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WH Question in English

By: Kumala Hayati, S. I. Kom., M. Med. Kom.

1. What (apa)
Tujuan: menanyakan informasi tentang sesuatu atau seseorang

Ex: - What is that? (Apa itu?)

Answer: That is whiteboard
- What is your name? (Siapa nama kamu?)
Answer: My name is July
- What time is it? (Jam berapa sekarang?)
Answer: It is 4.30 o’clock
- What are you doing? (Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?)
Answer: I am watching movie
2. Where (Di mana)
• Tujuan: menanyakan lokasi atau tempat

• Example:
- Where does Alice study? (Di mana Alice belajar?)
Answer: She studies at ATI TB Jakarta.
- Where do you go every day? (Ke mana kamu pergi setiap hari?)
Answer: I go to school every day.
- Where is the library? (Di mana posisi perpustakaan?)
Answer: The library is beside of the hall.
3. Why (Mengapa)
• Tujuan: menanyakan alasan
• Example:
- Why do you love me? (Mengapa kamu mencintai saya?)
Answer: Because you are rich
- Why is Mrs. Julia very kind to us? (Mengapa bu Julia sangat baik terhadap kita?)
Answer: Because we always kind to others.
- Why does Hana wake up early every day? (Mengapa Hana selalu bangun lebih
awal setiap hari? )
Answer: Because she goes to office with bus
4. When (Kapan)
• Tujuan: menanyakan waktu
• When will you give my book back? (Kapan kamu akan
mengembalikan buku saya?)
Answer: I will return it soon.
• When will he fix the TV? (Kapan dia akan memperbaiki tv?)
Answer: He will fix it the day after tomorrow.
5. Which (Yang mana)
• Tujuan: menanyakan pilihan
- Which is your car? (Yang mana mobilmu?)
Answer: My car is the red one.
- Which is his sister? (Yang mana saudaramu (pr)?)
Answer: His sister is the girl with the blue jacket.
- Which one do you like? The green one or the black one? (Mana yang lebih kamu suka? Yang
hijau atau yang hitam?)
Answer: I prefer the black one.
6. Who (Siapa)
• Tujuan: menanyakan pelaku/ subject
• Example:
- Who is your favourite actor? (Siapa aktor favoritmu?)
Answer: My favorite actor is Daniel Craig
- Who are you? (Siapa kamu?)
Answer: I am Juliana.
- Who writes the letter? (Siapa yang menulis surat?)
Answer: Martin does.
7. Whom (Siapa sbg Objek)
• Tujuan: Menanyakan orang sebagai object.

• Whom do you meet? (Siapa yang kamu temui?)
Answer: I meet Lee Min Ho.
• Whom is she looking for? (Kamu sedang mencari siapa?)
Answer: She is looking for Miss Kumala
8. How (Bagaimana)
• Tujuan: menanyakan usia, cara, jarak, jumlah (kuantitas), harga,
durasi, dan frekuensi, kondisi / keadaan.

• Example:
- How are you? (Bagaimana kabarmu?)
Answer: I am fine. Thanks.
- How is Reyna’s school? (Bagaimana kondisi sekolah Reyna?)
Answer: Her school is large and clean.
• How old is your sister? (Berapa usia kakakmu?)
Answer: She is 25 years old.
• How many cats do you have in your house? (untuk countable noun) (Berapa banyak kucing
yang ada di rumahmu?)
Answer: I have 3 cats in my house.
• How much money do Sera has? (untuk uncountable noun) (Berapa banyak uang yang kamu
Answer: She only has 10.000 rupiah.
• How long will you stay in Bali? (Berapa lama kamu akan tinggal di Bali?)
Answer: I will stay around two weeks.
• How often do you practice? (Seberapa sering kamu berlatih?)
Answer: I often practice every Thursday and Friday.
• How far is your office from home? (Seberapa jauh kantor kamu dari rumah?)
Answer: It is around 7 km.

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