Mapeh Week 1 First Quarter

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First Quarter
Music – day 1
Musical Symbols and
1. Notes and Rests
Reviewing previous lesson and presenting
new lesson
•Sing the song Tao, tao po
•Clap the beat of the song
Establishing a purpose for the lesson

• Today, we are going to identify the notes and

rest in a song that we’re going to learn
Presenting examples/instances of the lesson

• Play the music chicken dance. Let the pupils

dance with the music
• Present the song Harana sa bukid. Teach the
Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills #1
Analyze the song.
What is the time signature of the song ?
What does the upper number in the time signature mean?
How about the lower number ?
What are the notes and rests you find in the song ?
(quarter note)
(eight note)
(quarter rest )
( half note )
. (dotted quarter note )
What does it mean by the song ?
Discuss the value of the song in relation to the culture of Filipinos
Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills #2
• Analyze the song

• What is the time signature of the song ?

• What does the numbers in the time signature mean ?
• What are the notes and rests in the song?
Developing mastery (lead to formative
assessment 3)

• Let the pupils draw and

identify the notes in the
Finding practical application of concepts and
skills in daily living
• Identify the
different notes
and rest found
in the song.
This activity
may be done
by group
Making generalization and abstractions
about the lesson
Evaluating learning
Identify the notes and rests found in the song
arts – day 2
5. producing these using
Reviewing previous lesson and presenting
new lesson

• What are
the elements
of arts?
Establishing a purpose for the lesson
• After the session, you are
going to realize that art
processes, elements and
principles still apply even with
the use of new technologies.
Establishing a purpose for the lesson
• Observe the following commercial arts below.
• Describe, interpret, evaluate, theorize and judge the properties and
qualities of the visual form, for the purpose of understanding and
appreciating works of art and understanding the roles of art in society.

• Attribution
• Where, when, why, and by whom was an artwork made?

• Style
• Style refers to the distinguishing characteristics of a work of art that
identify it as typical of an individual artist, culture, school, movement,
or time period. Artworks may exhibit personal, national, and/or period
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Group Discussion on the ff:
Guide Questions for art criticism
Description: What do I see? (feel, hear, smell, taste)?
•Subject Matter: Does the artwork depict anything? If so,
•Medium: What tools, materials, or processes did the art
make use?
•Form: What elements did the maker choose and how did the
maker organize the elements?
*Interpretation: What is the artwork about?
•Interpretive Statement: Can I express what I think the
artwork is about in one sentence?
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Evidence: What evidence inside or outside the
artwork supports my interpretation?
Judgment: Is it a good artwork?
Criteria: What criteria do I think are most
appropriate for judging the artwork?
Evidence: What evidence inside or outside the
artwork relates to each criterion?
Judgment: Based on the criteria and evidence,
what is my judgment about the quality of the
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
Create your own art work following the
elements of arts.
5. producing these using technology
Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily

Are the elements and principles

of arts present in the art work ?
Making generalization and abstractions about the lesson

What is the art processes in this

art work? What elements of art
are present ?principles ?
Evaluating learning

Self assessment
1.Whatdid I do in my art class today ?
2.What did I learn ?
3.What did I find interesting about the
4.What questions do I have about what I
5.What was the point of today’s lesson ?
p.e. - – day 3
Assessment of physical
activities and physical fitness
Reviewing previous lesson and presenting
new lesson

• Recall your lesson about the

Physical activity pyramid ?
Establishing a purpose for the lesson
• Today, you are going to
describe the Philippine
physical activity pyramid
Presenting examples/instances of the lesson
• How would you describe the Philippine physical
activity pyramid ?
• Show the illustration of the Phil Physical activity
• What activities are found in STEP 1 ? STEP 2? STEP 3
?STEP 4 ?
• What are the aims of the physical activity pyramid?

• Why are physical activities important ?

Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills #1
• What are the indicators or signs of physical fitness ?
• Do you like doing physical activities ?
• Can you stretch your muscles w/o feeling discomfort
or pain?
• Can you move your body with a little or no difficulty?
• Can you run 1.6 km in eight minutes with ease ?
• Is the amount of your fat less than your weight of
lean muscles bones and body organs ?
• If yes, you are physically fit. If your answers are no,
you have to work out for your physical fitness
Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills #2
• What are the five signs of fitness ?
Cardiovascular endurance (also known as
cardiorespiratory endurance or aerobic
fitness) refers to your body's ability to
efficiently and effectively intake oxygen
and deliver it to your body's tissues by
way of the heart, lungs, arteries, vessels,
and veins. By engaging in regular exercise
that challenges your heart and lungs, you
can maintain or even improve the efficient
delivery and uptake of oxygen to your
body's systems, enhancing cellular
metabolism and easing the physical
challenges of everyday life.
Muscular endurance is one of two factors that contribute to
overall muscular health. Think of muscular endurance as a
particular muscle group's ability to continuously contract against a
given resistance. Long-distance cyclists offer a clear example. To
continuously pedal a bike over a long distance, often up steep
inclines, cyclists have to develop fatigue-resistant muscles in their
legs and glutes. These fatigue-resistant muscles are evidence of a
high level of muscular endurance.
While muscular endurance refers to how fatigue-resistant a
particular muscle group is, muscular strength refers to the
amount of force a particular muscle group can produce in
one, all-out effort. In strength training terms, it's your one-
rep max.
Flexibility refers to the range of motion you have around a
given joint. Like muscular strength and endurance,
flexibility is joint-specific. For instance, you may have very
flexible shoulders, but tight and inflexible hamstrings or
Body composition, or your body's ratio of
fat mass to fat-free mass, is the final
component of health-related physical
fitness. Because high levels of fat mass
are associated with negative health
outcomes, such as heart disease and type
II diabetes, attaining and maintaining a
healthy body composition is a goal of just
about all regular exercise routines.
• What are the health-related fitness components
• What are the skill-related fitness components.
Evaluating learning.

1. Describe the Philippine activity pyramid

2. What are the indicators for fitness ?
3. What do you mean by cardio-vascular fitness ?
4. What do you mean by agility
5. What is meant by speed ?
health - – day 4
Personal Health -Issues and
Reviewing previous lesson and presenting
new lesson

•What lessons in Health 5 that you

can still remember ?
Establishing a purpose for the lesson

• In our lesson you will describe personal

health issues and Concerns and Demonstrate
self management skills
Presenting examples/instances of the lesson

• What are the common health issues that you have or you
have observe ?
• Assign these topics to small groups for them to discuss
and the report to the class
1. height and weight(stunted growth, underweight,
overweight, obesity)
2. hearing (impacted cerumen, swimmer’s ear, otitis media)
3. vision
4. (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia,xerophthalmia,
Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills #1
• Big group sharing
- What are these? How do you handle these
Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills #2
Finding practical application of concepts and
skills in daily living
• Practice self-management skills to prevent and
control personal health issues and concerns.
Evaluating learning
• Do you practice personal hygiene to prevent
and control personal health concerns.? What
are these ?
day 5
weekly assessments
Name and give the time value of the following
notes and rests.
1. 4.

2. 5.

Tell whether if the following are elements, principles or processes
or arts.
1. craft
2. drawing
3. New media
4. Line
5. Emphasis
6. Movements
7. Sculpture
8. Colors
10. sculpture
Tell whether if the following under A - the health-related fitness
components, B - skill-related fitness components
1. cardio-vascular fitness
2. Agility
3. balance
4. body composition
5. Flexibility
6. power
7. muscular endurance
8. Speed
9. Reaction time
A. Give 6 personal issues and concerns
B. Give 3 prevention and management of
personal health issues and concerns.
C. Give 1 example of school and community
health resources.

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