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Urea Plant


Presented by Anjal Dutta

Wednesday, December 08, 2021
Urea plant Block diagram

Low Pressure


Supply column

H.P C.B Prilling

Condenser Tower

Compressor H.P

2 12/08/2021
Basic Chemical Reactions

2NH3+CO2 -------- NH2COONH4 + Heat

(Ammonium carbamate)+Heat
H = + 37.7 Kcal/gmol.

NH2COONH4 + Heat ------- NH2CONH2+H2O

Urea + water
H = - 7.7 Kcal/gmol.

3 12/08/2021
Optimum reaction conditions

The synthesis reaction conditions are:

Pressure 135 ~ 145 BarE

Temperature 180 ~ 185 0C.
NH3 / CO2 ratio (out let) 3.7 ~ 4.5

At the foregoing conditions, a conversion of CO 2 into urea of 55~60% is

achieved in the product urea stream from the reactor.

4 12/08/2021
Synthesis Main vessels

Synthesis section mainly consists of Four vessels

High Pressure Carbamate Condenser (303-C).

Urea Reactor (301-D).

High Pressure CO2 Stripper (302-C).

High Pressure Scrubber (304-C).

5 12/08/2021
H.P Carbamate Condenser


Tube side
Tube Design press.=163 Bar.
Tube Design Temp.=185 C.
No of tubes = 2353 tubes.

Shell side
Shell Design press.=9.2 Bar.
Shell Design Temp.=165 C.

6 12/08/2021
H.P Condenser Working Principle

Ammonia from H.P. ejectors reacts with stripped gas from H.P. stripper.
The ejector serves as a pump for bringing the carbamate solution from
the HP scrubber.

Ammonia carbamate is formed with large amount of heat generation.

This is cooled by generating steam in the shell side.

The pressure in steam drum is maintained such that only about 90%
reaction take place in condense. The rest CO2 & NH3 react in rector to
provide heat for 2nd reaction.

7 12/08/2021


Height = 30.4 M.
No. Of Trays = 11 Trays.
Op. Pressure = 136.3 Bar.
Design Pressure = 160 Bar.
Op. Temperature = 183 C
Design Metal temp = 198 C

8 12/08/2021
Reactor Working Principle

The reactor (301-D) is provided with 11 sieve trays. The function of the
sieve trays is to ensure proper mixing of the reactants consistent with
the specified vessel volume & residence time requirements of the reactor.

Reactor (CO2) Efficiency = Mol Urea / (mol urea + mol CO 2) X100

9 12/08/2021
H.P Stripper


Tube side
Tube Design press.=165 Bar.
Tube Design Temp.=225 C.
No of tubes = 2650 tubes.

Shell side
Shell Design press.=31 Bar.
Shell Design Temp.=225 C.

10 12/08/2021
Stripper Working Principle

In the stripper, the reactor O/L is distributed over a large quantity of

Tubes counter current to CO2 causes the NH 3 partial pressure to
decrease and carbamate starts to decompose.

HP steam in shell side provides the required heat.

The liquid from the stripper is discharged to the recirculation section via a
level control let down valve .

Stripping Efficiency = 2 Mol Urea / (2 mol urea + mol NH 3) X100

11 12/08/2021
H.P Scrubber


Design pres.= 167 Bar.

W.Pres. = 135 ~ 140 Bar.
No of tubes = 927 tubes.
W. temp. = 183 C.
Design Temp. = 198 C.

12 12/08/2021
H.P Scrubber Working Principle

Reactor off-gas is entering the bottom via a gas distributor and gas is
condensed in contact with recycle carbamate solution.

The heat of condensation is removed by circulating conditioned cooling

water .

The carbamate solution formed flows to HP carbamate condenser .

The off gas is discharge through inert gas control valve to maintain the
pressure of the HP system.

13 12/08/2021
Kinetics Of Urea Synthesis Reaction

Operating Variables

14 12/08/2021

Conversion of Carbamate to Urea increases with temperature.

The optimum operating temperature to approach equilibrium is between

180~200 0C in 0.3~1.0 hours.

However, corrosion difficulties increase with temperature .

15 12/08/2021

At constant temperature,
conversion increases with pressure
up to the critical point where all
the vapor phase is converted to
liquid phase.

16 12/08/2021
N/C Mole Ratio

Excess NH3 above the stoichemetric mole ratio of 2 increases the rate of
the reaction.

17 12/08/2021

The presence of water decreases

conversion. Most processes are
designed to minimize the water
recycle to reactor.

18 12/08/2021

Stripping is the removal of dissolved gases from the liquid phase.

Favorable conditions for stripping:

High pressure ( high partial pressure of the component to be stripped).

High temperature.

CO2 Stripping

19 12/08/2021
Corrosion & Passivation

Corrosion Causes in Urea

Chloride Presents in water.

Gas Condensation.

Absence/Low O2 Contents.

High Temperature.

20 12/08/2021
Allowable corrosion rate

The allowable corrosion rate of SS316-L as per Stamicarbon standard is


As per the inspection, actual corrosion rate measured is 0.06 mm/Y.

21 12/08/2021
Synthesis Start-Up & S/D

 Cold (Initial) Start-Up

 Start-Up After blocked in
 Blocking In
 Total S/D

22 12/08/2021
Preparation for Synthesis Section

Set all control valves in the closed position manually.

Start sea water and fresh cooling water to coolers and condensers.

Fill steam condensate tank with condensate or DM water and start SC

pump and maintain 70-80 % level on Auto.

Fill conditioned cooling water system of evaporation condensers ,LP

carbamate and of H.P. scrubber.

Fill 311-F M.P. steam saturator at 10-20% .

Fill NH3 water tank to 25% level.

Fill 304-F Urea big tank 20% of level using DM .

23 12/08/2021
Steam Charging

Opening the 1" bypass of main block valve of MS , PC- 9901 5~10% and
drain valves open to charge steam.

Open main block valve and close the 1" by pass.

Supply MS/ES to 311-F and make level 50%and pressure 9 BarE.

Supply condensate to 310-F from 311-F to 10~15% level via the start up
line. Supply MS/ES to 310-F and 2 BarE pressure, close start up line
and open inert vent on stripper shell side.

Open 303-C inert vent valve and start to supply MP / Steam to 303-C
shell side by pass. pressure up to 2 BarE and level up to 50 %.

Check all steam traps of HP, MP, and LP. steam system.

24 12/08/2021
Heating Up of Reactor System

Fully open all the drain valves .

Open HV-9202, HV-9203 and HC-9201.

Supply steam to HC-9203 and RV-301-D1-3.

Supply 9 BarE steam to 301-D down comer .

Increase the temperature to 100C in at least 90 minutes.

Close HC-9202 and HC-9203 keep 2" drain valve crack open which is
ahead of LC-9203 raise temperature to a minimum of 1250C

Raise pressure in 310-F >10 BarE and 302-FA / FB to 5.5 BarE

Maintain the temperature in synthesis equipment to 125 ~ 150 C .

25 12/08/2021
Just before start up

Stop steam supply and disconnect line to reactor down comer and close
all synthesis drain valves. Confirm there is no level in the stripper, 302-C.

Close HC-9201 and fill up down comer of reactor by HP flush water pump,
about 10 minutes. Leave drain valves of reactor down comer and line CB-
9003-10". Open (auto seal).

Prepare NH3 pump for start up.

Open HC-9209 and open the angle valve in the suction line of 301-L.

Switch CO2 vent from HV-3001 to PV-9204 slowly, and adjust FI-9104 at
16.5~17.5 KNM3/hr. DP over 302-D never exceeds 2-Bar E.

Start 307-J/JA on circulation at minimum speed of 45~50 RPM.

26 12/08/2021

Switch CO2 vent from HV-3001 to PV-9204 slowly, and adjust FI-9104 at
16.5 ~ 17.5 KNM3/H

Adjust 320-J discharge pressure at 165~170 Bar and charge S.C. to 304-
C through 307J/JA. Discharge flush point (if 320-J not available for any
reason) put 307-J/JA to 304-C maintaining discharge valve opening only
3~4 turns and maintain the speed at 40~45 rpm.

Once 304-C overflow (TR-9054) starts changing, open HV-9206 and start
304-J/JA to 303-C via. discharge 2” by pass valve. Maintain NH 3 flow at
64~65 M3/Hr. If syn pressure > 100 barE, open main discharge valve and
close by pass valve.

At same time open HV-9204 and supply CO2 to stripper via the by-pass
on CO2 supply line. Control CO2 pressure at 130-140 BarE.

27 12/08/2021
Put PC-9204 on auto at 145 BarE. Synthesis Operator make sure PV-9204
is fully closed and then close PV-9204 upstream angle valve fully. If
bypass valve opened fully and CO2 pressure increase more than 140
BarE, start to open main angle valve and close bypass valve fully.

Open inert gas discharge valve of 304-C HC-9202 fully immediately after
charging NH3 and CO2.

When T of conditioned cooling water over 304-C starts increasing, open

TC-9901 downstream block valve, put TC-9901 on auto at 100 0C.

About 1 hour 45 minutes after changing 304-C by 320-J, stop 320-J

supply and open 307-J/JA discharge to 304-C at minimum speed. (if 307-
J/JA already on line due to 320-J unavailable, open discharge valve fully).

28 12/08/2021
About 2 hours after charging NH3 and CO2 into synthesis, slowly open HC-
9901 (310-F blow off) to 70~75 % to prepare steam for 302-C.

When level of the reactor indicates a level, Field Operator fully open 302-
C liquid exit line angle valves (upstream of LV-9203) and close drain
valve in liquid line between 303-C and 301-D (auto seal), then flush
both lines by 320-J (HP flush water pump) and put LV-9203 on auto
position at 70 ~ 90%.

When level of the reactor indicates over 80%, close HV-9901 and then
slowly open HC-9201 to 55%. Hold and check FR-9902 ES. to 302-C
is at 55-60 KKG/hr.

At this time even if 301-D level is over 100%, adjusting HC- 9201 is not

Slowly increase 310-F pressure to 18-Bar E by PC-9904.

29 12/08/2021
Switch 307-J/JA speed controller from local to control room.

Reduce NH3 flow to about 45 M3/hr in order to keep NH3 / CO2 ratio as
normal operation.

Regulate synthesis pressure by means of setting 304-C conditioned

cooling water temperature at 800C and low pressure steam drum
pressure (302-FA / FB).

After reactor 301-D level become to lower than 100%, increase plant load
by steps.

Regulate the inert gas temperature to 110-1400C by slowly closing HC-


30 12/08/2021
Start-Up After Blocked In

Switch CO2 vent from HV-3001 to PV-9204 slowly, and adjust FI-9104 at
16.5 ~ 17.5 KNM3/H.
Introduce NH3 into suction of 304-J/JA and prepare NH 3 pump for start
Open HC-9209 and open the angle valves in the suction line of 301-L.
Open drain valves of reactor down comer and line CB-9003-10"
(BETWEEN 303-C and 301-D) in order to maintain seal preventing
Open HC-9901 (310-F blow off) to 70~75% to prepare steam for 302-C.
make sure enough steam is available from Utility Plant. Open inert gas
discharge valve of 304-C HC-9202 completely, Immediately after
charging NH3 and CO2.
Put Carbamate pump 307-J/JA to HP scrubber and throttle discharge
valve to 50%.
Maintain 307-J/JA speed at minimum speed (45~50 RPM) on local. After
304-C overflows, indicated by change of over flow temperature TR-

31 12/08/2021
Open HV-9206 and both 304-J/JA discharge valves fully and then start up
304- J/JA.
Supply NH3 to 303-C adjusting NH3 flow to 64~65 M3/hr by control room
operator via. pump speed.

If T of conditioned cooling water over 304-C starts increasing, open TV-

9901 downstream block valve, put TC-9901 on "Auto" at 100 0C.
When level of the reactor indicates a level, Field Operator fully open 302-
C liquid exit line angle valves (upstream of LV-9203) and close the
drain valve in liquid line between 303-C and 301-D (auto seal) and
then flush both lines by 320-J (HP flush water pump) and put LV-9203
on auto position at 70~90%.
When level of reactor indicates over 80%, close HV-9901 fully then
slowly open HC-9201 to 55%. Hold and check FR-9902 ES. to 302-C
is at 55-60 KKG/hr.

32 12/08/2021
At this time if 301-D level is over 100%, adjusting HC-9201 is not
Slowly increase 310-F pressure to 18 Bar-E by PC-9904.
Open 307-J/JA discharge valve fully and switch 307-J/JA speed controller
switch from local to control room.
Reduce NH3 flow to about 45 M3/hr in order to keep NH3 / CO2 ratio as
normal operation.
Regulate synthesis pressure by means of setting 304-C conditioned
cooling water temperature at 800C. and low pressure steam drum
pressure (302-FA / FB). After reactor 301-D level was lower than
100%, increase plant load by steps.
Regulate the inert gas temperature to 110~140 0C. by slowly closing HC-
At same time open HV-9204 and supply CO2 to stripper via the by-pass
on CO2 supply line. Control CO2 pressure at 130~140 Bar E. Put PC-
9204 on auto at 145 Bar E. Synthesis Operator make sure PV-9204 is
fully closed and then close PV-9204 upstream angle valve fully. If
bypass valve opened fully and CO2 pressure increase more than 140
Bar E, start to open main angle valve and close bypass valve fully.

33 12/08/2021
Normal S/D (Blocking In)

If the shut down is a planned one, the capacity of the plant can be
reduced to 70% (CO2 flow 16.5~17.5 KNM3/H) gradually, to obtain
minimum levels in the NH3-water tank and urea storage tank.
Stop NH3 booster pump then stop HP NH3 pump 304-J/JA and close the
control valve HV-9206 at HP ejector suction and the NH 3 discharge
angle valve before the HP ejector
Switch HP Carbamate pump 307J /JA on circulation. Control level in level
tank LP Carbamate condenser by draining to NH 3 water tank, and
switch speed controller from control room to local and adjust speed to
45~50 RPM.
Increase process water flow FC-9708 to 12~14.4 M3/hr in order to dilute
contents of LP Carbamate condenser, 307C.
Close pressure controller PC-9904 of HP steam saturator and open steam
blow-off valve HC-9901 in order to reduce pressure to about 10 Bar-E.
Close level-control valve of reactor HC-9201 and stripper LC-9203 and
increase pressure in LP steam drum to about 5 ~5.3 BarE.

34 12/08/2021
After 310F, HP steam saturator pressure drops to 10 BarE, open PC-9204
and its upstream block valve and stop CO 2 feed to synthesis by closing
HC-9204 and its angle valve.
Close first block valve in liquid outlet line of stripper.
Start HP flush water pump and flush all HP lines as per procedures.
Close TC-9901 temperature control valve and Downstream block valves
of HP scrubber cooling water circuit. Keep water temperature 120-
Close HC-9202 inert gas discharge valve, and its downstream angle
valve, if HV-9202 is passing.
If the re-start up is possible within 24 hours the reactor can be kept
blocked in. Otherwise the reactor system has to be drained.

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