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Invasion Game

Invasion games or territorial games

are activities that show the players
ability to move into a space to goal,
to occupy opponent’s space, and to
defend their space. These games
are played by teams within a set of
time. Each team invades the
opponent’s territory, scores points
and prevents opposing team to
Types of Invasion Game
Invasion games include stealing
the object and running, jumping,
or crossing over. They also
include sports where an object
or a ball is thrown or shot into a
target, hit with a stick or foot
into a specific area or target
area, or carried or stopped
across a line.
Examples of Invasion Games
A. Throwing into a target

1. BASKETBALL is game played by two

groups of males or females with an aim of
scoring against the opponent by shooting
the ball to the opponent’s basket.

2. TUMBANG PRESO The “It” is chosen as a

prisoner who will defend the can. The other
players hit the can with their two slippers. If
the can is knocked, the opponents cannot use
them anymore. If all slippers have been used,
the “It” can tag the next prisoner.
B. Hitting with a stick or foot

1. SOCCER This game is played by

two teams having 11 players each.
Except for each team’s goal-
keeper, they need to goal the ball
to score.
2. FUTSAL The game is a variation
of football that is usually played
indoors and with a smaller ball that
does not bounce high. It is played
by two teams having five players
C. Carrying or stopping across the line

1. CHESS The game is played by two

players in a board game, with 64
squares. The player is to checkmate the
opponent’s king.
2. GAME OF GENERALS The player
influences and stimulates armies to
eliminate the opponent’s armies and to
capture the opponent’s flag.
3. DAMA (CHECKERS) Dama is a board
game that uses 12 position pitsas at the
end points of a diagram. The game end if
all pitsas are captured by a player.
D. Carrying or stopping across the line

1. CHESS The game is played by two

players in a board game, with 64
squares. The player is to checkmate the
opponent’s king.
2. GAME OF GENERALS The player
influences and stimulates armies to
eliminate the opponent’s armies and to
capture the opponent’s flag.
3. DAMA (CHECKERS) Dama is a board
game that uses 12 position pitsas at the
end points of a diagram. The game end if
all pitsas are captured by a player.
E. Jumping, running or crossing

1. PATINTERO It is played on the

streets where a team tries to pass
through lines while the opposing
team tries to catch them while
stepping on the gridlines.
2. LAWIN OR SISIW Two players
will act as a hawk and a hen and
the other players as chicks whom
the lawin will try to catch.
F. Stealing and Catching

1. AGAWAN BASE Two teams

compete by taking the territory of
the opponent by tagging the
opponent who tries to enter their

2. AGAWAN SULOK A tagger stands

in the middle of the ground while the
other players who are standing in the
bases will try to exchange places to
own a vacant base. The tagged player
is the next tagger.

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