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“The most kind of freedom is to be what you really are.”

Lizard King
What is personality?

• . At its most basic, personality is the characteristic patterns of

thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique.
Me as a personality…

• Explanations for personality can focus on a variety of influences, ranging

from genetic explanations for personality traits to the role of the
environment. Being unique in its own way explains the fact that each of us
sees the world completely differently and no one can forbid us from
personal opinions.
The importance of values ​in
personality education

• Each of us being a unique

personality has its own values.
Some of the most precious
values ​in the life of each of us
are: health, family, religion,
homeland and social
development. Pursuing the goals
in life we ​must take into
account these values ​so that
throughout life we ​form as a
respected and fulfilled
personality in society.
Success in a society

• For a perfect personal development it

is necessary to know yourself and to
be aware of the goal and the
performances you want to achieve, to
define the means by which you will
obtain them and the actions you will
undertake. It is very important that
the interests and aspirations of each
individual contribute to the
development of the entire community.
Quotes about personality

• Personality is that which is thrust upon us.

• I use bits and pieces of others personalities to form my own.
• Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures.

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