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Present perfect tense Adalah tenses yang menjelaskan suatu kejadian yang sudah dilakukan sekarang
,Present perfect tense berguna untuk menekan pada lawan bicara,bahwa suatu hal sudah dikerjakan dimasa

Present Perfect Tense merupakan bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan/aksi yang
telah dimulai pada masa lampau dan masih berlanjut hingga saat ini atau telah selesai pada suatu waktu di
masa lampau, namun efeknya masih bisa kita rasakan hingga saat ini.
Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

1 We haven’t seen Dimas recently.
(Kamu belum melihat Dimas lagi.)
2 Have you ever been to Scotland?
(Apakah kamu pernah ke Skotlandia?)
3 Adam hasn’t received the document yet.
(Adam masih belum menerima dokumen tersebut.)
4 We haven’t seen Dimas for two weeks.
(Kamu tidak melihat Dimas selama dua minggu.)
5 It hasn’t rained since February.
(Belum turun hujan sejak Februari.)
Affirmative Negative Question
I Have Worked I have not worked Have I worked ?
You have worked You have not worked Have you worked?
He/She/ It has worked He/She/It has not worked Has He/She/It worked
We have worked We have not worked Have we worked?
They have worked They have not worked Have they worked ?
Uses / Penggunaan
◦ We use present perfect tense for a situation that started in the past and continuous to the present
◦ Example : I’ve worked in marketing all my life
◦ We use present perfect tense to talk about a series of actions up to the present
◦ Example : I’ve visited Spain several times
◦ We use present perfect tense for a past event that has a present result
◦ Example: I’ve lost their invoice – I can’t find it anywhere

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