Task 1. Listen To A Dialogue. Check Sentences That Are True

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Task 1. Listen to a dialogue. Check sentences that are true.

It’s polite to arrive on time.

It’s a good idea to take some food, like cake or ice-cream.
It’s polite to shake hands with people you don’t know.
It’s O.K. to kiss people you don’t know on the cheek.
It’s O.K. to smoke without asking.
It’s rude to start eating before the host or hostess.
It’s O.K. to leave ten minutes after the meal.
It’s rude to ask people how much they earn.
Task 1. Listen to a dialogue. Check sentences that are true.

It’s polite to arrive on time.

It’s a good idea to take some food, like cake or ice-cream.
It’s polite to shake hands with people you don’t know.
It’s O.K. to kiss people you don’t know on the cheek.
It’s O.K. to smoke without asking.
It’s rude to start eating before the host or hostess.
It’s O.K. to leave ten minutes after the meal.
It’s rude to ask people how much they earn.
jə ͜ ʃd ͜ əˈraɪv ɒn taɪm
You should arrive on time.
jə ͜ ʃʊdnt ͜ əˈraɪv leɪt
You shouldn’t arrive late.
jə ͜ ʃə(d) ͜ seɪ jə laɪk ðə fuːd
You should say you like the food.
jə ͜ ʃʊdn(t) ͜ sməʊk ɪnˈsaɪd
You shouldn’t smoke inside.

subject + should ⁄ shouldn’t + infinitive

Task 2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

1. At the dinner party in England you should take a bottle of something, or

perhaps some flowers. You shouldn’t arrive without anything.
2. In many cultures, when you meet someone for the first time, you should shake
hands. You shouldn’t kiss.
3. In Hong Kong, you shouldn’t point with your finger. You should use your hand.
4. In Thailand, you should take off your hat in Buddhist temples. Also you
shouldn’t wear shoes. Leave them outside the temple.
5. You shouldn’t take photos of people you don’t know. You should always ask
them first.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

1. At the dinner party in England you should take a bottle of something, or

perhaps some flowers. You shouldn’t arrive without anything.
2. In many cultures, when you meet someone for the first time, you should shake
hands. You shouldn’t kiss.
3. In Hong Kong, you shouldn’t point with your finger. You should use your hand.
4. In Thailand, you should take off your hat in Buddhist temples. Also you
shouldn’t wear shoes. Leave them outside the temple.
5. You shouldn’t take photos of people you don’t know. You should always ask
them first.
wɛn ʃəd ͜ aɪ əˈraɪv
When should I arrive?
ʃəd ͜ aɪ teɪk ˈsʌmθɪŋ tʊ iːt
Should I take something to eat?
Yes, you should. ⁄ No, you shouldn’t. jɛs | jə ͜ ʃʊd ⁄ nəʊ | jə ͜ ʃʊdnt

q. w. + should ⁄ shouldn’t + subject + infinitive

Task 3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.
1. What should I do when I first meet someone?
When you first meet someone, shake hands.
2. What time should I arrive?
Arrive between 7 and 7³⁰.
3. Whom should I give the present to?
It’s polite to give it to the hostess.
4. Where should I leave my coat?
Put it behind the door.
5. How much should I exercise?
You should do about 2o minutes’ exercise, thrice a week.
Task 3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.
1. What should I do when I first meet someone?
When you first meet someone, shake hands.
2. What time should I arrive?
Arrive between 7 and 7³⁰.
3. Whom should I give the present to?
It’s polite to give it to the hostess.
4. Where should I leave my coat?
Put it behind the door.
5. How much should I exercise?
You should do about 2o minutes’ exercise, thrice a week.
Task 4. Write some advice for a foreigner.

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