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Your work is going to fill a

large part of your life, and the
only way to be truly satisfied
is to do what you believe is
great work. And the only way
to do great work is to love
what you do. If you haven’t
found it yet, keep looking.
Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs
Learning Objective
After completed this chapter, students will be able to:

Give instructions and suggestions

01 according to the patient’s health Problem

Deliver a therapeutic communication

Avoid explain Swollen
Contraindicated Suture Numb
Indicated Sponge Paralysis
Suggest/ Advice Splint Convulsion
Patch Rash Tightness
Inpatient outpatient Medical Equipment
Diet Medication Pain
Recommendation Prohibition

All patients discharged to home from the emergency

department should be given instructions for the ongoing
management of their illness. Effective communication is
the cornerstone of good medical care 1–3 and every
effort should be made to ensure that discharge
instructions are well understood.
Instructions may be verbal or written. Verbal instructions
should be clear, unambiguous, to the point, and address
the patient's main problems.
Things nurse should deliver in discharge instruction
Medication Physical therapy
Diet Changing dressings / bandages.
01 Medication
Wound Care Injections or respiratory treatments.
using Equipment Any home health care.
02 Diet medications.
Taking When to follow up with the doctor.
Exercise programs.

03 Wound Care
Useful Expression

1. Recommendation

Pattern Examples
Should You should take the complete (entire) dose prescribed
Be + required These tablets contain antibiotic. It is required
essential you to take the complete dose prescribed
have to …
Had better + bare You’d better take your medicine regularly
infinitive I advise you to see a doctor soon
Advice I suggest you to drink a lot of water
2. Prohibition

Pattern Example
Should not You should not drink this antibiotic with milk
Must not
May not + …

Should + avoid + ing You should avoid drinking alcohol

Have to + avoid + ing
Had better not + bare
Make a conversation between a nurse and a patient. Situation:

A patient has just got a medical treatment in outpatient clinic. Now you have
to give discharge instruction to your patient.
Noted: Choose the disease

1. Greet the patient; tell him/her that after getting the treatment
he/she may go home. And you’ll give some advice
2. Explain the medical suggestions and advices.
Insert the Subtitle of Your Presentation

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