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Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Course Code: MGT464

Credit Hours (3)


- Introduction to the course

- Reading Material

- Grading System

- Teaching Methodology

- Leadership

- Organizational Behavior

- Manager and Management Functions

Introduction to the Course

Lecture Introduction to the course

Grading System
Expected Learning Outcomes and Scheme of Study
Reading Materials
Why to Study Leadership
Why to Study OB
Basic concepts of Leadership and OB

Lecture Defining leader and leadership

Key elements of leadership
Managerial roles
Levels of leadership analysis
Trait, behavioral and contingency leadership
Introduction to the Course

Lecture Personality traits.

Big Five personality dimensions.
Universality traits of effective leaders.
Trait of dominance.
Achievement Motivation Theory and Leader Profile
Theory X, Theory Y

Lecture Pygmalion Effect

Developing Positive Attitude
What is ethic
Ethical Leadership
Stakeholder theory of Ethics
Introduction to the Course

Lecture University of Iowa leadership styles

University of Michigan University leadership models
Ohio State University leadership model and the
leadership grid
Motivation and Motivation Theories
Maslow's Hierarchy of Need theory
Acquired Needs Theory

Lecture Herzberg's toe factor theory of motivation

Expectancy Theory
Equity Theory
Goal setting theory
Reinforcement theory
Four types of reinforcement
Introduction to the Course

Lecture University of Iowa leadership styles

University of Michigan University leadership models
Ohio State University leadership model and the
leadership grid
Motivation and Motivation Theories
Maslow's Hierarchy of Need theory
Acquired Needs Theory

Lecture Herzberg's toe factor theory of motivation

Expectancy Theory
Equity Theory
Goal setting theory
Reinforcement theory
Four types of reinforcement
Motivation process within motivation thoeries
Introduction to the Course

Lecture Job Characteristics Model

Job redesigning
Work arrangements and show how they might motive
Employee involvement and motivation
Types of variable-pay programs and employee
Show how flexible benefits turn benefits into motivators.
Identify the motivational benefits of intrinsic rewards

Lecture Position vs personal power

Differences among legitimate, reward, coercive, and
referent power
Relationship of power and politics
Similar use of money and politics
Steps in networking process
Introduction to the Course

Lecture What is negotiation?

Steps in negotiation process
Relationship among: negotiation, conflict, influencing
tactics, power, politics
Six habits of merely effective negotiator
Negotiating the Spirit of the deal
Deal Minded vs Implementation Minded Negotiator

Lecture Oral message sending process

Three parts of message receiving process
Introduction to the Course

Lecture Coaching model

5 Management conflict styles
Conflict resolution model

Lecture Leadership continuum model

House Path-goal leadership model
The Normative Decision Model
Substitutes for leadership variables
Introduction to the Course

Lecture 13 Differences between behavioral and contingency

leadership theories.
Prescriptive and Descriptive leadership models
Contingency leadership variables and styles.

Lecture 14 Cycle leading to Pygmalion effect.

3 Follower influencing characteristics.
5 Things a leader should delegate.
Introduction to the Course

Lecture Dyadic Relationship.

In groups and Out groups
LMX theory
Team building view / dyadic approach.
Systems and networks view / dyadic approach.

Group VS Team
Types of Groups
Group Development Stages
Group Think
Social Loafing
Introduction to the Course

Building successful team
Types of Team
Team Leader role
Team Creativity
Team Decision Making

Lecture Nature of self-managed teams.

Difference between traditional & SMT.
Benefits of SMT.
Challenges of implementing SMT effectively.
Guidelines for improving SMT effectiveness.
Stages of group development.
Role of team facilitator in SMT.
Distributed leadership in SMT.
Introduction to the Course

Lecture Charisma and Charismatic Leadership

Max Weber on charismatic leadership.
Locus of charismatic leadership.
Personal Meanings Purpose of Life

Lecture How one can acquire charismatic qualities.

Socialized VS personalized charismatic leaders.
Charismatic VS transformational leadership.
Phases of the transformation process.
Transformational VS Transactional leadership
Stewardship and servant leadership
Introduction to the Course

Lecture 21 Role of leadership in strategic management process

Relevance of internal and external environment
Importance of a vision and mission statement
Relationship between corporate objectives and strategies
Importance of strategy evaluation
Risk Assessment Process
Crises Leadership and Management

Lecture 22 Crises Leadership and Management

Need for Change
Phases of the change process
Major reasons for resisting change
People and task-oriented techniques for
overcoming resistance to change
Introduction to the Course

Lecture The power of culture

Distinguish between a weak and strong culture
Low and high performance cultures
Symbolic and substantive leadership actions
The four cultural value types.

Lecture The four cultural value types.

Framework for understanding global cultural value
Primary reasons for embracing diversity.
Leader’s role in creating a diverse culture.
Leader’s role in creating learning organization.
Introduction to the Course

Lecture What is an organization?

Different types of organizations
Defining OB
Why study OB
History of OB
Level of Analysis
Challenges in OB

Lecture Ability and Dimensions of Ability

Biographical Characteristics
What is learning
Learning Theories
- Classical or respondent conditioning theory
- Operant or instrumental conditioning theory
- Social learning Theory
Introduction to the Course

Lecture Attitude
- Components of attitude
- Relationship between attitude and behavior
- Job satisfaction and other job attitudes
- Main causes of job satisfaction
- Employees responses to job dissatisfaction

Lecture What is perception?

- Determinants of attribution
- Shortcuts in judgment
- Perception and decision making
- Steps in rational decision making
- Bounded rationality
- Decision biases or errors
- Intuition and decision making
- Ethical decision
- Normative decision model
Introduction to the Course

Emotions and Moods
- Sources of Emotions and Moods
- External constraints on Emotions
- Impact of emotional labor on employees
- Affective Events Theory
- Emotional Intelligence
- OB Issues and Emotions
- OB Issues and Moods

Organizational Structure
- Characteristics of Bureaucracy
- Describe Matrix Organization
- Need to create boundary-less organizations
- List the factors that favor different organizational structure
- Behavioral implications of organizational structures
Introduction to the Course

What is HRM
Define HRM policy
Recruitment and Selection
Training and Development
Performance Appraisal
International HRM

Few more concepts in Leadership
Few more concepts in OB
Revision of the Course
Final Words
Reading Material
Suggested Reading Materials
Lussier, R. and Achau, C. (2007): Effective Leadership, 3rd Edition,
South-Western, Cangage Learning, India

Robbins, S. P. and Judge, T. A. (2008): Organizational Behavior,

12th Edition, Pearson, Prentice Hall, Published by National Book

Supplementary Readings
Champoux, J. E. (2011): Organizational Behavior: Integrating
Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, 4th Edition, Taylor & Francis,

Northouse , P. G. (2012): Introduction to leadership: Concepts and

Practice, 2nd Edition, SAGE Publications, India

Robbins, S. P. Judge, T. A. and Sanghi, S. (2011): Essentials of

Organizational Behavior, 10th Edition, Dorling Kindersley, India
Teaching Methodology

Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to

accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way
that makes it more cohesive and coherent.

Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group

of individuals to achieve a common goal (Northouse, 2007, p3).

Influence to get something accomplished

Leader uses knowledge and skills (interaction)

Leader's knowledge and skills (application) can be influenced by

his or her attributes


Factors of Leadership

- Leader

- Followers

- Communication

- Situation

Various forces affect these four factors such as

- Relationship with supervisors

- Skills of follower

- Organization culture


Management's main function is to produce order and consistency

through processes, such as planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing,
and problem solving.

While leadership's main function is to produce movement and

constructive or adaptive change through processes, such as
establishing direction through visioning, aligning people, motivating,
and inspiring.

Boss vs Leader


Principles of Leadership
- Know yourself and seek self-improvement

- Be technically proficient

- Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions

- Make sound and timely decisions

- Set the example

- Know your people and look out for their well-being

- Keep your workers informed

- Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers

- Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished

- Build and Lead Teams

- Use the full capabilities of your organization


Why study Leadership?

Organizational Behavior?

Organizational behavior (OB) is defined as the systematic study and

application of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the
organizations where they work.

Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study and application of knowledge

about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. It does this
by taking a system approach . That is, it interprets people-organization
relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization,
and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by
achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives.

Organizational Behavior?

Three Critical Level of Analysis

Individual: If want to study personality of employees (boss)

Group: If interested to know how my manager's personality affect

team work and performance

Organization: How culture of organization affect employees'


Why Organizational Behavior?

Five top most personal qualities/skills employers look for (Research shows)

1 Communication skills (verbal and written)

2 Honesty/integrity
3 Interpersonal skills (relates well to others)
4 Motivation/initiative
5 Strong work ethic

Organizations care about OB because research points out that successful

organizations are those
1 Provide employment security
2 Best selection procedure
3 Use self managed teams
4 Pay well
5 Train and develop employees
6 Well design jobs (provide job satisfaction)

Why Organizational Behavior?

Five top most personal qualities/skills employers look for (Research shows)

1 Communication skills (verbal and written)

2 Honesty/integrity
3 Interpersonal skills (relates well to others)
4 Motivation/initiative
5 Strong work ethic

Organizations care about OB because research points out that successful

organizations are those
1 Provide employment security
2 Best selection procedure
3 Use self managed teams
4 Pay well
5 Train and develop employees
6 Well design jobs (provide job satisfaction)

Organizations and Managers

What is an organization?

Who is Manager?
Management Functions

Henry Fayol describe following management functions

1 Planning

2 Organizing

3 Leading

4 Controlling
Management Skills

Management Roles

1 Interpersonal

2 Informational

3 Decisional

Management Skills

1 Technical Skills

2 Human Skills

3 Conceptual Skills
What Managers Do?

Luthans and associates found

1 Traditional Management

2 Communication

3 Human Resource Management

4 Networking

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