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Business Research Presentation

Prepared by:

Aileen Jean C. Llido

Daisy B. Ludripas
 When should we think about ethics in a

research study?
There are several reasons why it is important to adhere to ethical norms in

research. First, norms promote the aims of research, such as knowledge,

truth, and avoidance of error. For example, prohibitions against fabricating,

falsifying, or misrepresenting research data promote the truth and minimize

Ethics is a system of principles that helps us tell right from wrong,
good from bad. Ethics can give real and practical guidance to our
lives. ... We constantly face choices that affect the quality of our
lives. We are aware that the choices that we make have
consequences, both for ourselves and others.
•What elements would you
include in a consent form
for an interview based
•A statement that the study involves research, an
explanation of the purposes of the research, the
expected duration of a subject's participation, a
description of the procedures to be followed,
and if applicable identification of any
experimental procedures.
•What practical activities can you suggest to
anticipate and prevent unethical research practice?
Some key themes and strategies to anticipate and deal with them are given below.

•Stakeholder analysis: This may include the research participants, their managers
and other team members, “gatekeepers” who may be senior managers or specific
post-holders who can authorize your research, shareholders (in a private quoted
company) who may be impacted if your research is detrimental to the company and
is leaked, customers for the same reason but could be any kind of organization,
yourself as researcher, yourself as student, competitors to this organization or
activity?, suppliers? Can you identify any more stakeholders? Some will be specific
to the kind of research study undertaken, for example a study of recruitment
practices could affect potential employees.
Informed consent:Informed consent requires you to prepare for all research
participants some documentation which shows them what you are doing and why,
what their role in the research is, what will happen to the data you collect from
them and what they are agreeing to do. It will also usually set out how you will
keep and dispose of the data and how the required confidentiality will be ensured.
It will also set out how the participant can withdraw their consent at any time
andyou will not proceed with their data/interview etc. This is very detailed and
seems like a lot of work, but in fact a short text can often achieve all the
requirements of informed consent.
Objectivity:Let us assume that your motives are honest, in
which case there are justtwo issues to tackle here. The first
issue is the way data are collected and recorded. You may be
using a specially designed relational database in which to
record observations and related information, or we may be
talking about a highlighter pen and notes in the margin of an
interview transcript, or a clipboard and pencil. Whatever
method is used tocollect, and transfer data to a retrievable
record, then it must be designed for purpose, systematic and
capable of capturing all relevant details.
Thank you!👭

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