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✔ Descriptive Statistics
✔ Measures of Central Tendency
✔ Mean
✔ Median
✔ Mode
✔ Measures of Dispersion
✔ Variance and Standard Deviation
✔ Percentiles
✔ Interquartile Range
✔ Skewness
The Index (Subscript) Notation
Xj “X sub j”
where ‘X’ is the variable name,
‘j’ is the subscript or index which
can stand for any of the
numbers 1,2,3,…..,N. Any letter
may be used other than ‘j’.
Summation Notation

= X1 + X2 + X3 +X4 +…......+ XN
1. = aX1 + aX2 + aX3 +aX4 +…......+ aXN
= a

2. Pj = Q1P1 +Q2P2 + Q3P3 +Q4P4 +Q5P5 +Q6P6

Measures of Central
Measures of Central Tendency
•A measure of central tendency gives a single value that acts
as a representative or average of the values of all the outcomes
of your experiment.
•The main measure of central tendency we will use is the
arithmetic mean. While the mean is used the most, two other
measures of central tendency are also employed. These are
the median and the mode.
If we are given a set of n numbers, say x1, x2, … , xn, then the
mean, usually denoted by x¯ or μ , is given by

Example 2.1. Consider the following set of integers:

S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
The mean, , of the set S is
Weighted Mean

Data: 30% accuracy

20% presentation
50% completeness

Accuracy = 90
Presentation =85
Completeness = 95

Equivalent Mark= (0.30)(90) + (0.20)(85)+(0.50)(95)

= 91.5
 Properties of the Arithmetic Mean
1. The algebraic sum of the deviations of a set of
numbers from their arithmetic mean is zero.
deviation d = Xj -
Ex. Given the set of numbers S = {8, 3, 12, 5, 10}
the A. M. = (8+3+5+10+12)/5 = 7.6
Deviations from :
d1 8 – 7.6 = 0.4
d2 3 – 7.6 = - 4.6
d3 12 – 7.6 = 4.4
5 – 7.6 = -2.6
10 – 7.6 = 2.4
 Properties of the Arithmetic Mean
2. The sum of the squares of the deviations of a set of
numbers Xj from any number ‘a’ is a minimum if and
only if a =

3. If f1 numbers have mean m1 , f2 numbers have mean

m2, f3 numbers have mean m3,…….., then the mean of
all the numbers is

that is a weighted arithmetic mean of all the means.

Part 1
A. Write the equivalent of the following summations by
a) expanding and b) extracting the constants:
1. = kX1+ kX2+ kX3+ …..+kXN
= k Σ Xj
2. = ΣaX + ΣbY

B. Evaluate #2 where the values of

X are 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 while a = 2
Part 2
Determine the arithmetic mean of the following
sets of data:
1. S= {42, 31, 36, 41, 42, 37)
and prove the 1st Property of A. Mean
2. What is the average age?

AGE 12 13 14 15 16 Tota
No. of 3 1 6 2 2
Part 3
Using the data from Part 2 #1,

a)compute for the deviation of each number

from A = 40
d1 = X1 - 40
b) Compute for M = A + (Σ d)/N
where d = deviation
N = number of samples
Compare M to the mean computed in Part 2 #1

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