Life of Prophet PBUH in Madinah (622 AD - 632 AD)

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Arrival at Quba (Place near Madinah)

Construction of first Masjid of Islam

First Friday pray in Banu Salim (outskirts of
MADINAH – Madinah)

622 AD Huge gathering of people to welcome Prophet


Guard of Honour presented Banu Zohra

(Maternal – Hazrat Aminah RA Tribe)

Girls of Madinah sing songs “Full moon rose over us from valley of Vada”

Everyone wanted to host Prophet PBUH

Prophet PBUH said my camel will decide that and camel was made free and camel stopped at the house
of Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari RA

In the beginning Yathrib was name as Madina-tun-Nabi (City of Prophet), later shortened as Madina
Settlement for Emigrants of
Challenges Makkah in Madinah
faced by
Prophet Dealing with Polytheist
PBUH in 1st
Year AH Dealing with Jews
Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi

Prophet PBUH decided the construction of Masjid as it will play vital role in Muslim community in
coming up time

Land for construction was decided by Prophet PBUH camel

Land was owned by two orphans Sahil & Sohail who offered to offer land for construction of Masjid
for free

Prophet PBUH refused to take the land for free and paid the price to them. Hazrat Abu Bakr RA paid
the Price
Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi

Prophet PBUH self participated in construction of Masjid as ordinary worker

Covered Area was (100*100), Foundation (Stones), Walls (Unbacked bricks), Roof (Palm trees
and Branches), Pillars (Palm Trunks), Doors (03), Floor (Un-even),

Small apartments were constructed for Prophet PBUH family. Two daughters of Prophet PBUH
were un-married at that time
Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi

A special portion was constructed in Masjid where E-Migrants who

left everything for Islam and migrated to Madina live their, that is why
also known as Ashab-e-Suffa

Masjid played a very important role for Muslims, even after demise of
Prophet PBUH Masjid-e-Nabvi was place of decision making and
meeting with other tribe leaders
Calling towards Prayer – Azaan

Discussion started regarding different ideas for calling believers towards


Method should be different from methods of other religions.

Hazrat Umar RA and Hazrat Abdullah bin Zaid RA saw in dream an angel
reciting Azaan words.
Calling towards Prayer – Azaan

On hearing dream of companions, Prophet PBUH decided Azaan will

be the method of calling people towards prayer

Hazrat Bilal RA was selected as First Moazin of Islam

Treaty of Brother Hood

Muslim that came from Makkah were socially different from Ansar in Madinah

Emigrants financial condition was very bad

At a gathering in the house of Hazrat Anas bin Malik RA, Prophet made Ansar & Muhajireen brothers

45 Emigrants were made brothers of 45 Ansar. Prophet PBUH decided to be brother with Hazrat Ali
Treaty of Brother Hood

This new relationship was religiously followed by Ansar and they offered half of their assets to

Emigrants also take responded very well but they refuse to take ownership of lands / Orchards, but
accepted Job / Work and incomes will be equally divided

Ansar even decided to give their wealth to emigrant brothers in case of their own death, but Allah SWT
stopped them from this in Holy Quran

Hazrat Abubakr RA with Khajra bin Zaid RA, Umar RA with Atban bin Malik RA, Usman RA with
Aus bin Thabit RA
 Three main Jewish tribes, Banu Qainuqa, Banu Nadeer, Banu

D  Background of these tribes was not good; they were not present in
big number in Madinah, but they make tribes fight with each
other and finally succeeded to claim their leadership.

 Jews thought they have superior faith, and they were the people
chosen to rule.

 After arrival of Prophet PBUH in Madinah, he set certain counter

actions towards Jewish believes that everyone live in Madinah as
one nation
 Prophet PBUH was selected as Supreme commander of Madinah as majority

CHARTER voted for Prophet PBUH

OF  All disputes shall be brought to Prophet PBUH and his decision cannot be

MADINAH  Qisas will continue as it was in Past

 All tribes will have equal human rights , irrespective of tribe or position

 Jews will share the cost of war.

 In case of an attack on Madinah, both Jews and Muslims will together save
 Both tribes will not give shelter to enemies of each other

CHARTER  All hands will go against the sinister, irrespective of the status of the sinner,

OF even if he is the son of chief of tribe

MADINAH  Poor Muslims will have equal rights as the other Muslims

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