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Civil Rights Movement

HST 210: The US Experience

Beginnings of the Movement

• Brown V. Board (1954)

• Emmett Till (1955)
• Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956)
• Sit-Ins (1960)
• Freedom Rides (1961)
• Freedom Summer (1964)
Brown V. Board (1954)

• school desegregation, voting, integration, interracial

• "separate is inherently unequal"
Emmett Till

August 1955
• Chicago teen visiting relatives in Mississippi
• accused of flirting with a white woman
• beaten and killed by woman's husband and associates
• killed because he did not beg for mercy 
• not guilty verdict at the trial
Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955)
• one of most successful
o large scale action
o lasted over a year
o launched Martin Luther King into national spotlight
o non-violent direct action
o achieved the goal of desegregated buses
• Conditions leading up to boycott
o pay at front, enter though back
o stand at back of the bus despite open seats
o abusive white bus drivers
• December 1, 1955 - Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
to white man and is arrested
• Dec 5, 1955 boycott begins
• white businesses lose money, car poolers attacked 
• Dec 21, 1956 - boycott ends  - integrated
Sit -Ins
• college students start paticpating
• Jan 31, 1960 - Greensboro - local Woolworth's Sit In
• spilled over into other businesses
• "don't buy where you can't eat"
• endured violence 
• non-violent response
• police arrested only protesters
• helped break down segregation
• older generation thought it might be too fast and tried to
discourage these tactics
Freedom Rides (1961)
• May 1961
• Integrated bus es from DC to New Orleans
• forced government action 
• gov't sent reinforcements
• used as a testing tool to stir up emotions and support for
Freedom Summer (1964)

• college students (mostly from north) go down to south to

help with voter registration
• intimidation and violence from local whites
Major Groups

CORE Congress of Racial Equality

• college students

SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Coalition

• Martin Luther King, Jr.

SNCC Student Non-Violent Co-Coordinating Committee

• Ella Baker

Civil Rights Act 1964

    1963 - Kennedy approaches congress with the proposal
    Summer 1963 - March on Washington "I have a dream"
    Jan 1964 - it passed - voting, public segregation, education
    Federal Community Relations Service
    Equal Employment Commission

Voting Rights Act 1965

    Lyndon Johnson attacked southern resistance to AfAm vote
    passed quickly
    federal examines could be sent to register voters
    250, 000 new AfAm votes registered by the end of 1965

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