Rankin Destroy Project

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Rankin destroy project

I wanted to hear the voice inside that the camera doesn't

always catch. -- Rankin

Facts about his work

He was keen to encourage his

students to create proficient
studio portraits.

John Rankin Waddell, known mononymously as Rankin, is a

British photographer and director who co-founded Dazed &
Confused magazine. He is known for his photography of
models including Kate Moss and Heidi Klum, and of celebrities
such as Madonna, David Bowie and Elizabeth II.
background information
Born - April 28, 1966 Glasgow, Scotland

Wife – Kate Hardie

Child – Lyle Waddell

To help celebrate the 10th Birthday of Youth Music, more than

70 musicians have taken part in Destroy project, a iconic
portraits of musicians.
Rankin project was a charity fund raising project. Rankin
asked 70 musicians and visual artists to destroy their own
portrait photographs originally taken by Rankin. The series of
portrait photographs were modified to what the artists thought
other saw of them or saw of themselves.

He takes the photos but then the celebrity destroys it.

Before and after

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