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Second Meeting

Citation (APA style)

Sentence problems

Paragraph structures
• In-text citation

• References
How you cite Signal phrases


How to insert source in the text

How you cite
• Direct quotation

Dewi (2019, p.15) said that “All you have is determined by what you like”

Dewi (2019) said that “All you have is determined by what you like” (p.15)

• Paraphrase
• Summary

Dewi (2019) said that what you like detemines what you own
Signal phrases
• “All you have is determined by what you like” (Dewi, 2019, p.15)

• According to Dewi (2019), “.......”

• As Dewi (2019) pointed out, ...........
• Dewi (2019) indicated the importance of good attitude in daily
• Dewi (2019) stated that good attitude is determinant toward the
success of life.

• Argued
• Added
• Believed
• Proved
How to insert
• Manually type it
• Applications
• Ms. Word
Sentence problems
1. Fragment
2. Run-ons
3. Comma splices
4. Choppy sentences
5. Stringy sentences
Fragment = incomplete
• The subject I enjoyed the most in college
• Because alcohol is dangerous for your health

“Like a lot of news stealing, rape, robbery, corruption,

cheating and others”

“I agree that capital punishment to control violence in

Run-ons and comma splice = incorrectly joined two
independent clauses
• Getting married is easy • Getting married is
staying married is easy, staying married
another story is another story

• Getting married is • Although getting

easy, but staying married is easy,
married is another tory staying married is
another story

Run-ons Comma splice

Many couples today choose child free for their own reasons,
we must be tolerant of different decisions with choices --- comma

Many couples today choose child free for their own reasons;
therefore, we must be tolerant of different decisions with choices.
Many couples today choose child free for their own reasons, so
we must be tolerant of different decisions with choices
Teenagers will always want to look good in the front of their friends
this happens because they are on the stage of identity crisis ---
Teenagers will always want to look good in the front of their friends
because they are on the stage of identity crisis
Because they are on the stage of identity crisis so teenagers …..
Because teenagers are ……, they will always….
Choppy sentences = sentences that are too short
This morning, I went to school. I walked there. I didn’t have
money. Then, I saw my friend. She was waiting for me. We
talked for a while. The bell rang.
This morning I went to school by walking because I didn’t have
money. Then, I saw my friend who was waiting for me. Then,
we talked for a while until the bell rang.
…. We talked for a while. Then, the bell rang.
…. This morning, when I went to school I walked there
because I didn’t have money. In the middle of my way, I saw
my friend and she was waiting for me. So, we talked for a
while until we arrived at school.
--- In this morning, I walked to school because I didn’t have
money. ….
Stringy sentences = too many independent clauses

Today's technology is very sophisticated, so we can preserve

and introduce our traditional skills to the international
community. Those skills are very diverse and valuable.
Therefore, we can use the technology for activities that are
beneficial to our country.
• Today's technology is very sophisticated, so we can preserve
and introduce the diversity and value of our traditional skills
to the international community. Moreover, we can use
technology for activities that are beneficial to our country.
• Today's technology is very sophisticated so that we can use
it for activities that are beneficial to our country such as
preserving and introducing the diversity and the value of our
traditional skills to the international community.
Paragraph structures
Topic sentence

What is the topic of your paragraph?

What is your claim?

Supporting sentences

What points do you make about the topic?

What details do you use to support each point?

Concluding sentences
Topic sentence
Topic Controlling ideas

Indonesia has faced many challenging hurdles

The existence of technology brings some changes into how

people manage their life

Although perceived to broadcast more bad news, the national

media has its fair share of helping the people become more

Depite her language ability, Ms. Sinta remains unable to explain the
materials effectively.
Supporting sentences
Supporting point Details Data

The existence of technology brings new changes into how people

manage their life

In many household these days, people start using technological tools for
doing the house chores. It is supported by data from the UPO company
reporting that the women choose Washing Machine and Vacum cleaner to
help them finish their daily task (UPO report, 2020). In addition to the
household matter, people also use technology to help their daily business
such as paying electricity bills and the house rents. Technology has surely
become the new alternative to help people’s work.
Another example
There are two main reasons that the news editors in the
country broadcast more bad news than good news. First,
psychology says that people are more aware of negativity
rather than positivity. Because of that, the news editors take
benefit and use this people’s weakness for their royalty. For
example, broadcasters tend to broadcast how many people
died because of Covid-19 rather than How many people
recovered from Covid-19. From that example, it is concluded
that the broadcasters take benefit from human instinct that
people more aware of negativity rather  than positivity  

Concluding sentence
• You summarize the main points of the paragraph

Supporting point


Supporting point


Concluding sentences
TS: Red-light runners should be considered as a deadly
- They lead to serious accidents
- Data
- They are seldom caught
- Quotation
• Oshima, A., & Hogue, A. (2006). Writing academic
English: Level 4-four editions. Longman, 345p.
• Oshima, A., & Hogue, A. (2007). Introduction to academic
writing (third edition). White Plains, NY: Pearson
Education, Inc.

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