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Marriage & Divorce

a) Definitions; Marriage and Divorce.
b) Forms/types of marriage
c) Reasons why people get married
d) Causes of divorce
e) Psychological effects of divorce to children
• “A relatively permanent bond between permissible mates” Robert.H.Lowie
• “A contract for the production and maintenance of children” Malinowski
• Marriage is a physical, legal and moral union between man and woman in
complete community life for the establishment of a family” Encyclopedia
• The legal dissolution of a marriage by court or other competent body.
(Oxford Dictionary)
• Is the final termination of a marital union, canceling the legal duties and
responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bonds of matrimony between
parties (Wikipedia)
• The action or an instance of legally dissolving a marriage. (Merriam
Types/Forms of Marriage
• Marriage between one man and one woman.

Polygamy or Plural Marriage

• Refers to the marriage of more than one mate at a given time
• It has three forms: Polygyny, Polyandry and Group Marriage.
Reasons why people get Married
• Most people marry for love towards their partners.
• Some people marry for financial benefits.
• People marry for health insurance
• Couples marry to bear children.
• People marry for legal reasons.
• Some marry for religious reasons/demands.
• Some people marry because of society’s expectations.
Characteristics of Marriage
• A universal social institution.
• A permanent bond between husband and wife.
• A specific relationship between two individuals of opposite sex and based on
mutual rights and obligations.
• Marriage requires social approval.
• Marriage establishes a family.
Characteristics of Marriage
• Marriage creates mutual obligations.
• Marriage is always associated with some civil and religious ceremony.
• Marriage regulates sex relationship.
• Marriage has certain symbols like rings, vermillion, special cloths etc.
Functions of Marriage
• Regulation of sex life
• Marriage leads to establishment of family.
• Provides economic cooperation
• Marriage contributes to emotional and intellectual interstimulation of
• Marriage aims at social solidarity.
Causes of Divorce
• They are growing apart.
• They feel unloved from their partners.
• Doubting your partner
• They feel unappreciated.
• Violent spouses
• Too much miscommunication.
Causes of Divorce
• Infidelity – cheating on their partners.
• No more trust in each other.
• They feel Incompatible
• Drinking or drug abuse
• Physical of mental abuse.
• Money problems/ financial challenges.
Psychological effect of Divorce to Children
• Sleeping problems
• Poor concentration in Class
• Trouble at school.
• Drug or alcohol abuse.
• Self-injury/cutting.
Habits of Parents After Divorce
 Increased drinking
 Over eating.

 Smoking

 Sleeplessness

 Nervousness
Psychological effect of Divorce to Children
• Frequent anger or violent outbursts.
• Eating disorders
• Withdrawal from loved ones.
• Refusal of loved activities.

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