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Recursive Algorithm

Quick sort complexity
Recursive Algorithm cont…
QUICKSORT(A, first, last)
1. if first< last
2. q =PARTITION(A, first, last)
3. QUICKSORT(A, first, q-1)
4. QUICKSORT(A, q +1, last)
5. Exit
Recursive Algorithm cont…
 QUICKSORT(A, first, last)
1. if first< last
2. q =PARTITION(A, first, last)
3. QUICKSORT(A, first, q-1)
4. QUICKSORT(A, q +1, last)
5. Exit
Recursive Algorithm cont…
 QUICKSORT(A, first, last)
1. if first< last
2. q =PARTITION(A, first, last)
3. QUICKSORT(A, first, q-1)
4. QUICKSORT(A, q +1, last)
5. Exit
Recursive Algorithm cont…
 QUICKSORT(A, first, last)
1. if first< last
2. q =PARTITION(A, first, last)
3. QUICKSORT(A, first, q-1)
4. QUICKSORT(A, q +1, last)
5. Exit
Recursive Algorithm cont…
 QUICKSORT(A, first, last)
1. if first< last
2. q =PARTITION(A, first, last)
3. QUICKSORT(A, first, q-1)
4. QUICKSORT(A, q +1, last)
5. Exit
Recursive Algorithm cont…
 QUICKSORT(A, first, last)
1. if first< last
2. q =PARTITION(A, first, last)
3. QUICKSORT(A, first, q-1)
4. QUICKSORT(A, q +1, last)
5. Exit
Recursive Algorithm cont…
 QUICKSORT(A, first, last)
1. if first< last
2. q =PARTITION(A, first, last)
3. QUICKSORT(A, first, q-1)
4. QUICKSORT(A, q +1, last)
5. Exit
Recursive Algorithm cont…
 QUICKSORT(A, first, last)
1. if first< last
2. q =PARTITION(A, first, last)
3. QUICKSORT(A, first, q-1)
4. QUICKSORT(A, q +1, last)
5. Exit
Recursive Algorithm cont…
 QUICKSORT(A, first, last)
1. if first< last
2. q =PARTITION(A, first, last)
3. QUICKSORT(A, first, q-1)
4. QUICKSORT(A, q +1, last)
5. Exit
Recursive Algorithm cont…
 QUICKSORT(A, first, last)
1. if first< last
2. q =PARTITION(A, first, last)
3. QUICKSORT(A, first, q-1)
4. QUICKSORT(A, q +1, last)
5. Exit
Recursive Algorithm(partition)
PARTITION(A, first, last)
1. x = A[last]
2. i = first-1
3. for j = first to last – 1
4. if A[j]<=x
5. i=i+1
6. exchange A[i]with A[j]
7. exchange A[i+1] with A[last]
8. return i + 1
Recursive Algorithm(partition)
PARTITION(A, first, last)
1. x = A[last]
2. i = first-1
3. for j = first to last – 1
4. if A[j]<=x
5. i=i+1
6. exchange A[i]with A[j]
7. exchange A[i+1] with A[last]
8. return i + 1
Recursive Algorithm(partition)
PARTITION(A, first, last)
1. x = A[last]
2. i = first-1
3. for j = first to last – 1
4. if A[j]<=x
5. i=i+1
6. exchange A[i]with A[j]
7. exchange A[i+1] with A[last]
8. return i + 1
Recursive Algorithm(partition)
PARTITION(A, first, last)
1. x = A[last]
2. i = first-1
3. for j = first to last – 1
4. if A[j]<=x
5. i=i+1
6. exchange A[i]with A[j]
7. exchange A[i+1] with A[last]
8. return i + 1
Recursive Algorithm(partition)
PARTITION(A, first, last)
1. x = A[last]
2. i = first-1
3. for j = first to last – 1
4. if A[j]<=x
5. i=i+1
6. exchange A[i]with A[j]
7. exchange A[i+1] with A[last]
8. return i + 1
Recursive Algorithm(partition)
PARTITION(A, first, last)
1. x = A[last]
2. i = first-1
3. for j = first to last – 1
4. if A[j]<=x
5. i=i+1
6. exchange A[i]with A[j]
7. exchange A[i+1] with A[last]
8. return i + 1
Recursive Algorithm(partition)
PARTITION(A, first, last)
1. x = A[last]
2. i = first-1
3. for j = first to last – 1
4. if A[j]<=x
5. i=i+1
6. exchange A[i]with A[j]
7. exchange A[i+1] with A[last]
8. return i + 1
Recursive Algorithm(partition)
PARTITION(A, first, last)
1. x = A[last]
2. i = first-1
3. for j = first to last – 1
4. if A[j]<=x
5. i=i+1
6. exchange A[i]with A[j]
7. exchange A[i+1] with A[last]
8. return i + 1
Recursive Algorithm(partition)
PARTITION(A, first, last)
1. x = A[last]
2. i = first-1
3. for j = first to last – 1
4. if A[j]<=x
5. i=i+1
6. exchange A[i]with A[j]
7. exchange A[i+1] with A[last]
8. return i + 1
Recursive Algorithm(partition)
PARTITION(A, first, last)
1. x = A[last]
2. i = first-1
3. for j = first to last – 1
4. if A[j]<=x
5. i=i+1
6. exchange A[i]with A[j]
7. exchange A[i+1] with A[last]
8. return i + 1
 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
 void swap(int arr[],int i, int j)
 {
 int temp=arr[i];
 arr[i]=arr[j];
 arr[j]=temp;
 }
 int partition(int arr[],int first,int last)
 {
 int pivot=arr[last];
 int i=first-1;
 for(int j=first;j<last;j++)
 {
 if(arr[j]<pivot)
 {
 i++;
 swap(arr,i,j);
 }
 }
 swap(arr,i+1,last);
 return i+1;
 }
void quicksort(int arr[],int first,int last)

 if(first<last)
 {
 int pi=partition(arr,first,last);
 quicksort(arr,first,pi-1);
 quicksort(arr,pi+1,last);
 }

 int main()

 int arr[5];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)

 cout<<" enter value";

 cin>>arr[i];

for(int i=0;i<5;i++)

 cout<<arr[i]<<"\n";

 int arr_size = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);

 cout<<"Given array is \n";
 for(int i=0;i<arr_size;i++)
 cout<<arr[i]<<"\t";
 quicksort(arr, 0, arr_size - 1);
 cout<<"\nSorted array is \n";
 for(int i=0;i<arr_size;i++)
 cout<<arr[i]<<"\t";
 return 0;

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