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Curriculum is a standards-based sequence of planned experiences where students practice and
achieve proficiency in content and applied learning skills. Curriculum is the central guide for all
educators as to what is essential for teaching and learning, so that every student has access to rigorous
academic experiences.
In dictionaries, curriculum is often defined as the courses offered by a school, but it is rarely used in such a
general sense in schools. An individual teacher's curriculum, for example, would be the specific learning
standards, lessons, assignments, and materials used to organize and teach a particular course.
Subject-centered curriculum design revolves around a particular subject matter or discipline. For example,
a subject-centered curriculum may focus on math or biology. This type of curriculum design tends to
focus on the subject rather than the individual.
Types of Curriculum
◦ Recommended Curriculum.
◦ Written Curriculum.
◦ Taught Curriculum.
◦ Supported Curriculum.
◦ Assessed Curriculum.
◦ Learned Curriculum.
◦ Hidden Curriculum.

What is Preschool Curriculum:
“The curriculum consists of the knowledge and skills to be acquired in the educational program as well as the
plans for experiences through which children's learning will take place.” Developmentally Appropriate Practice
in Early Childhood Programs, NAEYC (2009) p.
Preschools curriculum:
The entire span of lessons and content that your child will be taught during the course of preschool education is
what's known as the preschool curriculum. In some settings, preschools are also able to help children complete
their toilet training.
Purpose of a curriculum in preschool:
Curriculum, or the content of what children learn, is central to supporting and strengthening young children's
learning and development because it is the “front line” of children's experiences. Curriculum is different from
beliefs about children, pedagogy, learning standards, and children's skills.
Subjects teach in preschool:
◦ Reading.
◦ Emotional Intelligence.
◦ Calendar & Weather.
◦ Math.
◦ Phonics.
◦ Art.
◦ Music.
◦ Practical Life.
◦ are just a few of the many subjects that children are exposed to in a high quality preschool program.
Techniques used for Teach:
Point out letters in signs, and go through the alphabet together. Use blocks, big puzzles and other toys to teach letters
and numbers. Sing alphabet and counting songs together. Use books to talk about difficult topics, like anger or sharing.
◦ Visualization.
◦ Cooperative learning.
◦ Inquiry-based instruction. ...
◦ Differentiation. ...
◦ Technology in the classroom. ...
◦ Behavior management. ...
◦ Professional development.
Importance of Curriculum:
How does a strong preschool curriculum benefit children:
◦ With strong pre-literacy, cognition, and math foundation skills, they are less likely to struggle or have a
negative experience in school. The emotional skills and understanding of the world that children develop
while they are young will help them become constructive members of society as they grow.
Importance of curriculum in early childhood:
◦ It's important because it clearly describes what you want children to learn; what child outcomes you are
aiming for. Curriculum describes the sequence - the “what comes next” for the child to learn and you to
teach so that the child moves closer to your intended learning outcome.
Benefits of Curriculum:
◦ 5 Benefits of Curriculum-Based Preschool
◦ It prepares them for Kindergarten and beyond.
◦ It nurtures their personal growth and c curiosity for life.
◦ It provides new experiences for holistic development.
◦ It improves social skills and confidence.
◦ It allows parents to interact and experience their child's growth.
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