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- When engaged in a spoken discourse in informal
situation like being in the company of friends, there
are false start, hesitation, repetition and even
overlapping. In addition, body language or non-verbal
forms of communication are also used in sending a
message. Ex: Winking, Smiling, Even raising of an
eyebrow will convey a messages to the listener
beyond the spoken words.
- The term " Register" was first used by Reid in 1956.
It also known as tenor, tone or style, it refers to a
variety of language used by speaker.
- Variation is defined by use and not user. In his
seminal work " The Five Clocks", Joo (1961) present a
typology to describe speech styles where he identifies
five language registers; Static or Frozen, Formal,
Consultative, Casual and Intimate.
• - Dell Hymes in 1974, SPEAKING model to describe the different
extraneous variables that would dictate appropriateness of
language use.
• S which is Setting and Scene refers to time, and place where
communication take place.
• P which is Participants refers to the speaker and his audience.
• E is for Ends refers to the purposes, goals, out come of the
speech event.
• A or Acts of sequence refers to the form and order of the event.
• K refers to the Cues that established the tone, manner, or spirit
of the speech act.
• I stands for Instrumentalities which refers to the forms and types
of speech which Joo's typology has tried to explain.
• N is for Norms or the social rules governing the event and the
participants actions and reaction.
• G stands for Genre or the kind of speech act or event.
Language and Culture
- Language and culture are intertwined. A particular language
usually points out to a specific group of people. When you
interact with another language, it means nothat you are also
interacting with the culture that speaks the language. You
cannot understand one's culture without accessing its
language directly.
- A potential barrier for effective communication is the wide
variety of Englishes. With over two billion speakers globally.
English has become the " Lingua Franca" a language that is
used among people who speak various language.
UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. - Who have
English as their first language.
In Asia, these speakers include those coming from Philippines,
Malaysia, Singapore. - Are speaking communities that have
English as second language.
Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese and Indonesians who have
english as a foreign language.
- When people from two different cultural groups interact,
Intercultural Communication takes place. Intercultural
communication (or cross-cultural communication) is a
discipline that studies communication across different
cultures and social groups, or how culture affects
- The primary purpose of intercultural communication is to
understand and respect the other culture.
- Information can be readily accessed through the
use of technology and the internet. Sadly, the ease
by which these information are disseminated and
retrieved has also given rise to the social
phenomenon of fake news and " alternative facts".
- Engage in reflective and independent thinking or
critical thinking. It is the foundation of critical
reading and listening.
To be an effective listener; the following suggestions
are given:

1. Seek for clarification. It is to clarify before

responding to comments or queries that can
potentially lead to arguments.

2. Empathize. Respect the feelings and beliefs of

other. Be kind and understanding.

3. Be sensitive to verbal and non-verbal cues.

Listen not only to what is being said but also to how
it is said.
- Ferdinand de Saussure, a swiss linguist explain that every
"sign" (symbol) has two main components: the signifier and
- Signifier may be an object, a word or an image that represents
a concept.
- Signified refers to the concept which signifier refers to and this
would be the meaning that is drawn by the receiver of the sign.
- Various communication softwares have been developed,
creating a number of social media/ communication
platforms to create, share, or exchange information in
virtual communities and networks.
Blog is online journal that may be linked to articles or other
websites. It is written by an individual or small group of
Email is a way of exchanging and sending messages or
files through electronic applications, and operates across
computer networks. It also known as electronic mail.
Facebook is the most popular social media platform
developed by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004.
Instagram is an application where shared pictures and or
- A multimodal text is often a digital text but can be a book,
such as picture book, information text or graphic text.
What are multimodal texts?
A text may be defined as multimodal when it combines two or
more semiotic systems. There are five semiotic systems in
Linguistic: comprising aspects such as vocabulary, generic
structure and the grammar of oral and written language
Visual: comprising aspects such as colour, vectors and
viewpoint in still and moving images
Audio: comprising aspects such as volume, pitch and rhythm
of music and sound effects
Gestural: comprising aspects such as movement, speed and
stillness in facial expression and body language
Spatial: comprising aspects such as proximity, direction,
position of layout and organisation of objects in space.
Examples of multimodal texts are:

a picture book, in which the textual and visual elements are

arranged on individual pages that contribute to an overall set of
bound pages
a webpage, in which elements such as sound effects, oral
language, written language, music and still or moving images
are combined
a live ballet performance, in which gesture, music, and space
are the main elements.
Multimodal texts can be delivered via different media or
technologies. They may be live, paper, or digital electronic.
- Communication has diversified with the
discovery of the richness of various cultures. It is
someone's cultural awareness is their
understanding of the differences between
themselves and people from other countries or
other backgrounds, especially differences in
attitudes and values.

- When we interact in cross cultural situations, a

lack of awareness can lead to bad or poor
decisions. Cultural awareness helps us reduce the
chances of making bad decisions and increases
the chance of us making more insightful,
considered decisions.
- Business presentation can be defined as formal information
about the business products or practices. It is typically carried
out by using the audio and visual presentation material such as
statistical documents, projectors, flip charts, whiteboards, and
much more.
Antidotes for Powerpoint Poisoning
1. Deliver Dramatically. Build a lasting relationship with the
audience through a longer attention span. Use various strategies
to keep the listeners engaged ( Maintaining eye contract,
speaking with a strong voice, speaking with conviction.)
2. Design Artfully. Keep in mind that " simplicity is beauty " and
" less is more."
3. Emphasize Ideas and Logic. Balance the use of time to
prepare the slides and the time for information.
4. Offer Exemplars. Complete quality work with depth and style
by showing examples of student excellent work.
5. Provide Rubrics. Provide examples of good work and be
guided by the rubrics to clarify expectations.

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