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De la Mar, Grenalyn Salvador, Jholina
Digdigan, Aphryle Rhosse Solania, Jonalyn
What is Alternative Assessment?
• a method of evaluation that measures a student’s level of
proficiency in a subject as opposed to the student’s level
of knowledge.

• also called a performance test or authentic assessment.

Characteristics of Alternative
Alternative assessment is tailored to the specific needs and
abilities of individual students

It is an instructor-led assessment process.

Alternative assessment methods are flexible and continuously

Characteristics of Alternative
Alternative assessment or authentic assessment explores
different learning styles and preferences in a bid to measure
learners’ abilities.
Alternative assessment methods are seamlessly aligned with the
learning goals and objectives of the course, class, or training.

Examples of 50

Assessment 25

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4
A portfolio is a collection of the
different tasks a student has
executed in the course of the
class or training.

A performance test requires the
learners to execute complex
tasks while the instructor
observes how they go about
Your task is to prepare a performance that will promote the culture
of the indigenous people in the Philippines during a fundraising
event. Performance
Role: Tests
You are the President of a national organization that aims to
preserve the culture of the indigenous people of the Philippines.

You need to convince possible donors to give voluntary financial
contributions to fund your cause.
There would be guests from the government officials, local
celebrities, business people, art enthusiasts, and many more. You
need to emulate the richness, diversity, and beauty of their music Performance
through your performance to convince possible donors to donate to
your cause. Tests
You need to create a rhythmic composition that would showcase
the culture of the Indigenous people of the Philippines with the use
of rhythmic instruments (sticks, maracas, lyre, snare drum, triangle,
etc.) and other improvised instruments.
An open test is a method of
assessment that allows learners
to refer to course materials as
they take on tasks or write tests
and examinations

Open Tests
The teacher will ask students to analyze the author’s
argument on a specific page in a book.

Open Tests
The students will be required interpret the results
shown in a diagram.

Open Tests
An interview provides students
an opportunity to demonstrate

The teacher will ask the students to role-play the
employee while the teacher will role-play the
employer (or have a parent/another teacher/local
businessperson come in).

Student role-play may be done one-on-one vs. in front of class, with time
allowed forfeedback between pairs.
Questions Commonly Asked by Employers
• What are your career goals?
• In what type of position are you interested?
• Why do you think you might like to work for this company?
• What extracurricular activities/jobs have you held? What were your
responsibilities? Why did you leave?
• What are your strengths and weaknesses?
• How often have you been absent/tardy?
• What are your favorite subjects?
• What is the biggest challenge you’ve had to face so far and how did you
handle it?
• What do you know about this company?
• Are you looking for a permanent or temporary job?
• Do you prefer working with others by yourself or both?
• Can you take instruction without getting upset?
• What have you already learned from previous jobs or school?
• What might you like to be doing in five years?
• What can you bring to this job that would make you an asset to our
A report requires the student to
show how well they understand
key concepts from class

Students in a general education humanities course can
have a reporting where individual students can share
what they experienced while completing a self-selected Reporting
personal development project.

A group of students had a course on software

engineering. The student groups will be required to
make a software, and they need to demonstrate and
explain the software they created.
A summary is a method of
assessment that allows learners
to demonstrate understanding of
key concepts and ideas from the

The teacher had just finished her lesson about prominent Filipino
composers. After that, she gave students a question to collect written Summaries
feedback on the student's learning about the topic.

What do you think is the key factor why Abelardo,

Beuncamino, and Santiago became prominent
Filipino composers?
A collaborative testing
empowers the students to
brainstorm together, solve
challenges, and execute ideas.
Design group assignments/activities around a question or problem that
requires interaction. Activities that require consensus building or
problem-solving are great fits for collaborative assignments.

Music of the Malayan Peninsula: Malaysia and Singapore Testing
a. How did other countries influence the culture and music
of Singapore and Malaysia?

b. What are the similarities and differences of the music of

Singapore and Malaysia?

c. Why was the merging of Singapore and Malaysia not

Thank you
for listening!

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