Differences Between Family-Vs. Individual-Level Processing of Objects: A Cross-Site fMRI Study

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Differences between family- vs.

individual-level processing of
objects: a cross-site fMRI study
Meiselina Irmayanti Abdul12 and Chun-Chia Kung­13
1 Principles and Implication of Mind Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
2 Department of Communication, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia
3 Department of Psychology, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

1. Focus on ventral occipitotemporal cortex (vOT), remain unresolved. Why ?
2. Its weird that I control eyesight, but I'm the farthest part of the brain from the eyes... #wut (@AllSeeingOx,

1. the ventral occipitotemporal cortex (vOT), remain unresolved. x, 3/11/16)

3. The occipital lobe is primarily responsible for visual processing (Galetta, 2017. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology ; Priyanka, et al., 2016.
Introduction to Emotion, Electroencephalography, and Speech Pocessing ; Deyoe, E., 2002. Encyclopedia of the Human Brain )

4. How object shapes affect the processing of ?

5. How various task demands interactively influence, the ventral occipitotemporal cortex (vOT), remain unresolved.
Introduction Experimental Design
Ziggerin: Categorization (CAT) and Individuation (IND)
(1 s) Within-class CAT- Between-class CAT-No
(0.5 s) Yes

Each Family IND-Yes Different Family IND-No

Time Until Response

(1.5 s)

Seminar in Special Topic Page 4

Experimental Design (cont.)
N=18 (11 NCKU + 7 CHUK), aged 20-37 years, counter-balanced across sessions and subjects.

1 run = 12 sec + 9 sec x 36 blocks (p) + 6 sec x 35 block (f) + 12 sec = 558 sec (372 TRs given TR = 1.5
1 sub = 8 runs 2 sessions Fixation
each task (cat and ind)
(6 sec/4TR) Fixation (12 sec)
Fixation (12 sec/8TR) Fixation (6 sec)

Block 1 (9 sec/6TR) Block 2 Block 31 Block 32

NB: Total per run = 9 min 18 s, Total per session = 2H 33Min

Seminar in Special Topic Page 5
General Linear Model (GLM) Cat vs Ind Data analysis

Localizing Brain Activity


Activation in ventral
occipital Lindquist &Wager. Principles of fMRI
Result Searchlight-Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis (MVPA)
Data analysis

Localizing Brain



Lindquist & Wager. Principles of fMRI

(1 sec)
(0.5 sec)

(1.5 sec)
Seminar in Special Topic Page 13
Region of Interest (ROI) -MVPA

Mostly green area no pattern

6 TP

Mostly green area no pattern

Seminar in Special Topic Page 14

The Psycho-Psysiological Interaction Analysis (PPI)

1. Based on searchlight- and ROI-MVPA results, right fusiform is recruited more during
different levels of visual processing, i.e., the categorization and individuation of

2. Different FG connectivity time-course patterns suggest that r-mFG and l-mFG and
pFG region are involved in peripheral object perception (aka., cat task).

Deyoe, E., 2002. Encyclopedia of the Human Brain

Galetta, 2017. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology.
Levy, I., Hasson, U., Avidan, G., Hendler, T., & Malach, R. (2001). Center-periphery organization of human object areas.
Nature Neuroscience, 4(5), 533–539. https://doi.org/10.1038/87490
Mishkin, M., Ungerleider, L. G., & Kathleen, A. (1983). Object vision and spatial vision : two cortical p hways. Trend in
Neuroscience, 6, 414–417. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/0166-2236(83)90190-X
Priyanka, et al., 2016. Introduction to Emotion, Electroencephalography, and Speech Processing

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