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in the Media
Margarita Alekseieva
Khorsun Maria
1 The notion of advertising

2 Types of advertising

3 AIDA formula and ad analysis

The notion of advertising
• Advertising is a form of sponsored marketing
communication, the main aim of which is to promote and
sell a product, service or an idea.

• The most suitable advertising option for your business will

depend on your target audience.

• Creativity in advertising is the

key to get noticed within
advertising regulations.
Types of advertising

• The specific feature of online (digital) advertising is that a

particular ad can be targeted to a specific person of specific
age of a specific location on a specific time. Ads
on YouTube or Ads displayed on Google search results page
are examples of online Advertising.

• 60% revenue of Google is generated from ads.

• SMS marketing is the major source of mobile advertising. Current
trends in mobile advertising involve major use of social media such
as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn.

• The difference between online ads and mobile

advertising is that online ads can be accessed
from any device like a computer or a laptop,
mobile advertising is only via mobile.
• Because of great impact of the
internet broadcast advertising is

• Unlike radio, television ads are still date one of the best type of
advertising and have the most fantastic reach for a large audience.

• Television is deeply connected with

infomercial – term comes from the
combination of words information and
commercial. Ads of almost all products are
shown on television.
• Before the evolution of television when printing was a major source
of advertising and considered to be one of the most effective media.

• Nowadays there are several print types of advertising, such as

magazine advertising also known as periodical advertisements,
brochures or handouts, newspapers, flyers etc.
• Outdoor advertising, also known as
out-of-home (OOH) advertising – a
broad term that describes any type of
advertising that reaches consumers
away from home via billboards, bus
shelter posters, and fly posters.

• They are displayed on the side of the

road, on the glass of large buildings,
or on specifically targeted places
that have huge inflow from the
• Product Placement – a type of advertising
where a product is quietly embedded in the
entertainment media. Most of the times there is
no mention of the product although the
audience sees the product.

• Movies are the major places where is done. In popular shows like
Family Guy, humorous advertisements are placed all over the TV show
like Red Bull, Sony, Apple, Microsoft and many more.
AIDA formula
The aim of advertising is to encourage consumers to buy or use what
your company is offering. According to the AIDA model, a potential
customer goes through four phases when deciding whether to buy a
product and these correlate to the four phases of the AIDA model. The
acronym stands for:
How does the AIDA model work?

According to the AIDA model, advertisers have to achieve four communication

goals to guide potential customers from the stage when they are first aware of a
product, and encourage them to make their way to the purchasing stage. The
AIDA approach therefore belongs to the group of hierarchical advertising
models, based on a linear sequential process of the buying decision process, in
which customers go through a series of cognitive and affective stages, which
culminate in a purchase.
A – Attract attention
 for an advertising message to be displayed to a potential
customer, the advertiser must first attract the target
group’s attention. The first phase of the AIDA model is to
initiate the activation, perception, and emotional process.
To this end, advertising works with various strategies that
relate to the content of an advertising message,
presentation, or placement.
As a rule, content that attracts attention usually contains
new, contradictory, or provocative information:
Only at Walmart: square melons!
I – Maintain interest

Once you’ve attracted a customer’s attention, the next step is to get

them interested and sustain this interest. In this phase of the
decision-making process, products and brands are presented, their
benefits are emphasized, usage scenarios are shown, and the
various ways to purchase the product are introduced – in the best
case, from the point of view of the customer.
D – Create desire

In the third phase of the AIDA model, the consumer’s general

interest develops into a concrete purchasing intent. This is
the time to display the models you offer in your online store
so that the customer can see what the different options are.
Explain how your models are cheaper or look better than the
competitor’s model.
In this phase, advertising measures offer information, which
emphasizes the benefits of their own products and brands
against competitors’ products. The aim is to make the target
group see the company in a positive light as well as its
brands, products, and services.
A – Get action
If advertisers have succeeded in creating a demand for specific
products or services for the target group, this should lead to an
action in the final phase of the AIDA model, which is that the
interested party should ultimately buy the advertised product or use
the offered service.
Advertising, which aims to initiate actions, should include a call-
to-action. Examples of some classic calls to action are:
Order iPhone 12 just now!
Calls to action are sometimes accompanied by time constraints,
which aim to put the potential buyer under pressure so they are
more likely to buy.
Limited edition. For a short time only.
If you promise customers security or additional services, it may
increase the probability of them making a purchase.
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