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s 
Section 2
Section 2


n R

Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Review of Section 1 - Overview

Topics Covered
Quality Tools
Re-vitalization of Data Driven Management and Processes
SPC Relationship to QOS Level Audits
SPC in 6-Sigma (DMAIC)
Tolerance Stack-up
Benefits of Control Charts
What can we learn from SPC?
Costs of using or not using SPC?
Will it be a “Quality-of-Event” or Wallpaper?
A Simple Process vs. Concern Prevention
y=f(x) – Outputs are a function of inputs
Data Types
Variable Data
Attribute Data
S tatistical
P rocess
Section 1 Topics Covered
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Section 2 – Setting Up the Basics
Topics to be Covered
Gage R&R and Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
Data Distribution Types
Introduction of our Bowling Example – Scores & Averages
Why is it OK to sample a process?
Central Limit Theorem
Central Tendency
Mean, Median, and Mode
Dispersion of Data
Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation
Normal Distribution
Samples vs. the Population
Gaussian Distribution Percentages
Common Cause vs. Special Cause
S tatistical Variable Data – Building Blocks

P rocess
Section 2 Topics to be Covered
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
What is Important for a RELIABLE Measurement?
Measurement System Analysis

The understanding of Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility,

Bias, Linearity and Measurement Error
To ensure that the entire Measurement System
is Capable of generating VALID DATA.

S tatistical
P rocess
Making Decisions using Sample Data
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Data Distribution Types

NORMAL Distribution

Skewed Distribution
Skewed RIGHT Skewed LEFT

Bimodal Distribution

S tatistical
P rocess
Making Decisions using Sample Data
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Bowling Scores
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9 9 6 8 9 8 9
20 39 48 66 74 103122131 151 180
9 9 8 8 9 9 4 9
9 18 46 64 72 91 100109 128 138
5 8 8
20 30 30 50 80 110138158 178 208
Total Score for the Night = 180 + 138 + 208 = 526
Average for the Night = 526 / 3 games =

S tatistical
P rocess
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Bowling Scores
Week # Game 1 Game 2 Game 3
1 180 138 208
2 170 167 198 Is it easy to tell
3 178 145 187 from looking at
4 165 115 159 these weekly scores
5 181 140 178 whether our Bowler is
6 199 165 189
getting better or worse?
7 150 121 216
8 145 145 160
9 154 165 163 Answer:
10 160 159 165 Not Really… Many raw
11 170 169 165
numbers are impossible
12 169 167 171
to interpret and
13 170 173 175
summarize in the
14 175 180 172
15 190 155 170 average person’s mind
16 170 173 175 (unless you’re Raymond
S tatistical Babbitt - Rainman).
P rocess
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Bowling Scores + Averages
Week # Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Weekly
1 180 138 208 175.33
2 170 167 198 178.33
3 178 145 187 170
Is it easier to
4 165 115 159 146.33 interpret if we
5 181 140 178 166.33 include a Weekly
6 199 165 189 184.33 Average?
7 150 121 216 163
8 170 145 160 158.33
9 154 165 163 160.67 Answer:
10 160 159 165 161.33 Maybe a little bit,
11 170 169 165 168 but it is still difficult
12 169 167 171 169
to see anything
13 170 173 175 172.67
14 175 180 175 175.67
15 190 155 172 171.67
16 170 173 175 172.67
S tatistical 1st Half 171.94 154.81 178.31
P rocess Average

C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004
Weekly Average = ( Game 1 + Game 2 + Game 3 ) / 3
Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004

Exercise 2.1

Get used to the Calculator

S tatistical
P rocess
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Bowling Scores – Plotting the Scores

Question: Answer: Question: Answer:

If we lay the Scores out YES Do we know if our NO, Not Yet
in a Histogram, can we Bowler is getting better
see any specific shape or worse over time?
starting to take form?

120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215

S tatistical
P rocess
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Bowling Scores – Plotting the Averages

Question: Answer: Question: Answer:

If we lay the Averages YES Do we know if our NO, Not Yet
out in a Histogram, Bowler is getting better
can we see any specific or worse over time?
shape starting to take

120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215

S tatistical What is this Distribution type called? 

P rocess
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004

Exercise 2.2

S tatistical
P rocess
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Data Distribution Types
Our Bowler’s Scores
NORMAL Distribution represent a Normal
Distribution, and so
do the Averages.
What would happen
Skewed Distribution if they didn’t? 

Skewed RIGHT Skewed LEFT

Bimodal Distribution

S tatistical
P rocess
Making Decisions using Sample Data
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Central Limit Theorem
The distribution of Means of independent samples from any distribution with finite
mean and variance, will converge to the normal distribution as the sample size goes to
BASICALLY – The averages of groupings of samples from a Normal OR Non-Normal
population will move toward a Normal distribution as more data is collected and

Distributions of
Samples of the
Population Data Population

S tatistical
P rocess
This allows us to rely on SAMPLE DATA to make DECISIONS?
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Variable Data - Building Blocks

Central Tendency Dispersion

Mean - Average Range – Difference between
Highest and Lowest (in the
set of samples taken)
Median – 50% Above
and 50% below the
Standard Deviation –
A Measure of Dispersion
The Mean +/- 3 Standard
Mode – Most Deviations = 99.73% of the
Frequently Occurring
Used the most frequently Variance – Std. Dev. squared
in “our” data world.

S tatistical
P rocess
Variable Data
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Bowling Scores – Central Tendency
Mean - Average
Median – 50% Above and 50% below the Midpoint
Mode – Most Frequently Occurring

Underlined items are

used the most frequently
in “our” SPC data world.

120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215

-3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3

S tatistical Mean = 168.35
Median = 170
Mode = 170
P rocess
SPC Building Blocks
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004


Exercise 2.3

S tatistical
P rocess
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Bowling Scores – Dispersion
Range – Difference between Highest and Lowest

Standard Deviation –
A Measure of Dispersion
The Mean +/- 3 Standard Deviations = 99.73% of
the data (see next slide)
115 Variance – Std. Dev. squared 216
Range = 216 – 115 = 101

120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215

-3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3

S tatistical Underlined items are
P rocess used the most frequently
SPC Building Blocks
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004
in “our” SPC data world.

Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004

Bowling Scores – Dispersion
Range – Difference between Highest and Lowest

Standard Deviation –
A Measure of Dispersion (Spread)
The Mean +/- 3 Standard Deviations = 99.73% of
the data (see next slide)

Variance – Std. Dev. squared

Underlined items are
used the most frequently
in “our” data world.

120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215

-3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3

S tatistical Mean = 168.35

P rocess Standard Deviation =  SPC Building Blocks
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004

Exercise 2.4a
Exercise 2.4b

S tatistical
P rocess
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Normal Distribution
68.27% of the Population
Falls between the
Why is it important to understand
–1 and +1
the shape of our data?
95.45% of the Population 
Falls between the
–2 and +2

99.73% of the Population

Falls between the
–3 and +3
        
S tatistical
P rocess
Gaussian Distribution Percentages
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Variable Data - Building Blocks
X (X-bar) – Average value calculated from a set of data (subgroup).

 – Mean – Average value – Represents the average of the population.

X (X-double bar) – The average of subgroup averages on an X-Bar Chart.

R – Range - Difference between Highest and Lowest (in the set of samples taken).
The subgroup range.

R – R-bar – The average of the Range values on the R Chart.

s – Standard Deviation – The Sample Standard Deviation within subgroups.

Deviation of measured data from the calculated mean value. (sample)

 – Standard Deviation – The standard deviation of the distribution of individual

values of a process characteristic. (population)

S tatistical
n – The number of individuals in a subgroup.
P rocess
Variable Data
C ontrol k – The number of subgroups.
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004
Section 2 – Setting Up the Basics
Topics Covered
Gage R&R and Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
Data Distribution Types
Introduction of our Bowling Example – Scores & Averages
Why is it OK to sample a process?
Central Limit Theorem
Central Tendency
Mean, Median, and Mode
Dispersion of Data
Range, Variance, and Standard Deviation
Normal Distribution
Samples vs. the Population
Gaussian Distribution Percentages
Common Cause vs. Special Cause
S tatistical Variable Data – Building Blocks

P rocess
Review of Section 2
C ontrol
Version 1.1 – 6/2004 Copyright © Ford Motor Company, 2004

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