IRI Chapter 5 Irrigation Channel

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Chapter 5

Irrigation Channel

Ratih Indri H.

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Sub LO
Students are able to design the channel dimension,
check the channel elevation, and draw the channel
according to the design criteria

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Non erodible channel

Open Channel Hydraulic

Q=VxA Coninuity Law
V = 1/n . R2/3 . S1/2 Manning Formula

Q=Discharge (m3/s)
V=Flow velocity (m/s) B
n=Manning coeff
R=Hydraulic radius=A/P (m)
S=Slope H
A=Wet area (m2)
P=Wet perimeter (m)
w=Freeboard ratih i.h. 2021
Manning formula

Channel Lining
A. Culvert
1. Straight 0,011
2. Curved 0,013
3. Plastered concrete 0,012
4. With control chamber, outlet, inlet, straight 0,015
B. Channel
a. Sement
1. Fine plastering 0,011
2. Normal mix 0,013
b. Concrete
1. Plastered with trowel 0,013
2. Light plastered 0,015
3. Plastered 0,017
4. Not plastered 0,017
5. Mix spray, smooth 0,019
6. Mix spray, not smooth 0,022
7. On the uniform excavated rock 0,020
8. On the non-uniform excavated rock 0,027
c. Brick
1. Fine plastered 0,013
2. Plastered 0,015
d. Stone masonry
1. With mortar 0,025
2. Without mortar 0,032

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Channel slope (m)
• Stone : < 0.25
• Concrete :
Tebal air di sawah
0.5 s/d 1 Water layer at farm

• Q (m3/s)< 1.5 : 0.20 m
• Q 1.5 – 5.0 : 0.25 m
• Q 5.0 – 10.0 : 0.30 m
• Q 10.0 – 15.0 : 0.40 m
• Q > 15.0 : 0.50 m

Levee width
Q (m3/s) Without inspection With inspection road
road (m) (m)
<1 1 3
1–5 1.5 5
5 – 10 2 5
10 – 15 3.5 5
> 15.0 3.5 >5
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Appropriate design
• Channel width is uniform or bigger to downstream
• Easy to construct
• Channel bed is higher than farm

Lining thickness
Stone : 30 cm
Concrete : Q < 6 m3/s: 8 cm
Q > 6 m3/s: 10 cm
Reinforced concrete: 7 cm

Stone : > 30 cm
Concrete : > 20 cm

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Control/Permissible Flow
1. Max V
- Masonry : 2 m/s
- Concrete : 3 m/s
2. Min V : 0,25 m/s
3. Flow type: subcritical

Flow type:
• Subcritical Fr < 1
• Supercritical Fr > 1 Fr 
• Critical Fr = 1 gD
Fr = Froude number
V = Flow velocity (m/s)
g = Gravitational acceleration (m/s2)
D = Hydraulic depth = A/B (m)
Rt 2020 7

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A = Elevation of highest farm
f = Energy loss due to culvert=5cm
g = Energy loss due to off take/division
Dh = Water depth variation =0,1h
Z = Energy loss due to irrigation construction=10cm

Farm water layer: 0.1m

Water elevation at primary/secondary channel:

Total losses < Energy Gradient  OK

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If V meets the requirement Levee
BK1 Water

If V or Fr > permissible V or Fr: Levee

• Reduce slope  Embankment BK1 Water
in the downstream Farm/earth

• Construct drop structure

BK1 Water

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If V<permissible V:
• Increase channel roughness/n
• Increase slope  Embankment in the upstream


Rt 2021 11
Exercise: Please design the channel

No. Sal

BB2-BB1 0.301
BB1-BS1 0.516
BW1-BP1 0.215
BS1-Intake 0.946

El. Tanah Asli Kontrol Losses (m)

Qkap Qhit Beda tinggi Kontrol
No. Sal. L (m) Sasli n V (m/dt) Fr Srenc H (m)
(m3/dt) Jagaan (m3/dt) Vmin Vmax energi (m) boks boks sadap/bagi/ variasi Elevasi
Bawah Atas b (m) h (m) m B (m) A (m2) D (m) P (m) R (m) Fr sawah bang. Iri jumlah
(m) (m/dt) (m/dt) kuarter tersier bagi dadap h

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

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Channel drawing

• Necessary drawing
• Long section of channel (trace), includes
• Earth elevation
• Channel bed elevation
• Water elevation
• Levee elevation
• Channel info
• Cross section, includes:
• Chanel geometry
• Technical spec of materialsaluran
• Elevation

Rt 2021
Channel bed elevation=Earth elevation+water layer thickness at farm (0.1m)+losses (if any)
Long section drawing

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Cross section drawing


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