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Back to the Roots

By: Group 10

Akanksha Gaikwad(2011074)
Avom Goyal (2011298)
Siva Brahma Madras Kesava Kumar (2011124)
Sai Jyothi Battagiri (2011299)
Marmik Upadhyaya (2011329)
Vineeth Pachava (2011274)
Komal Agarwal (2011111)
Yashwanth Chowdary (2011101)
5C Analysis

Customer Company Collaborators

Ready to grow: Founded in 2009 by Arora and Velez - Whole food stores (initially, Berkeley),
Demographic: 55+ & 18-34 Kroger, and Safeway
Psychographic: The people who want Edible gardening is $ 3.9B market, 11% - retailers (Home Depot, Skymall and
to be aware about the source of their CAGR of organic food sales. ⅓ of US Nordstrom)
food households growing food at home - Public schools (NY public school)

The parents using food growing as 2 Product portfolios:

opportunity to teach their children. 1) RTG (9 different crops + grow-in-a-
box mushroom) - Indoor gardening kits
Ready to eat: - a) Soil-based grow kits
Demographic: schools with b)aquaponics-based grow kits
lunchrooms, retail consumers 2) RTE - Cereals (Single and multi
Psychographic: People concerned serve packages)
about purity of of food and sugar
contents $10M funding in 2016-17,
students fascinated about color of cereal
and taste.
5C Analysis

Competitors Context

Ready to grow: Political - Public school systems focusing on better quality

of cereal for 1.1 million children
-readymade organic mushrooms
-other substitute practices to home food growing Economical - ample fundraising opportunities available
from crowdfunding, Acre venture partners and Fund Good
Ready to eat Jobs

-Honey nut cheerios Social- preparation of families wanted to grow homegrown

-Honey Bunches of Oats food has been increasing with 17%. 11% annual growth rate
-Frosted Flakes of organic food sales

Opportunities - 83% of new gardening households are

millennials . 63%increse in food gardening seen among
young adults.

Threats - less then 6% of total garden spending in US was

on indoor plants
Criteria for
Introduce Snack Bar Focus on current portfolio

Although snack bar comes under organic

which is part of ready to eat. Ideally, Ready to Grow and Read to eat aligns with their
customers associate RTG to BTTR but not current vision.
much of organic foods

- Top brands of grocery have 2.3% growth

- 94% of respondents said that they are rate whereas segment has has 5.2%.
Customer Behavior likely to be more loyal to brand that - 56% of respondents said that information
Evaluation of offers complete transparency about how food is produced etc would
make them trust the brand more
Alternatives - 11% annual growth rate in organic
foods - Gardening: 3.6$ Billion Market
Industry Trends - $100 B estimated sales -2019 - Cereals : 2.4% y.o.y growth
- 5.9% category Growth, (top 100 have
negative growth)

- RTG kits - approx - 25% -30% margin

Profitability - 43.5% -51.5% Gross margin - Cereals - Low margins

Distribution Difficulty in establishing new supply

Criteria for evaluating Introduce Snack Bar

• Organic
Relative Advantage
• Transparency

• 47% consumers desired food attributed to be natural

• 73% were willing to pay more,

• Organic nature of ingredients and its nutritious values can be conveyed

Evaluation of •

Right certification and licensing would profoundly convey the benefits
Packaging is more intuitive and easily understood

• The taste and the quality of the product can directly be observed
• The health benefits would take longer to visibly reflect on consumers

• Snack bar positioning could impact the core business of the BTTR (RTG)
Risk • Resource constraints
• Developing scale and supply chain
Problem Statement:  With focus on retaining core value proposition
of the company, they must decide between introducing new product in
ready to eat or concentrating on current portfolio.

•Do not introduce new products in RTE and focus on building ready to
grow segment and catering to existing markets
•Delve further into ready to eat segment and introduce new products
Problem (snack bar)
• Partnering with Multinational companies
• Without partnering with multinational companies
•BTTR should introduce snack bar   Target Segment same

Positioning Healthy & Tasty organic  snack for

Action Plan: all ages
•Short Term:
• Introduce Snack Bar
• Partnering with multinational CPG Products and Brands Brand - Same Brand
companies will help them with
Recommended distribution
•Long Term  Categories RTE

& • Shift focus onto Ready to grow based

on industry trends. Distribution Other than whole foods, Enter into

Action Plan Walmart, Home Depot etc retail

stores, and eventually into D2C 

Advertising & In-store marketing, BTL and ATL


Pricing Consistent prices with high margin

Action Plan to
handle Action plan to handling negatives:
•Strengthen the current ready to grow
negatives arising product positioning in the market.
•Taking continuous feedback from
out of non- customers to bring required changes to
selection of the product 
•Work on building good models to
other predict forecasting demand

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