change it because you think you're right.
❖ A feeling or way of thinking that affects a
person's behavior.
❖ A mental position with regard to a fact or state.
❖ A feeling or emotion toward a fact or state.
Basic Component of Attitude
Typically, attitudes are favorable or
unfavorable: positive or negative
3 Components of Attitude
❖Affective Component
❖Behavioral Component
❖Cognitive Component
Affective Component
❖ This involves a person’s feelings / emotions
about the attitude object.

❖ For Example: "I am scared of spiders."

Behavioral Component
❖ The way the attitude we have influences on
how we act or behave.

❖ For Example: “I will avoid spiders and

scream if I see one”.
Cognitive Component
❖ This involves a person’s belief /
knowledge about an attitude object.

❖ For Example: "I believe spiders are

How does motivation affect a positive
❖ A positive attitude can directly impact the
trajectory of your career, as you will be more
motivated to work hard, try new things and
further contribute to an organization’s
❖ Motivation can have an emotional impact on a
person's behavior.
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