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Stress fracture in foot

Dull pain activity related pain decreased on

• Long runners
• New recruitment in Army
• Change of foot ware
• Athletes and sportsperson
Neck >>> shaft
• Runners – Metatarsal neck
• Dancers – Metatarsal base
• Walking and standing – Metatarsal shaft
• Distal to 4-5 intermetatarsal joint
Check lists
• Amenorrhea
• Eating disorders
• Osteoporosis
• Osteomalacia
• Short 1st metatarsal
• Long 2nd metatarsal ( most rigid and stress bearing )
• Cavus foot – 5th metatarsal fracture
• Is usually normal so always repeat after 3-4 weeks
• Need MRI for diagnosis or
• Give walking cast or non weight bearing for 6 weeks
• Healed stress # - minimal sclerosis or increased density

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