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By : Mia Septiani, S.Pd

SMKN 1 Talangpadang
Table of contents

01 04
Example in a

02 03
Asking for opinion Give an opinion

Suatu hari Zahra dan Dinda sedang pergi

ke Mall untuk membeli jam tangan.
“bagaimana kalau aku membeli jam
tangan untuk hadiah ulang tahun adik
laki-laki ku Dinda?”, tanya Zahra.
“sepertinya jam tangan ini sangat cocok
dengan adikmu ya Zahra” jawab Dinda.
Asking for opinion = meminta atau menanyakan

Giving an opinion = memberikan pendapat

Asking for
02 opinion

How do you think of ...?

=> bagaimana pendapat anda tentang ...?

What do you think about ...?

=> bagaimana menurut anda tentang

What is your opinion about ...?

=> apa pendapat anda tentang ...?

How do you feel about ...?

=> bagaimana perasaan anda tentang ...?

Please give me your opinion?

=> tolong berikan saya pendeapat anda?

Do you think ...?

=> apakah menurut anda ...?
Giving an
In my opinion ...
=> menurut pendapat saya ...

I think ...
=> saya pikir ...

I suppose ...
=> saya rasa ...
Examples in
the sentences

Examples in the sentences
Asking for opinion

• How do you think of my • How do feel about

handcraft? getting the highest
score in the class?
• What do you think
about taking holiday to • I got so confused in
Bandung? choosing this watch;
please give me your
• What is your opinion opinion about it?
about this accident
news? • Do you think that Laylia
will like watermelon?
Examples in the sentences
Giving an opinion

• In my opinion, Mam • I think you should not

Yeni is a good English playing games until
teacher middle night

• In my opinion, drinking • I suppose all of you

some traditional herbs have known each other
will increase endurance for a long time

• I think you must wake • I suppose you have to

up early every morning do exercise to reduce
Stay safe and
stay healthy

Does anyone have any questions?
You may ask me in our WA group

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo,

including icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik

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