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1. AFC Technology - System Overview

■ Indicative quantities:
– Central Computer ( including Data Server, Work Stations , Printers)
– Station computer
– Ticket office machines
– Excess Fare Office
– Gates with Flap
– Add Value Machines
– Ticket Vending Machines / Recharge Card Terminal Machines
– Portable Ticket Decoders
– Media (Tokens and Contact less Smart Card)


Le ve l 0 Le ve l 1 Le ve l 2 Le ve l 3 Le ve l 4

Booking Office Ce ntral Compute r
Compute r
TOM Syste m (OCC)
Syste m

Local Station LAN (Route r, Switche s)

Contactle ss Smart Local Ce ntral LAN


Ticke t Re ade r
Toke ns
Backbone Ne twork
Portable Ticke t
De code r HHD
Exce ss Fare
Office TOM Othe r Me tro

1. AFC Technology - Station architecture

AFC – Fare Media
v Cash and non-cash transactions can be done through these
available channels for doing recharge in Card is:
(1) Co ntac tle s s S mart To ke n (Type A) v Through Cash- at EFO/TOM/TVM/RCTM
v Through online channels- PPI wallets, Payment Gateways
v Through Bharat QR/POS at stations- Bharat QR at TVM/EFO, POS at EFO,
(2) Co ntac tle s s S mart Card (Type A) v Through Auto Top UP at AFC Gates

v Channels for buying Single Journey ticket (in case of Token):

v Through Cash- at TOM/TVM
v Through Bharat QR/POS at stations- Bharat QR at TVM, POS at TVM
v DMRC’s own Smart Card Recharge Web Portal-
Automatic Gates Overview:
Gates ensure that the transportation system use is limited to passengers with valid travel rights.
For that purpose, the gates process the Fare Media of each passenger wishing to enter or leave the paid area.
According to the validity check result, the passage through the gate aisle is granted or denied.
The Gates are equipped with a token acceptor mechanism on exit aisles to recycle the tokens. The token
acceptor is equipped with two containers to permit the continuity of service when one container is full. When
a container is full, it can be insert directly in the token dispenser of TVM or TOM.

• The gates are equipment dedicated to control the access to metro stations.
• The passengers require presenting their transit card or token at entry and exit.
• The card or the token contain some fare products which are used to grant the passage according to specific
business rules, parameters or operating modes.

The gates must also allow accredited agents to do the maintenance of the equipment.
3 agent profiles are authorized to login the gates:

• Operator agent that can replace token containers

• Maintenance agents in charge of diagnostics and repairs.
• The maintenance agent is also able to replace the token containers
• Supervisor agents who have all previous rights.

Gate Details – Hardware Details

Hardware description:

• Stainless steel cabinet

• TFT passenger display

• Central unit 1,2 GHz with 2Gb RAM and redundant storage for security (SSD
• and CF)

• Direction display with concession indicator,

• Contactless Media Reader Writer and pad in entry and in exit

• Token acceptor with 2 containers of 2000 tokens in exit

• 4 security modules locations at each reader

• Uninterruptible power supply

• Gate End display with concession indicator

• Ethernet connections (for station computer) 7

Gate details - HW - Global View
Type of Aisle Standard aisle
Cabinet height 1016
Cabinet length 1900
Cabinet width 300
Aisle width 550+-10
Flap max width (out) 260+/-3
Flap thickness 50
Flap gap 30+/-16
SMV/SMA antenna 930

Gate Details - HW - Gate types

Paid area

SE(b) Aisle SM(b) SM(a) SM(c) SHWx (a) Wide SEWx(c)
Unpaid Area Entry mixed Aisle
Mixed Aisle

Paid area

Unpaid Area
SE(b) SM(a) SE(c) SEWx(b) SHWx(a)

Types of Gates:

•Thales AFC gates

•Samsung AFC Gates
•Indra AFC Gates
Thales AFC Gate(CS24)
Indra AFC Gates:
Samsung AFC Gate:
Comparison of AFC gates module wise:
Type Of Gate
Modules Description of modules

CS24 AG 3So2 Sys4 Samsung Indra

EMM/UCM Computer Y Y Y Y    

IOTA SMA/SMV interface PCB Y Y        

Battery Charger   Y          

UPS Power Supply Battery Bank Y Y   Y Y

DCDC coverter Power Supply Y Y        
TCU/SMA Token Capture Unit Y Y Y Y Y  
GCU Gate Control Unit         Y Y
TCU-IO I/O PCB for TCU            
ECU Computer         Y Y
PSU/SMPS Power Supply Y Y   Y Y  
Link Board Link PCB   Y     Y  

PIC Master Gate PCB control board       Y    

TIC         Y    
PLC       Y Y    
Lambda         y    
Variator Motor Control       y    
Servo Control Motor Control   Y        
MIB       Y      

DISPATCHER Interface board for SMA/SMV     Y      

Gate Details – Passengers Safety

The barrier mechanism and the high performance passage logic give an
effective compromise between fraud prevention and passenger safety. A
wide set of use cases such as passenger with luggage, pregnant mother,
parent with baby stroller, parent with young child, tailgating fraud,
disabled passengers in wheelchair have been taken into account.

• Flaps are automatically opened in case of a mains power failure

• Emergency mode for fast evacuation

• Design preventing pinching and crushing of passengers and their


Station Modes- Emergency Mode
u Should be in case of fire, explosion or any other extreme emergency situation
u ✤ Gate flaps become open by this mode.
u ✤ Passenger can rush out of the open gate without validating media.
u ✤ Patron having token pertaining to waiver date can perform one full journey.

Station Modes- Incident Mode

u Used in case of Disruption of passenger services like delay in train movement etc.
u Token is captured at Exit Gate as in Normal Mode . Exit che cks are bypasse d.
u Passengers who wish can take full refund of tokens. After refund they can insert their Token in
exit and go out.
u No money is deducted from Smart Card at Exit
Gate Operating Mode:
In service: the gate is available for passenger.
This mode includes also all operational configuration (entry
only, exit only and bi-directional) as well as the ticket
processing configuration (entry/exit override, time override,
incident mode)
 Out of service: the gate is not available for passenger for
service reasons
 Out of order: the gate is not available for passenger because
of equipment critical failures
 Emergency: the gate is available for passenger in exit only
 Maintenance: an agent has successfully logged on.
TVM Details - Overview

A TVM is an automatic machine which is designed to:

• Top-up CSC,
• Issue tokens,
• Enquiry media,
The TVM device allows agents to perform the following actions:

• Operations (e.g. cash collection, equipment mode…)

• Manage parameters and exploitation data
• Monitor and manage equipment peripherals

• The overall dimensions measured from the ground level.

• A minimum 200mm required between 2 adjacent TVMs.
• The TVM is 575 mm depth. Another 100 mm space is required behind the TVM for air circulation.
• Maximum power consumption of TVM : 600 W.
• Idle mode without passenger operation and without heater: 450W.

TVM Details - Hardware
Dimension Max values Comments
Overall height 1800mm ± 5mm,  
Maximum overall width 895mm ± 5mm,  
Maximum overall width (with door opened) 895mm ± 5mm, During rotation total width < 900mm
Maximum overall depth: 570mm ± 5mm,  
Cabinet maximum weight: 400kg  

TVM Details - Hardware
The TVM is composed of the following sub-assemblies as shown in the
following 3D representation
1. TVM cabinet,
2. Display and touch screen
3. Audio interface
4. CSC reader/writer zone,
5. Banknote recycler,
6. Bank card Terminal with a privacy shield,
7. Top display
8. Camera
9. Token dispenser unit,
10. Coin reserves for change.
11. Receipt printer,
12. UPS

TVM Details - Hardware

9. Functions of Station Computer (SC)
Station Computer- features
■ The Station computer has following features:
• A High performance hardware that will permit future evolutions or extent of the system,
• A powerful application that permits to help station manager for
 Equipment management,
 Stock management,
 Cash management, 
• The Station Computer (named OCC) is interfaced with:
 All equipment in the station,
 The OCC Central BackOffice system
 The station agents.
• The Station Computer is located in the Station Control Room.
• A local LAN is implemented between all equipment and Station Computer. Different
switches will be implemented at necessary locations to design the local LAN.
Station Computer- Functions

The Station Computer (SC) is used at station level to monitor and control the station
frontend equipment.

It also allows the operator to easily manage station level activities with the help of:

 Real time monitoring and supervision of the station equipments: Graphical and
 Alarm status supplied.
 Cash Management.
 Reporting function for shift management and overall station activity.
 Local stock management for distribution of media between TOM, EFO, TVM,
 Local revenue management,
10. Working of Central Computer
The OCC BackOffice provides the following functions:
• BackOffice users management
• Equipment Management
• Agent Management
• Shift Management
• Cash Management
• Stock Management
• Communication with station computers
• Monitoring functions
• Parameters management
• Software upgrade
• Data Management
• Reports Management
• Interface with CCHS
• Auto-tests and Maintenance Functions

The Central system (named OCC) is interfaced with:

• The CCHS to retrieve parameters, SAMs and to send back transaction files,
• The Station computers which ensure the interface with equipment.
• The Bank for payment with Bank Card terminal on TVM, RCT & TOM.
• The Back-Office agents from different operators that manage the system.
11. Central Clearing House System
Central Clearing House System
1. The prime functions of the Central Clearing House System Computer (CCHS) are:
■ Clearing House: clears transactions between system operators (currently DTC, DMITS, RMGL
■ Issuer: manages the central database of transaction records for all smartcards in the system (DMRC
own cards)
2. The CCHS also provides a central system management function, including Key Management
associated with system security.
3. CCHS carries out the interface to give and receive Transaction Data, Parameter, with each CC that is
currently under operation and future CC.
4. All parameters are processed in CCHS and sent to each CC. All the transaction data compiled from
each CC are collected to CCHS.
Different Modules- Major Functionalities
■ Transaction Management
■ Card and Purse Management
■ Media Stock Management
■ Parameter Management
■ Product Management
■ Day end Processing
■ Reports Management
■ Security Management
■ Key Management
■ Clearing and Settlement
■ Bank Top Up
CCHS- Transaction Management
■ Transaction is used to refer to any device generated usage data or usage data generated by the
system as a result of data processing.
■ Different types are- CSC Add Value, CSC Surcharge, CSC Refund etc.
■ All the CSC related transactions are captured and validated at CCHS

CCHS- Equipment Management

• The equipment will be physically managed by the individual CC but the
information for all the CC equipment is maintained at the CCHS level.
• The equipment will be uniquely identified by Equipment ID.
• Each equipment owner is allocated a series of IDs from which they will
allocate IDs to new equipment.
CCHS- Parameter Management
■ All Global AFC Parameters along with the Global Metro Parameters will be managed at the
CCHS level.

Parameter Applicable Operator

1 Overall Metro System DMRC

2 Metro Fare Parameters DMRC
3 Blacklist DMRC, Reliance, DLF, CRIS, DTC or any other operator
4 Machine Blacklist DMRC, Reliance, DLF, CRIS, DTC or any other operator
5 Agent List DMRC
6 DMRC Ticket Sale parameters DMRC
7 Special mode History Table DMRC, Reliance, DLF, CRIS, DTC or any other operator

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