Future in The Past: Prezentare

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Future in the Past

Schema 1 (Future-in-the-Past)

Afirmativ: S + would + V…
Negativ: S + would + not + V…
Interogativ: Would + S + V …?

Would + not = wouldn’t

1. Pentru a exprima viitorul din perspectiva

trecutului. Este o regula a concordantei
timpurilor ca, atunci cand ai un timp trecut
in fraza, sa folosesti Future in the Past
pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare.

El a spus ca va merge in parc.

He said he would go in the park.
Schema 2 (cu ajutorul lui “going to”)

Afirmativ: S+ was/were + going to + V…

Negativ:S + was/were + not + going to + V…
Interogativ: Was/Were + S + going to + V…?

I, he, she, it was
We, you, they were

2. Pentru a exprima un plan din perspectiva


Intentionam sa ma uit la un film mai tarziu.

I was going to watch a film later.

A spus ca avea de gand sa-mi faca o vizita.

He said he was going to pay me a visit.

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