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Simple Past

do we use each
tense in English?
Grammar has meaning!

Different grammar tenses are used in

different situations or contexts and
they carry different meanings.

For example . . .
Use the simple Use the
past for present
action that perfect for
happened in action that
the past started in the
and is: past, but . . .

over, done, is still true

finished! today.
 The simple past always refers to
an action or situation that is finished.

 The present perfect connects the

past and the present. It is used to show
that an action or situation in the past:
-continues today, OR
-might happen again
Compare the meaning of these two

1. Sara lived in Boston for 5 years.

2. Sara has lived in Boston for 5

The first sentence uses:

Simple Past

The second sentence uses:

Present Perfect
Sara lived in Boston for 5 years.

Meaning: by using the simple past

tense, we mean that Sara
started living in Boston 5 years
ago . . .
AND . . . then she moved!
Now she lives in a different city,
like Paris.
Remember, the simple past is used
for a situation that is over,
finished, done!
Sara has lived in Boston for 5 years.

Meaning: by using the present

perfect tense, we mean that Sara
began living in Boston 5 years ago .
. .

AND . . . she still lives there.

Remember, present perfect:

connects the past with the
 Use the simple  Use the present
past with perfect with
words like:
time time words like:
• yesterday • recently/lately
• last Saturday, week, • since …
month, year, etc.
• so far this
• ago week, month, year, etc.
• when I was…
• in 1990 (past date)
Additional notes about
present perfect:
• We often use present perfect to say
that something happened sooner than

Jan: Don’t forget to mail that letter.
Tom: I’ve already mailed it.
• We often use present perfect to say
that we have never done something
at any time in the past.

I have never visited London.
But someday, I hope to travel
• We often use present perfect with the
expression: “This is the first time.”

Leonard is nervous. This is the
first time he has flown on an
• We often use present perfect with
“ever” and “never.”

Patricia: Have you ever played
Linda: No, I’ve never played before,
but I would like to learn!

If you are talking about a specific

time in the past (yesterday, last
month, etc.), you cannot use the
present perfect.

In these cases, use the simple

Maksud (A): PPT menyampaikan bahwa sesuatu SUDAH terjadi, lebih menekankan pada
suatu “kegiatan” yang sudah terjadi.
Contoh: I’ve eaten. I’ve met her.

Maksud (B): PT menyampaikan bahwa sesuatu terjadi di WAKTU LAMPAU, lebih

menekankan pada waktu kejadian.
contoh: I met her last week.

Ada beberapa perbedaan lain antara penggunaan Present Perfect Tense (PPT) dan Past
Tense (PT). Kali ini akan kita bahas satu per satu yah.
(A) PPT dipakai jika PERIODE waktu peristiwa BELUM berakhir.
Contoh: I’ve met her this week. Periode minggu ini belum selesai.
(A) PT dipakai jika PERIODE waktu peristiwa SUDAH berakhir.
Contoh: I met her last week. Periode minggu lalu sudah selesai.

(B) PPT sering dipakai untuk menyatakan berita yang BARU SAJA TERJADI (recent news).
Contoh: He has crashed his car again. Baru saja terjadi.
(B) PT dipakai untuk menyampaikan BERITA YANG TIDAK BARU.
Contoh: He crashed his car last year. Bukan baru saja terjadi, tapi terjadi tahun lalu.

(C) PPT dipakai kalau WAKTU peristiwa TIDAK SPESIFIK.

Contoh: They’ve seen that movie already. Keterangan waktu tidak spesifik, tidak jelas
(C) PT dipakai kalau WAKTU peristiwa JELAS.
Contoh: They saw that movie last month. Ada keterangan waktu yang jelas.

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