Lesson 2 PE Fitness

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Is the ability to
perform physical
activities without
being tired.
Components of
1. Endurance –is the ability to continue an
activity without getting too tired. This can be
muscular endurance or cardio (heart) endurance.
It increases blood and heart activity.
2. Flexibility – is the ability of the muscles to
stretch without discomfort or injury.
3. Strength – is the ability of muscles to exert
force. Muscles get stronger when force when
force than normal.
4. Body Composition – is the weight
of a person .One must have more
weight from lean muscles and
bones than fat weight.

 5. Speed –the rate which someone

or something happens or is done.
The quality of being quick

6. Balance – is the ability to control

your body so that you would not fall
7. Agility- is the skill you need to change
and control your direction and position of
your body.

8. Coordination – is using your five senses

with body parts involved in the physical
9. Power – is the ability to move your body
parts quickly while applying the greatest
force of your muscle.

10. Reaction Time- is the ability to respond

quickly to the stimulus as percieved by the
five senses
Fitness Assessment
1.Body Compostion: Body Mass
Index (BMI)
2. Cardio- Respiratory Endurance
3. Abdominal Strength: Curl Ups
4. Muscular Endurance: Push-ups
5. Flexibility: Sit and Reach
6. Balance: 1 minute one –Leg
Standing (Right/Left)
7. Speed: 50 meter sprint
8. Coordination: Paper Juggling
9. Power: Standing Long Jump
10. Reaction Time: Pen Drop Test
Identify what is being described in each
number. Choose you answer inside the box
Balance speed strength flexibility
body composition
1. It is the weight of a person
2. It is the ability of the muscles to stretch
without discomfort or injury.
3. It is the ability of muscles to exert force.
4. It is the rate which someone or something
happens or is done.
5. It is the ability to control your body so that
you would not fall

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