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Free Fall

When an object falls under the influence of gravity alone, it is in a state

of free fall.

Galileo Galilei observed that

objects of various weights,
when released at the same
time, fell and reach the
ground at the same time.

Free Fall

Galileo claimed that in the absence of

air all objects, regardless of their
weights, fall at the same acceleration.

Free Fall

In 1971, David Randolph Scott made a

breakthrough when he performed an
experiment during the Apollo 15 moon
landing mission. He showed that a
hammer and a feather had fallen on
the surface of the moon at the same
time despite their different weights.

Free Fall
Galileo has proven that all objects, in the absence of air resistance, fall
with the same constant acceleration.

  acceleration due to gravity

g = 9.8

Equations 𝒂=−
𝟗 .𝟖 𝒎/ 𝒔𝟐

= + gt


Free Fall
Case 1 : Dropped from rest
 • = is zero
• constant acceleration of
-9.8 , as the object falls the
velocity increases by 9.8 m/s
per second.
• as the velocity increases (-),
the distance covered by the
object each second also

Free Fall GOING UP
• the velocity of the object
Case 2 : Thrown upward
decreases (+) until the
ball becomes stationary
(v =0 m/s).
• the distance covered is
also decreasing.

• the motion is just the
same as of the ball
dropped from rest (case

Free Fall Example 1

A construction worker accidentally drops a brick from a high scaffold.

a. What is the velocity of the brick after 4.0 s? b. How far does the brick fall
during this time?

Free Fall Example 2

A tennis ball is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 22.5 m/s. It is caugh
t at the same distance above the ground.
a. How high does the ball rise? b. How long does the ball remain in the air?
Hint: The time it takes the ball to rise equals the time it takes to fall.

Free Fall Example 3
A rock thrown upward at 30 m/s from a 200 m cliff relative to the sea.
a) How much time will it take to reach the highest peak?
b) What is the maximum height relative to the sea?
c) How long did the ball traveled?


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