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a celebration свято

a Ukrainian blouse вишиванка

short lessons скорочені уроки
Knowledge Day День Знань
to celebrate святкувати
to give flowers дарувати квіти
to decorate the classroom прикрашати клас
to wear nice clothes одягатися святково
a celebration .................................
a Ukrainian blouse .................................
short lessons .................................
Knowledge Day .................................
to celebrate .................................
to give flowers .................................
to decorate the classroom .................................
to wear nice clothes .................................
The bell is ringing ding-ding-dong!
The bell is singing a merry song.
Hurry, children! Run to school!
Our school is very cool.
Our teacher’s in the class
He is happy to see us!
Hurry, children! The lessons start.
We are here to be smart!
The bell is ringing ding-ding-dong!
The bell is singing a merry song.
Hurry, children! Run to school!
Our school is very cool.
Our teacher’s in the class
He is happy to see us!
Hurry, children! The lessons start.
We are here to be smart!

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