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De s criptive s

95% Between-
Confidence Component
N Std. Deviation Std. Error Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum Variance

Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 plane 6 50.1667 10.13246 4.13656 39.5333 60.8000 40.00 64.00
2 plane 6 45.7500 9.66307 3.94493 35.6092 55.8908 36.00 55.50
3 plane 6 101.2500 40.36923 16.48067 58.8851 143.6149 63.00 168.00
narrow 6 387.0000 143.03007 58.39178 236.8992 537.1008 301.00 675.00
Total 24 146.0417 159.79912 32.61886 78.5644 213.5189 36.00 675.00
Model Fixed Effects 74.63799 15.23542 114.2611 177.8222
Random Effects 81.30070 -112.6934 404.7768 25510.74375
Te s t o f Ho mog e ne ity o f Variance s

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Force Based on Mean 4.156 3 20 0.019
Based on Median 1.335 3 20 0.291
Based on Median and with 1.335 3 5.428 0.356
adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean 2.927 3 20 0.059

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 475905.875 3 158635.292 28.476 0.000
Within Groups 111416.583 20 5570.829
Total 587322.458 23
Robus t Te s ts of Equality of Me ans
Statistica df1 df2 Sig.
Welch 12.999 3 10.117 0.001
Brown-Forsythe 28.476 3 5.895 0.001
a. Asymptotically
F distributed.
Multiple Co mparis o ns
Dependent Variable: Force
Mean Difference 95%
(I) Number of Plane (I-J) Std. Error Confidence

Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 plane 2 plane 4.41667 43.09226 0.919 -85.4722 94.3056
3 plane -51.08333 43.09226 0.250 -140.9722 38.8056
narrow plate * 43.09226 0.000 -426.7222 -246.9444
2 plane 1 plane -4.41667 43.09226 0.919 -94.3056 85.4722
3 plane -55.50000 43.09226 0.212 -145.3889 34.3889
narrow plate -341.25000 * 43.09226 0.000 -431.1389 -251.3611
3 plane 1 plane 51.08333 43.09226 0.250 -38.8056 140.9722
2 plane 55.50000 43.09226 0.212 -34.3889 145.3889
narrow plate -285.75000 * 43.09226 0.000 -375.6389 -195.8611
narrow plate 1 plane 336.83333 * 43.09226 0.000 246.9444 426.7222
2 plane 341.25000 * 43.09226 0.000 251.3611 431.1389
3 plane 285.75000 * 43.09226 0.000 195.8611 375.6389
*. The mean
difference is
De s criptive s
95% Between-
Confidence Component
N Std. Deviation Std. Error Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum Variance

Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 plane 6 50.1667 10.13246 4.13656 39.5333 60.8000 40.00 64.00
2 plane 6 45.7500 9.66307 3.94493 35.6092 55.8908 36.00 55.50
3 plane 6 101.2500 40.36923 16.48067 58.8851 143.6149 63.00 168.00
Total 18 65.7222 34.76570 8.19435 48.4336 83.0108 36.00 168.00
Model Fixed Effects 24.66926 5.81460 53.3287 78.1157
Random Effects 17.80959 -10.9062 142.3507 850.11528
Te s t o f Ho mog e ne ity o f Variance s

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Force Based on Mean 6.466 2 15 0.009
Based on Median 4.406 2 15 0.031
Based on Median and with 4.406 2 5.384 0.074
adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean 6.425 2 15 0.010

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 11418.528 2 5709.264 9.381 0.002
Within Groups 9128.583 15 608.572
Total 20547.111 17
Robus t Te s ts of Equality of Me ans
Statistica df1 df2 Sig.
Welch 5.024 2 9.051 0.034
Brown-Forsythe 9.381 2 6.230 0.013
a. Asymptotically
F distributed.
Multiple Co mparis o ns
Dependent Variable: Force
Mean Difference 95%
(I) Number of Plane (I-J) Std. Error Confidence

Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 plane 2 plane 4.41667 14.24280 0.761 -25.9411 34.7745
3 plane -51.08333 * 14.24280 0.003 -81.4411 -20.7255
2 plane 1 plane -4.41667 14.24280 0.761 -34.7745 25.9411
3 plane * 14.24280 0.001 -85.8578 -25.1422
3 plane 1 plane 51.08333 * 14.24280 0.003 20.7255 81.4411
2 plane 55.50000 * 14.24280 0.001 25.1422 85.8578
*. The mean
difference is

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