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B Y: M A H N O O R S H A I K H ( 2 0 2 1 1 - 2 9 9 6 9 )
• Bureau is the primary custodian of standards, sister organizations must develop its processes reaching the standards
notified by Bureau.
• Bureau has upper role to audit the output standards.

Functions of Bureau of curriculum

 - Supervise curriculum and textbooks.
 - Approves and maintain curriculum standards from primary to higher secondary levels.
 - Dissemination of Educational Policies, Plans and Programs.
 - Conduct Research in Education.
 - Assessment of achievement of Teachers and Students.
• Earlier in 1962, regular system of production and distribution of text books was introduced in the country with the establishment of
West Pakistan Textbooks Board in Lahore and East Pakistan Textbooks Board in Dhaka.
• The National Bureau of Curriculum and Textbooks established in 1967 got the legal mandate under Federal Supervision Act
of 1976.
• The Concurrent Legislative List was abolished through 18th Amendment in the Constitution.
• However, the provinces agreed to implement agreed to implement the National Education Policy 2009.
• The National Curriculum Council (NCC) was approved unanimously by all provinces with the objective to develop
minimum Curriculum that ensures Minimum National Standards in all subjects and emphasizes on national ideology and
societal needs.
• Development of NCF is a step towards achieving uniform standards in education ensuring national cohesion and interests.
• National Curriculum Council approved an outline of the NCF which covers ideological, academic and socio-cultural
concerns of Pakistani society through development of school curriculum and to oversee its implementation.
objectives of NCF
1. ensure compatibility in diversity in curriculum to achieve national goals of education;
2. to provide broader guidelines regarding what all students should know, understand and value on completion of a specific
level of schooling.
3. The NCF suggests flexibility and increased autonomy to provincial, regional and local education authorities and to
classroom teachers
4. provide an instrument for accountability in education, to all stakeholders including public representatives, through
curriculum evaluation and feedback.

• provincial curriculum centers (one in each province) were established

• to ensure provincial collaboration.
• Within their respective jurisdictions, these PTTBs are responsible for preparing, publishing, stocking, distributing and
marketing school textbooks.
• The provincial curriculum committees consist of concerned teachers, heads of schools, teacher educators, subject experts
and curriculum experts who work on the proposals.
• Evolution of curriculum objectives
Objectives are derived from
 Recommendation of national education policy
 National level seminars
 Forums of research and studies
NBCT prepares the draft of objectives
Circulated in provincial institution responsible for curriculum development
Objectives are finalized.
Development of scheme of studies
Based on three factors
1. The national education policy
2. Market demand
3. Global issues

• Development of syllabi
• Based on the objectives and scheme of studies, subject specific syllabi are prepared in consultation with: provincial
curriculum centers; subject experts; and psychologists and serving teachers. Collectively, they ensure that the
syllabi, in all respects, satisfy the following conditions:
• They are based on the needs of the learner/child;
• They take into account the existing knowledge and environmental experience of the learner;
• The developmental level of the learner is considered in the cognitive, effectiveness and psycho-motor domains;
• The contents should be focused on attaining the objective(s).
• Provincial Textbook Boards (PTBB) are responsible for development of textbooks according to the approved syllabi.
• Established lists of textbook writers.
• From these lists, invitations are issued to writers to submit draft materials within the prescribed syllabus parameters.
• Selections are made on the basis of the quality and relevance of materials submitted to local situations.
• Finally, the selected materials are transformed into textbooks; the final versions of which are sent to the NBCT for approval.
• A National Review Committee, comprising five or six members includes: at least one expert from the Syllabus Formulation
Committee; two subject experts; two school teachers (one teaching the relevant material and one from a teacher-training institute).
• On receipt of textual materials from PTBB, this committee conducts textbook reviews based on the following parameters:
a) the book truly reflects the curriculum;
b) it meets the objectives stated in the curriculum;
c) the book does not contain any material repugnant to Islamic and Pakistani ideology.
• In the case of approval, the textbook is sent back for publishing and distribution. In case of objection, the specific complaints are
relayed along with revision recommendations.

Teacher training
• Teacher training for curriculum implementation is the responsibility of the provincial government.
• It is now stressed that each textbook must have a teacher’s guide.
• In some cases, assistance in the training of the masters trainers is provided to provincial government.
• The Sindh Textbook Board came into existence in January 1971, through an Ordinance 1970, as a result of
dismemberment of East Pakistan Textbook Board.
•   Sindh Textbook Board is an Autonomous body being run through its board of governors.

•  Development of Textbooks.
•  Printing and Publication of Textbooks from Class I to XII in All Three Languages (URDU, SINDHI, ENGLISH)
•  Marketing.
•  Monitoring. 
• Sindh Textbook Board are developing learner friendly and interactive teaching & learning materials.
• Standards for textbook development under MSQE (Minimum Standards for Quality Education) and SOPs developed by the
Sindh Textbook Board (STBB) earlier, steer the textbook development process. The curriculum wing, which is responsible
for quality education in Sindh, also claims to adhere to these standards while developing new textbooks in Sindh.
• The STBB and other institutions shared that they have recently developed textbooks and guides for teachers under
Accelerated Education Programme.
• Engagement of subject specialists, processes and principles to follow were derived directly from these standards.
• the STEDA ( Sindh Teacher’s education development authority) representative shared that they have developed standards
for Initial Teacher Education (ITE) accreditation by using the standards for teachers
• Although, evidences show that most of the standards were found to be partially implemented in Sindh, however, there was
no standards management/ implementation system behind that.
• There was no plan found or witnessed in any department/ section or unit that described the implementation of any set of
• different positions had different information about the same matter. For example, knowledge about adoption of MSQE
varied from person to person.
• Relatively weak coordination was observed among DCAR (Directorate of curriculum and research), Textbook Board and
PITE( Provincial institute for teacher education), which are key institutions for curricula, textbooks, and training of teachers.
• In the beginning, West Pakistan Textbook Board adopted books published by private publishing houses. The
term, ‘West Pakistan Textbook Board’ was substituted by the ‘Punjab Textbook Board’ by the Ordinance V of
• The Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board (PCTB) seeks to play a leading role both at provincial and
national level in striving for excellence in research, curriculum and textbook development along with
production of quality learning material as per national aspiration and global trends.  
• Commitment for making arrangements for innovative, creative and user-friendly curricula, textbooks,
manuscripts and supplementary reading material relating to textbooks

• Curriculum Development
• Implementation of educational policies of the Government in respect of the production of textbooks, supplementary reading
material and teaching aids
• Publication of textbooks for Primary, secondary and teacher training courses.
• Production of supplementary material relating to the textbooks
• Production of reference and research  material relating to the problems of curricula and preparation of textbooks    
• Control of the policy, relating to distribution of textbooks and other material.
• Holding of training courses for the writers of textbooks    
• Workshops, seminars and courses for effective use of textbooks and reading materials
• Conduct research in curricula, textbooks, other reading materials and teaching aids    
• Exhibitions of textbooks and teaching materials
• Maintenance of Library and Resource

• PCTB is the main body in Punjab responsible for curriculum development, publication of textbooks for
primary education, secondary, education, intermediate education and teacher’s training courses.
• MSQE Standards for curriculum are being followed by PCTB and for assessment by PEC( Punjab
examination commission) to a significant extent.
• Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development (QAED) which has the mandate of training teachers
in the province has developed its own standards for teachers training. PEC’s assessment wing has
assessment experts, psychometricians and subject specialists and they regularly refer to these standards
while preparing material for assessment.
• All subjects specialists are hired on merit and then trained on item writing. The best item writers are placed
in a pool and their services utilized from time to time.

• Coordination between provincial level entities like PCTB, PEC and QAED is need based only and very rare.
• There is staff shortage in key departments of the province. For example, in PCTB the posts are 414 while 170 are vacant.
This shortage is hindering the process of curriculum and textbook development, in accordance with the standards.
• Punjab Curriculum & Textbook Board (PCTB),have hardly coordinated to conduct research and obtain feedback through
QAED or through any other organization. They should carry out research on regular basis through these organizations to
obtain feedback on improving the quality of text- books and adapt the curriculum as per needs.
• No data on standards followed in private schools is being collected.

• The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Textbook Board is a successor of West Pakistan Textbook Board which was established
in 1962.
• Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Textbook Board started the implementation with the development of textbooks according to
Curriculum 2006 through provincial publishers.
• Improvement in the quality of education at all levels through better quality textbooks at affordable prices and other
learning materials for promoting a knowledge-based society in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
• Choice and competition are major forces in achieving this objective.
 Choice on the part of the buyer promotes acquisition of knowledge, empowerment and participation.
 Competition on the part of the producer leads to a wider variety of products, improved quality, availability and
affordable prices.

• The MSQE standards for curriculum and textbooks have been adopted by KPTBB for developing new textbooks or
revising existing text books from KG to grade 10.
• KPTBB has the mandate for development of new textbooks or revision of existing textbooks in the province. It has
developed 236 titles (210 text books and 26 work books) so far.
• Acting on the road map, KPTBB, KESP and DCTE have collectively revised three textbooks from grade 1 to 5 in
2016-17, 14 textbooks from grade 6 to 9 in 2017-18 and 5 textbooks for grade 10 in 2018-19.
• KPTBB has started including relevant weblinks in the textbooks (such as grade 10 chemistry text book) so that students
can visit those weblinks at home and develop a habit of accessing information beyond textbooks.
• Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Programme for teachers including training manuals and modules
where teachers are trained on the difficult topics indifferent subjects.

• KPTBB is a key entity where there is shortage of human resource for development and distribution of quality textbooks as
per MSQE standards.
• Against the sanctioned 140 posts, 50 positions in KPTBB are vacant.
• Even among the 90 available staff, 25% of the staff is busy in the KPTBB ware- house for around 3-5 months of the year
receiving, arranging and dispatching textbooks to all 26 districts, which is a time-consuming process.
• With low human resource, KPTBB struggles to dispatch around 75 million textbooks to all districts before the start of
academic year in April.
• The language and vocabulary used in text books is copied from other sources due to which the contents are difficult to
comprehend by the students and becomes equally challenging for teachers.
• Books have weak authorship with conceptual deficiencies. Most of the mistakes have been corrected by teachers on their
Background of Department
•  The Balochistan Textbook Board, Quetta came into existence in August 1972.
• Thereafter it was declared an Autonomous Body under the Balochistan Textbook Board Ordinance, 1977, which was amended in 1979
Vision and Mission of Department 
• Balochistan Textbook Board has a vision of Nation building through error free and quality textbooks.
• In addition to this, BTBB has also vision to prepare quality textbooks that cater to learning needs of the students.
• BTBB has to ensure enhancement of provincial expertise (Authors, Illustrators, Editors and Reviewers) and capacity to review and
develop quality textbooks and supplementary learning martial.
• BTBB has also a vision to provide online free textbooks for E-learning in future.
• Objective:
•  To review and develop the textbooks in accordance with the National Curricula and National Education Policy.
•  To conduct workshops, seminars for capacity building of textbook writers, authors and reviewers.
•  To provide enriched and research based reference and supporting material, needed comments, views on the National Curricula
representing the Balochistan Province.
• Printing and Publication of newly developed textbooks for Mother Tongues (Balochi , Brahui , Pashto , Sindhi, Persian)
• Standards for curriculum are well defined and that the Bureau of Curriculum (BOC) is custodian of these standards in
Balochistan. The BOC claims that they have been carefully adhering to the curriculum standards.
• For developing textbooks, Balochistan Textbook Board and BOC has official mandate to develop quality textbooks for
learners of Balochistan.
• Standards for textbook development and standards developed for textbooks earlier by the BTBB positively steer the
process of textbook development in Balochistan. Representatives in Balochistan shared that they always use the standards
and procedures for textbook development and review process. They have recently applied these standards in developing
materials under NFBE(their non-formal basic education) programme of the literacy & NFBE directorate.
• PITE Balochistan has implemented standards for teachers in its existing teachers’ professional development programme as
in-service training option for teachers.

• MSQE are not fully mainstreamed at the departmental level, however, directorates of education has used the MSQE
partially and on need basis.

• the coordination among BOC, BTBB and PITE was observed to be poor, which are key institutions for curricula, textbooks,
and training of teachers. In fact all these three elements and institutions are inter-connected and have huge reliance on
each other in terms of building professional capacity of teachers.
1. A well regulated, transparent and competitive system of outsourcing textbooks and learning material shall be
introduced to achieve quality while ensuring better value for money;
2. Textbook Board shall be strengthened as a competent facilitating, regulating and monitoring authority to improve
efficiency in managing authorship, production, copyrights, printing and distribution of textbooks and learning material.
3. The government shall establish performance and service standards for the functioning and managing of the publication
of textbook and learning material.
4. The Government shall establish an effective evaluation and certification mechanism to ensure the quality and
relevance of textbooks and learning material in a timely and cost effective manner.
5. Bureau of Curriculum is the competent authority to review textbooks and learning materials for alignment with the
school education standards and curriculum goals;
6. In the development of textbooks and learning material, Copyright Law regarding Intellectual Property shall be
7. Textbook Board shall develop an effective distribution strategy using technological innovations in delivery and tracking
of textbooks down to classroom level;
8. Technical Committee shall be formed to formulate the implementation plan of this policy. The Education Secretary shall
chair the Technical Committee.


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