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Global Interstate System

By: Noelle Rodio

Countries around the world are exercising different forms
of government. International relations is being studied
then. It is attempting to explain the interactions of states
in the global interstate system and the behavior that
occurs across the boundaries of states.

A deeper understanding of this will lead to a certain

phenomenon known as internationalization.

Noelle M. Rodio
Internationalization is the process of increasing involvement of
business in the international arena.

There is an increase importance of international trade, alliances,

and treaties. However, this does not equal to globalization which
encompasses a lot of things. It tries to erase national boundaries
for economic purposes.

Noelle M. Rodio
Four key attributes in world politics today:
1. There are states that are independent
from one another;
2. These states interact with one another
through diplomacy;
3. International organization exist to
facilitate these interactions; and
4. Beyond facilitating meeting among
states, these organizations also take lives
on their own (Claudio, 2018).
Noelle M. Rodio
State is a community of persons, more or less
numerous, permanently occupying a fixed territory, and
possessed an independent government organized for
political ends to which the great body of inhabitants
render habitual obedience” (Cruz, 1989). In the absence
of one element, a state cease to exist. Such may be
called a nation. The sovereignty is the internal and
external power of the state to transact its own business.
In short, it is what makes the state independent from
other states.

Noelle M. Rodio
Nation on the other hand, refers to a group of people
who share common characteristics like history or origin,
culture, religion, and language. A nation may consist of
many states. Arab nations comprise various states like
Iraq, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia, and Egypt. These people have a common origin
and religion. Further, a state may compose of many

Noelle M. Rodio
The nationalism among the people actually initiated the
formation of states. People came up with social contract
agreement that there must be a government where it will serve
as an instrument to through which their will is expressed,
formulated, and realized. Hence, state and nation are closely
related to each other.

Noelle M. Rodio
Effects of Globalization on Governments

Based from the study done by Mohammad Abo Gazleh (2001), the
following are the positive effects brought about by globalization:

1. In communication, subscribers and users of the internet are

remarkably increasing

2. In education, new communication and technologies enabled the

students and researchers, both young and old, to access ideas
and information from the best libraries around the globe

3. In different fore issues, almost everyone is made aware of the

rights of women and children, health, environment, discrimination
and inequalities through increased media coverage

Noelle M. Rodio
4. In culture, clear and deeper understanding of the different
communities with their practices and religions is greater than

before which leads to a possible demonstration of sympathy

and compassion with one another in time of calamities and

5. In resources, since developed countries need natural and

human resources while developing countries need capital,
technology and brainpower there is a growing
interdependence among these countries

Noelle M. Rodio
6. In investment, developed countries f low investment to developing
countries which pushes up the reserve of foreign exchange

7. In competition, every global corporation as well as domestic

corporation will improve the quality of their product and services to
compete globally, resulting a survival of the fittest situation.

Noelle M. Rodio
At the same time, there are also negative effects of this
phenomenon identified by Gazleh (2001). These are the

1. In culture, globalization is a challenge to culture and

language. The scientific and economic superiority of developed
countries imposing certain languages particularly in English.
Language has a significant impact that may pose a problem
practically wiping out most traditions, customs and values in
most societies and marginalizes their culture. It also reshapes
the sense of identity of many individuals, especially the

Noelle M. Rodio
2. In developing countries, although they contributed a lot in the
system, they do not yield benefits from such contribution. Global
corporations have the tendency to cause damage to the
environment of these countries in addition to dangerously
marketing expired products and illegal goods. The world has
become a “global pillage instead of global village” (Giddens,
2000). Governments of these countries no longer put priority in
their political agendas on equitable distribution of food,
adequate health care facilities and quality of education.
Globalization widens the gap between rich and poor instead of
filling this up.

Noelle M. Rodio
3. In religion, exchange of information on different opinions about
various religions are made easier by globalization, however the
religious values lose their influence on people’s behaviors due to
the promotion of pure secular system values. Corruption of values
find a way into the minds of individuals.

4. In morals, immoral acts are not only globalized but also

becoming a disease. Many people are wasting a lot of time on the
Internet for unnecessary purposes. With the use of Internet, young
people can have direct access to immoral materials. Due to lack of
parental guidance, a lot of criminalities have emerged in the
present times

Noelle M. Rodio
5. In international politics, the collapse of some countries like the
Soviet Union has led powerful countries like the US to control the
global system and international relations. This opens to a lot of
opportunities for developed countries to defend their own
national interests globally, ignoring the role of the United Nations
and the international law. One better example is China, forcing its
interest against the Philippines on the territorial issues,
particularly on its f luvial and maritime domains

Noelle M. Rodio
6. In economy, many national economies collapsed dues to the
emergence of global corporations that offer cheaper products and
services. It has led to fluctuation in price. Countries like China
produce goods at a lower cost which forced others to reduce their
prices. The emergence of “electronic trade” through the Internet
reinforced piracy. Online businesses have an advantage since they
pay less or have no tax at all. Jobs insecurity increased in developed
countries since these countries outsourced work to developing
countries where the costs of manufacturing goods and wages are
lower and cheaper

Noelle M. Rodio
7. In science, although globalization remarkably contributes to
new scientific revolutions in many fields, especially in space and
computer sciences, these new revolutions paved the way to be
used for immoral purposes and to damage the dignity of man
who is created by God including the environment.

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) and cloning emerged

under the Genetic Engineering Science which violates the laws of
nature. Scientists should refrain from inventing things that is
detrimental to the welfare of all. Foods are mass produced that
supposed to feed the growing needs of the people but are also
the cause of fast degradation of mortality rate.

Noelle M. Rodio
Institutions Governing International Relations

International institutions form a vital part of contemporary

international relations. They are the central focus of policymaking
efforts around the world. These are organizations with
international membership, scope, or presence.

As discussed, these are international non-governmental

organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations
(IGOs). Which these institutions are classified under:

Noelle M. Rodio
1. Generalist inter- state organizations (e.g., United Nations and
Organization of Islamic Cooperation);

-composed of different nations with its member states

having the same aims and purpose.

2. Economic institutions (e.g., Asian Development Bank and

International Monetary Fund);

-agencies or foundations that provide production and

distribution of goods and services which is important to the
economy of the country

Noelle M. Rodio
3. International legal bodies (e.g., Human Rights Committee and
International Criminal Court); and,

-uphold the international law to maintain global peace and order

4. Regional security arrangements (e.g., Collective Security Treaty

Organization and North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

-a security arrangement politically, regionally or globally with the

clear understanding that the security of one is the concern of all
and hence commits to a collective response to threats to and
breaches to peace.

Noelle M. Rodio
Internationalism vs Globalism
An ideology based on the
When different
belief that people, goods
nations decided to
and information ought to
cooperate with one
be able to cross national
another in political,
borders unfettered. It is the
economic and
attitude of putting the
cultural aspects for
interests of the entire
the promotion of the
world above the interests
common good
of individual nations.

Noelle M. Rodio
3 Types of Internationalism

1. Hegemonic internationalism is the dominance of one

country over a nation or nation-state

2. Liberal internationalism is a belief introduced by Immanuel Kant

(1724-1804) that nation- states should give up some of their freedoms
and establish a continuously growing global system consisting of
various nations working together to prevent lawlessness in the world

3. Revolutionary internationalism believes that conflict in the

society are due to international factors and alliances.

Noelle M. Rodio
Dimensions of globalism (Nye, 2002).

1. Economic
2. Military,
3. Environmental; and,
4. Social or cultural

Noelle M. Rodio
1. Economic globalism involves long distance flows of goods,
services, capital and information that accompany market exchange.

2. Environmental globalism refers to the distant transportation of

materials in the aerial, fluvial, or terrestrial aspects.

3. Military globalism- The long distance networks in which force, and

the threat or promise of force, are deployed.

4. Social or cultural globalism involves movements of information,

ideas, images and of people who carry those by people themselves

Noelle M. Rodio
Thank You!

Noelle M. Rodio

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