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Service Discovery

Finding Needed Services
• Mobile clients depend more on dynamic interaction with their environment,
discovering services as needed.

• While a desktop computer typically has ready access to many peripheral devices
such as printers, scanners.

• Service discovery frameworks make networked services significantly less tedious

to deploy and configure and can be used to build rich mobile computing
• In a service discovery–enabled network, for example, a printer becomes usable
(and discoverable) as soon as it is plugged in.

• This reduces configuration hassles and saves valuable systems administration

time because the printer adjusts to its surroundings with little additional help.
• Service discovery-enabled clients can find and use the printer immediately
without forcing the user to search manually for the printer, identify its type, and
then download and install device drivers.

• If the printer is removed— say, in order to upgrade it to a model with more

capacity—and replaced with another, the new printer will integrate into the
network just as easily.
• Service discovery extends the local “plug and play” technology that (usually)
works in Windows environments conceptually to the network and between
different platforms.

• This naturally makes device mobility less painful—moving a device from home to
an office and then to a friend’s home requires no reconfiguration
• A service discovery framework is a collection of protocols for developing highly
dynamic client-server (CS) applications that standardizes a number of common
mechanisms for interaction between clients and services.

• Service discovery frameworks provide a context to answer questions of this sort

in a standard fashion.

• The service discovery frameworks that have been proposed to date, for example,
Jini, Universal Plug and Play etc.
• All service discovery frameworks support the concepts of client and service,
defined in the typical sense.

• Clients need things, and services provide them.

• For example, a service discovery–enabled LCD projector might provide wireless

projection services to a laptop client during a paper presentation.
Service Advertisement and Service Discovery
• The most basic interactions between clients and server are service advertisement
and service discovery.

• Service advertisement allows services to announce their presence when they

enter the network and to announce their departure from the network.

• Service discovery allows clients to discover dynamically services present either in

their local network environment or on a larger scale.
Service Advertisement and Service Discovery
• The discovery attempt typically includes information about the type of services
needed, including the standardized service type name(s) and service

• These characteristics might identify the specific (geographic) location of a service,

device capabilities.
Service Advertisement and Service Discovery
• Whether services are sought directly or a catalog is consulted, a client needs very
little information about its environment—it can locate services (or service
catalogs) dynamically with little or no static configuration.
Service Discovery Protocol: Common
• A common ground among the service discovery protocol suites has
been discussed looking at the common characteristics.
• Most service discovery frameworks address a large subset of the
following concepts:
• Standardization of services: Service types are standardized to support
dynamic discovery of services. This includes operations that the service
supports, the protocols it uses, and descriptive attributes that provide
additional information about the service.
• Discovery of Service:
• Needed services may be discovered on demand with minimal
prior knowledge of the network.
• Clients can search for service either by service type or service
description attributes.

• Service subtyping:
• Clients may be interested in specific type of service e.g. high
resolution color printer required to print photo.
• In other cases black and white printing service is required.
Service subtyping allows clients to specify a needed service
type with required detail.
Service insertion and advertisement: Service advertisement
allows dynamic insertion into and removal of services from
the network, providing an extension of plug and play
technologies into a networked environment.
Services slip into a network with minimum manual
configuration and advertise their availability either directly
to clients or to servers maintaining catalogs of services.
Services leaving a network can advertise their departure.
Service Browsing: browsing allows clients to explore the
space of currently available services without prior
knowledge of network environment and without any specific
service types in mind.
Information obtained through service browsing may be
presented to user in a GUI and then user can select the
service to interact with.
Service Catalogs: Services perform advertisement against
one or more catalogs rather than interacting with the
clients directly.
Similarly clients query catalogs for needed services rather
than searching the network for services.
The advantages are greater flexibility in deploying
services beyond the local network segment and a
reduction in multicast traffic.
Eventing : Eventing allows asynchronous notification of
interesting conditions e.g. a needed service becoming
available or an important change in the state of the
service such as printer running out of paper.
An eventing mechanism provides more timely
notifications of important events.
Garbage collection: it facilitates remove outdated
information from the network, including advertisements
associated with dysfunctional services and subscriptions to
eventing services.
Otherwise clients try contact non-existence services or
services continue to perform operations on behalf of crashed
clients. Critical for proper operation of service catalog.

Scoping: scoping is addressed in two different ways. First way

controls the extent of multicast communication by using
administratively scoped multicast to administratively control
the radius of multicast advertisement and discovery in order
to limit traffic on network.
The other sort scoping associates names with services to
create service groups.
• The dynamicity added to the CS paradigm by service discovery introduces some
new concerns:

• Globally unique identifiers for services so that individual service instances can be
• How services are located
• Methods for standardization.
Universally unique identifiers
• It is useful to be able to identify services uniquely, particularly in large
networks where many instances of the same service type may be
• Assigning universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) to services has
several benefits:
• It allows clients to search for a specific service by its identifier.
• It allows clients and service catalogs to determine if two service
instances are in fact the same service

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• At first, it might seem difficult to generate universally unique
identifiers without global infrastructure
• but in fact, most computers with network interfaces already contain at
least one unique identifier
• An IEEE 802.3 Media Access Control (MAC) address.
• MAC addresses are 6 byte quantities with 3 bytes allocated to a
vendor ID and 3 bytes to a vendor-specific serial number.

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 MAC addresses alone are insufficient for universally unique service
IDs for a number of reasons.
 The first is that some services may be hosted on devices with no
assigned MAC address.
 A second reason is that MAC addresses can be configured in software,
potentially resulting in duplicates.
 Another reason is that a device with a single MAC address may host
many services, each of which requires a universally unique ID.
 Finally, it is not generally desirable to tie a service to a particular
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 An additional mechanism to allow UUIDs to be created without reference to
an MAC address, and is adequate for a broad class of applications.
 UUIDs in Jini are 128 bits long
 Are created using a combination of random numbers, a measure of the current
time, and possibly a MAC address.
 The most significant 64 bits of the identifier are composed of a
 32-bit time_low field,
 16-bit time_mid field,
 a 4-bit version number, and
 a 12-bit time_hi field.
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 The least significant 64 bits of the identifier are composed of a
 4-bit variant field,
 a 12-bit clock_seq field,
 a 48-bit node field.
 The variant is always 2.
 The version field can contain either 1 or 4.

 If the version field contains 1, then the node field is set to a 48-bit MAC address, the
clock_seq field is set to a random number, and the three time fields are set to a 60-bit measure
of elapsed time (in 100-ns increments) from midnight, October 15, 1582.
 If the version field is 4, then the other fields (except for the variant) are set to a random

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 An essential component in service discovery frameworks is a
standardization process for new service types.
 For clients to discover needed services (in an abstract sense, printers,
scanners, high-performance compute services), it must be possible for
the client to specify service types in a standard way.
 This is more than a simple naming problem—beyond the initial
discovery of services of a specific type, a client must know how to
interact with the service—how to make the service.

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• What does it mean to be a service of type X?
• What operations are appropriate for services of type X?
• What protocols does an instance of type X use?
• What descriptive attributes are required to adequately describe the
characteristics and capabilities of a service?

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Textual descriptions
 Most of the proposed service discovery frameworks use textual
descriptions for standardizing services.
 The Service Location Protocol (SLP),Universal Plug and Play
(UPnP), Salutation, and the Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol
(SDP), among the current commercial protocol suites,
 all use programming language–independent textual descriptions to
describe services.
 Ninja, which is primarily a research prototype emphasizing
advanced security features for service discovery, does as well.

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 There are two problems in constructing a textual service description.
 The name of the service type must be standardized so that clients have a
mechanism for specifying needed services.
 In addition, the names of standard attributes must be defined so that capabilities
and characteristics of service instances can be determined either during the
initial discovery attempt or during a post discovery service interrogation.

 The second issue is choosing the particular protocol used between a client and a
service instance. Some service discovery frameworks, such as SLP, use an
attribute to specify an external protocol that is used for client/service
communication; SLP is not concerned with the definition of this protocol.

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Using interfaces for standardization
• Another approach to standardizing a new service type is to define an
interface (generally in the object-oriented sense of the word) that
service instances implement.
• The exemple of this approach is Jini.
• which uses Java interfaces as the mechanism for standardizing
• The interface defines precisely the methods that will be used in
interacting with the device.

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• Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a set of networking protocols
 that permits networked devices, such as personal computers,
printers, Internet gateways, Wi-Fi access points and mobile
devices to seamlessly discover each other's presence on the
network and establish functional network services for data
sharing, communications, and entertainment. UPnP is intended
primarily for residential networks without enterprise-class
• Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is an architecture for pervasive
peer-to-peer network connectivity of intelligent appliances,
wireless devices, and PCs of all form factors.
• Although it’s introduced as an extension to the plug and play
peripheral model, UPnP is more than a simple extension to it.
Discovery and Advertisement
• Discovery and advertisement protocols allow clients to find interesting services
and service to make their existence known (dynamically) to clients.

• A discovery-enabled client is able to power on and immediately discover available

services, provided that the services in the area use a compatible service discovery
• The discovery and advertisement protocols specified in a service discovery
framework are the key to this capability, allowing clients to request services, as
needed, and for services to answer these queries.
Discovery and Advertisement
• Unicast discovery

• Unicast discovery is the simplest form of service discovery protocol.

• A client configured statically with the location of one or more service catalogs (in
the case of catalog-based frameworks such as Jini) or services (in peer-to-peer
systems such as UPnP) can contact the needed resources directly.
• Unicast discovery protocols typically use TCP/IP or another reliable, stream-
oriented transport protocol.
Unicast Discovery
Multicast discovery and
• Discovery

• Unlike unicast discovery, in which the locations of service catalogs or individual

services are configured statically, multicast discovery allows dynamic discovery of
interesting services.

• Advertisement
Multicast discovery and
• Service advertisement is the converse of discovery, allowing services entering or
leaving a network to advertise their availability (or unavailability).

• In addition, services periodically advertise their presence for the benefit of clients
that have just entered the network.
Multicast Discovery
Service catalogs
• An alternative to putting clients and services directly in touch with one another is
to deploy catalogs of available services.

• Clients make discovery attempts against these service catalogs and services
advertise directly to the catalogs.

• Service catalogs are appropriate for protocol suites following either

standardization principle (textual or standardized interface)
Service catalogs
• There are several advantages of service catalogs.

• The first is dramatically reduced multicast traffic because once service catalogs
are discovered, multicast is not necessary for future service discovery or service

• Another is that discovery is extended beyond the multicast radius of the local
network because the locations of remote service catalogs can be configured.
Service catalogs
• The catalog needs to give the developer all the information she needs
to make good use of these services.
Service catalogs
• Sample of the information included in a service catalog:

• Whom to contact about a service

• How to find and access a service
• Who has authority to change the service
• Which critical applications are related to the service
• Information about the relationships among services
• Documentation of all agreements between IT and the customer or user of the
Garbage Collection
• Garbage collection is critical in service discovery frameworks owing to the highly
dynamic nature of CS relationships.

• Without a mechanism for removing network state associated with dead clients
and services, an tremendous amount of “garbage” eventually would gather.

• A garbage collection facility solves this problem by removing information about

dead services.
Leasing (Garbage Collection)
• Leases are one popular garbage collection mechanism.

• Access to services in the Jini system is granted on lease basis: A service is

requested for a time period and, then, granted for negotiated period between
the service user and provider.

• This lease must be renewed before its expiration.

Leasing (Garbage Collection)
• In a service discovery framework, a typical leasing scenario might look like this:
A service is plugged into the network and discovers service catalogs. To make its
presence known to clients, the service registers with one or more of the service
• For each registration, a lease is assigned.
• The terms of the lease are that the service must send a renewal (“pay the rent”) at
a specified interval.
• Failure to send a renewal results in the service catalog assuming that the service
has left the network.
Advertised expirations (Garbage
• A simpler method for garbage collection that operate in a strictly peer-to-peer
manner (i.e., there are no service catalogs) is to attach timeouts to service

• The timeout allows a service to express the expected period during which clients
might expect to interact successfully with the service.
Security :
• JINI depends heavily on Java’s security model, which provides tools such as
digital certificates, encryption, and control over mobile code activities such as
opening and accepting socket connections, reading and writing to specific files,
and using native methods.
• The purpose of the Jini architecture is to join together groups of devices and
software components into a single, dynamic distributed system.

• Jini systems provide mechanisms for service construction, lookup,

communication, and use in a distributed system.
Examples of services include devices such as printers, displays, or disks; software
such as applications or utilities; information such as database and files; and users
of the system.

The heart of the Jini system is a trio of protocols called discovery, join, and

It functions similarly but provides more advanced searching capabilities and
mechanisms for distributed object applications.
A pair of these protocols .

Discovery/join occurs when a device is plugged in.

Discovery occurs when a service is looking for a lookup service with which to register.

Join occurs when a service has located a lookup service and wishes to join it.

Lookup occurs when a client or user needs to locate and invoke a service described
by its interface type.
Service provider locates a lookup service by multicasting a request on the local
network or a remote lookup service known to it in prior.

A service provider registers a service object and its service attributes with the
lookup service.

A client requests a service by Java type and, perhaps, other service attributes.

Then, client interacts directly with the service provider via the service object.
• The Service Location Protocol (SLP, srvloc) is a service discovery
 protocol that allows computers and other devices to find services in
a local area network without prior configuration. SLP has been
designed to scale from small, unmanaged networks to large
enterprise networks. It has been defined in RFC 2608 and RFC 3224
 as standards track document.
• SLP:
• User agent
• Service agent
• Directory agent
• Does not define protocols for communication
• Prevents the propagation of false info about service loaction
• Messages in SLP have attached authentication blocks
• Support DSA and SHA
Interoperability middleware
• Interoperability middleware can bridge service discovery domains, allowing
clients of one type (e.g., Jini) transparently to access services of another sort (e.g.,
a UPnP printer).
• Interoperability middleware bridges service advertisement, discovery, and client/
service interaction in one or both directions (e.g., Jini to UPnP, or SLP to and from
• Java based, using service catalog with service descriptions expressed
in XML
• Support capability based discovery
• Client without credentials are not even able to look up on services.
• NINJA encrypts the communication between client and service
catalog or between service and service catalog.
• In Ninja, digital certificates are used to authenticate all endpoints,

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