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You must be the change you

wish to see in the world”


1 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

C O M P E T I T I V E A D V A N T A G E. R E A L I Z E D.

A Status Report – Corporate

Colleague Engagement Today

Presented by
Jim Thomas, PhD
Vice President, Consulting Services

March 7, 2008

2 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

A Working Definition of
Employee Engagement

Actively committing
to one’s work and to
invest one’s time,
talent, and best efforts
to accomplish
organizational goals.

3 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

Why is Employee Engagement
Engagement correlates to better outcomes...
62% more likely to
grow in revenue

23% more likely to

increase customer

Source: DDI, 2006

4 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

Why is Employee Engagement
Engagement correlates to retention

are 60%
less likely
to say they
are about
to leave

Source: DDI, 2006

5 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

How does DDI measure
Employee Engagement?

E3™ employee engagement survey

– 20 item survey
– 17 items that measure five engagement facets
• Empowerment
• Teamwork and Collaboration
• Growth and Development
• Support and Recognition
• Efforts Aligned with Organization Direction

– 3 items that measure satisfaction and loyalty (outcomes)

6 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

How Are Organizations Doing?
30% Leaders
10% Leaders
Actively Massive Love My Job!
Disengaged Middle
Source: DDI Normative Database, 2006

7 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

What’s working ..
Highest Engagement Items
Percent of Respondents Expressing “Agreement” with E3 Items

Manufacturing Services Healthcare Survey Item

Overall, I have a good understanding of what I

88% 90% 92%
am supposed to be doing in my job.

I can make meaningful decisions about how I

82% 79% 76%
do my job.

People in my work groups cooperate with each

73% 79% 73%
other to get the job done.

I find personal meaning and fulfillment in my

62% 71% 80%

In my work group, my ideas and opinions are

68% 78% 76%

In my work group, people try to pick up new

60% 70% 70%
skills and knowledge.

8 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

What’s not working …
Lowest Engagement Items
Percent of Respondents Expressing “Agreement” with E3 Items

Manufacturing Services Healthcare Survey Item

In my work group, people are held accountable

42% 52% 44% for low performance.

In this organization, different work groups

41% 52% 50% reach out the help and support each other.

I am kept well informed about changes in the

43% 57% 57% organization that affect my work group.

I get sufficient feedback about how well I am

44% 60% 60% doing.

In my work group, meetings are focused and

46% 59% 61% efficient.

My work group makes efficient use of its

47% 62% 62% resources, time and budget.

9 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

Effective Communication can
Increase Engagement
Percent of Respondents Expressing “Agreement” with E3 Items

Manufacturing Services Healthcare Survey Item

In my work group, people are held accountable

42% 52% 44% for low performance.

In this organization, different work groups

41% 52% 50% reach out the help and support each other.

I am kept well informed about changes in

43% 57% 57% the organization that affect my work group.

I get sufficient feedback about how well I

44% 60% 60% am doing.

In my work group, meetings are focused

46% 59% 61% and efficient.

My work group makes efficient use of its

47% 62% 62% resources, time and budget.

10 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

What does this mean for Leaders?
• Managers can impact engagement
• Improve communication connect employees
role/efforts to meaningful outcomes
• Establish and align people management
systems to support engagement
• Look for “engagement readiness” when
selecting employees

11 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

Leaders’ Engagement
Drives Employee Engagement

with Highly
Leader Engaged
Engagement Leaders:

– 37% more

Employee – 45% more

likely to
Source: DDI, 2006

12 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

What about Authenticity?

You must be the change you

wish to see in the world”

13 © Development Dimensions Int’l, Inc., MMIIX. All rights reserved.

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