A Case Analysis Presentation in Management of Enterprise

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The Cost
A Case of Legacy
Analysis Systems in Management of Enterprise

Dr. Joseph Micheal Espiritu

Christopher Adel
Rodrigo Caya
Romi Almanzor

• Deutsche had major issues in the past that lead to the overhaul of their information
system which was resolved because of an executive level effort to fix their systems into a
single blueprint. While they took the step of fixing the disintegrated information system
that they had, Deutsche Bank is now being presented with the lack in level of
competency from the other financial institutions to combat any future issues, regulatory
changes, and growing demands of innovative solutions and better decision making.
Areas of Consideration (Facts)

• Deutsche Bank as one of Germany’s leading financial institution that provides

multiple financial services to its 2,790 branches in 70 different countries around the
world. It was also stated that Deutsch Bank has undergone a few instances of
acquisitions, merges, and expansion in the past leading to its growth to operate as
a large scale financial institution. Because of its wide range of products and services,
and its huge portfolio of financial derivatives, its value is now amounting to $46
Trillion which led to having them labeled as an embodiment of the global financial
system. In 2008, Deutsche Bank faced a banking crisis and had to pay $7.2 billion to
settle US regulatory complaints in its sale of toxic mortgage securities. It also faced
another US regulatory complaint because of its inability to fulfill swap reporting
requirements under the Commodity Exchange Act and CFTC Regulations. These two
problems were a result of the following key issues within their organization:
Major Key Points:

• The business process involved too many manual reconciliations because of the different legacy
systems coming off from the different merges and acquisitions in the past. Because there is no
standard business operating procedure, they are having a hard time generating reports because
their customer and financial data are being defined in different labels and operate in totally
independent systems.
• These different systems cannot operate together because of its incompatibility. This made it very
hard for the senior leadership to make business decisions because they are unable to see the
overall picture of its bank operations. 
• They also lack a disaster recovery plan that will enable them to mitigate system downtime
and recover a financial loss.
• Even if they were a key player in the financial industry, they lack customer experience analytics
that provide senior management insights to develop products and services that utilize modern
technology to keep their competency level up against their competitors.
Identify the problem described in this case study. What
people, organization, and technology factors contributed to
this problem? 

What was the role of information technology at Deutsche

Bank? How was IT related to the bank’s operational efficiency,
decision-making capability, and business strategy? 

Discussion: Was Deutsche Bank using technology effectively to pursue its

business strategy? Explain your answer. 

What solution for Deutsche Bank was proposed? How

effective do you think it will be? Explain your answer. 
• Deutsch Bank is to implement a full system development
life cyclethat allows phase by phase development and
involves consistent business process consulting. 
• It will be beneficial for them to hire an IT Director who is
capable of both the technical and the business
management skills.
Conclusion & • Create a solid BCP (business continuity plan)
involving people, budget, and alternative systems in place
Recommendatio • it’s recommended that Deutsch Bank take a step forward
n of the Team: by making use of their customer data into analytics to
develop innovative solutions and services that take
(Main Points) advantage of the new technology to improve customer
experience and generate a better sales margin such as
utilizing NFCs (Near Field Communication) and multi-bank
• It is recommended that Deutsch Bank should consider
putting emphasis into developing a long-term strategy that
will sustain the organization’s Mission Vision

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