4#what Are Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

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Title tags and meta

What are title tags and meta descriptions?

 Title tags and meta descriptions are bits of HTML code in the header of a

web page. They help search engines understand the content on a page. A
page's title tag and meta description are usually shown whenever that page
appears in search engine results.
The meta description
 The description tag is intended to be a short summary of the content found on
the web page. While the title tag is very limited, a meta description gives you
a bit more space to tell users what you’re offering, and it’s an opportunity to
give them a compelling reason to click through to your page.
When writing meta descriptions
 • Have unique descriptions for every page on your site.
• Create a compelling description using relevant keywords. Make sure what’s
described is what the searcher will get.
• Inspire curiosity. Provide just enough information to explain what the page
is about but not so much that it ruins the curiosity factor.
• Include a call to action within your meta description to give your reader a
clear instruction of what action to take and what’s in it for them.
• Keep your meta descriptions between 150 and 154 characters. If they’re too
long, search engines will cut off the extra characters.
The title tag
 The title tag is the title element of a web page that summarizes the content
found on a page. It will appear in three key places: browsers, search engine
results pages, and external sites such as Facebook or Twitter. We’ll look at
examples of title tags later.
 There’s one important thing to keep in mind. Search engines expect a titles
tag to include relevant keywords and phrases that describe what that page is
about. So if the title you create is not relevant for the page, Google can
choose to show a different title instead. You don’t want that to happen. Why?
Because title tags are a great opportunity to attract prospects to click
through to your site so make sure it gives an accurate, concise and compelling
summary of what that page is about.
When writing title tags:
 • Title must be highly relevant to the content found on that specific page.
• Place important keywords and phrases close to the front of the title tag so
they catch the eye.
• Write naturally for visitors and avoid keyword stuffing.
• Avoid duplication. Each page will have a different topic so it needs to have
a unique title.
• Potentially include your brand name at the end of the title tag, but focus on
getting your message across first.
• Keep it between 60 and 64 characters or as many characters as you can fit
into a 512-pixel display. If you write a title that’s longer than that, it’ll get
cut off, showing an ellipsis “….”.
• Make it compelling. Your title tag should be appealing enough to entice
visitors to click to find out more about what you have to offer.
Title should be
 Number
 Date
 Call to action
 Top keyword reference
 Question
 synonyms
 Portent's SERP Preview Tool

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