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Customer Service in Healthcare Industry

Sugam Agrawal 80012100701
Raman Agnihotri 80012100703
Devarshi Kansara 80012100067
Srijita Chatterjee 80012100429
Customer Service Healthcare Industry

The first key to provide great customer service in

01 the healthcare industry is to stop treating patients as

02 Great customer service starts with taking

a patient-centric perspective

Patients need personal attention and thorough

03 communication about their health

Organizations should take the effort to understand

04 what their patients experience and treat them with

Quality treatment and care is critical in the

05 healthcare industry, and the interactions
between staff and patients that guide that care
Current Problems with Customer Service in Healthcare

General Challenges Faced By Digital challenges Faced By

Healthcare Industry Healthcare Industry

Expensive health service Remote access

Shortage of medical personnel

Solving personalised patient Query

Keeping covid scenario in mind Availability of Medical history to

customer needs instant healthcare patients

As world is now online even for health

Communication gap of Medical & care privacy is major concern for all
Non-Medical Staff in hospital of us w.r.t medical records
Diagnostic Analysis(Yearly)
Diagnostic Analysis(Half Yearly)
Predictive&Prescriptive Analysis
DFD Level : 0
DFD Level : 1
DFD Level : 2
Integrated Healthcare Information System Database
(Unique health Id)
Benefits Of Healthcare Industry
The Privacy Rule
• The privacy rule restricts the usage of health information, which could identify a person (PHI).
Covered entities cannot use or disclose PHI unless
• It’s permitted under the Privacy rule, or the individual has authorized it in writing.

Thee Security Rule

• All the covered entities must protect all ePHI that they create, receive, store, or send. They
1.Ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the PHI
2.Protect the ePHI against all threats to its security and integrity 
3.Protect it against impermissible use or disclosure
4.Train employees, and ensure compliance with the security rule
5.Adapt suitable policies and procedures

The Breach Notification Rule

• The breach notification rule requires covered entities to send alerts upon discovery of a breach.
Once a covered entity becomes aware of a breach, the alerts have to be sent within next 60
• Covered entities are required to alert:
1.Affected individuals
New Technologies In Healthcare
Patient Engagement Scale

Precision Medicine

Accessible Intelligence
Medical Planning

Connected home

Intelligent devices

Virtual Care
● Smart Care
● Care Anywhere
Connected Worker
● Empowered Care
● Intelligent Healthcare Enterprise

No Regret - Short Confident Optimism - Bold Plays - Long Term

Term (0-4 Years) Medium Term (4-8 (8+ Years)

1. Development of IT infrastructure in India

2. Integrated Health system can be used
to improve customer service and also it can
help in R&D.
3. A data driven approach and implementable
mechanism can bring about a change.

► Digital transformation of healthcare industry ,Hitachi Vantara
and Ravi kalakota, may2019
► A journey towards smart health The impact of digitalization on patient
experience February 2018 ,Delloitte
► Digital Transformation of Industries Healthcare Industry, Accenture
world economic forum, jan 2016
► The digital transformation of the healthcare industry: exploring the rise of
emerging platform ecosystems and their influence on the role of patients
Sebastian Hermes,Tobias Riasanow1,Eric K. Clemons, Markus Bo¨hm.

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