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5. Media and Information Sources
Today, you will learn about different media and information sources.

You are expected to:

 demonstrate an ability to examine and compare information from various
sources in order to evaluate its reliability, accuracy, authority,
timeliness, and bias;
 determine the accuracy, reliability and value of information by questioning
the source of data, limitations of the information gathering tools or
strategies, and the rationale of the conclusions;
 define indigenous media; and

 contrast indigenous media to the more common sources of information such

as library, internet, etc.
I- Media and Information Sources
A. Sources of Information
1.Indigenous Knowledge
4.Mass Media
B. Evaluating Information Sources
What similarities and differences have you noticed between the
information in diff. sources?

• Reliability of Information. Information is said to be reliable if it can be

verified and evaluated. It also refers to the trustworthiness of the source
in evaluating the reliability of information.
• Accuracy of Information. Accuracy refers to the closeness of the report to
the actual data. Measurement of accuracy varies, depending on the type
of information being evaluated. Forecasts are said to be accurate if the
report is similar to the actual data. Financial information is considered
accurate if the values are correct, properly classified, and presented
• Value of Information. Information is said to be of value if it aids the user
in making or improving decisions.
• Authority of the Source. Much of the information we gather daily do not
come from a primary source but are passed on through secondary sources
such as writers, reporters and the like. Sources with an established
expertise on the subject matter are considered as having sound authority
on the subject.
• Timeliness. Reliability, accuracy and value of information may vary based
on the time it was produced or acquired. While a piece of information may
have been found accurate, reliable and valuable during the time it was
produced, it may become irrelevant and inaccurate with the passing of
time (making it less valuable). Other information may be timeless, proven
to be the same in reliability, accuracy and value throughout history.

Types of libraries - Libraries are often classified in 4 groups, namely:

academic, public, school and special. These libraries may be either
digital or physical in form.
There are four major types of libraries:
• School libraries serve students from Kindergarten to grade 12.
• Special libraries are in specialized environments, such as hospitals,
corporations, museums, the military, private business, and the
Public libraries serve cities and towns of all types.
Academic libraries serve colleges and universities.

Guide Questions
1. What is a library?
2. Why do you think every school has a library?
3. Do you still use library resources for research? Why
or why not?
4. What is a modern library to you?
Characteristics of libraries in terms of reliability, accuracy and value

• Libraries of published books are often considered highly reliable,

accurate, and valuable.
• Books and documents from dominant sources are often peer
reviewed. ISSN or ISBN registration ensures that standards were
followed in producing these materials.
The Internet
• Information found on the internet
• Characteristics of internet information in terms of reliability, accuracy,
value, timeliness and authority of the source
• Realities of the Internet
• Information found on the Internet may be quite varied in form and content.


email, social media sites, websites, and Internet-based radio and television.
Skills in Determining the Reliability of Information
• Check the author. The author’s willingness to be identified is a good indication of
• Check the date of publication or of update. While the information may be true, it may
not be reliable if it is outdated and may have lost relevance.
• Check for citations. Reliable authors have the discipline of citing sources of their
• Check the domain or owner of the site or page. The domains .edu and .gov are
reserved for academic institutions and the government, respectively. Information from
such sites are presented with caution and are usually well-grounded. Site owners may
have an agenda that affects the manner by which information is presented.
• Check the site design and the writing style. Credible sources take time to make their
information accessible and easy to comprehend.
Skills in Determining Accurate
• Look for facts.
• Cross-reference with other sources to check for consistency.
• Determine the reason for writing and publishing the information.
• Check if the author is objective or leaning heavily on a certain point
of view.
• Check for advertising. Advertisers may use related information to
market their product.
Indigenous peoples
• Indigenous peoples, also referred to as first people, aboriginal
people, native people, or autochthonous people, are culturally
distinct ethnic groups who are native to a place which has been
colonized and settled by another ethnic group.
Indigenous Media

• Indigenous means native, local, originating or produced naturally in a

particular region
• Indigenous knowledge is unique to a specific culture or society; it is not
written down.
• Indigenous communication is the transmission of information through
local channels or forms. It is a means by which culture is preserved,
handed down and adapted.
• Indigenous media and information refers to the original information created by a
local group of people. This also refers to content about indigenous peoples that
may be distributed through dominant forms of media or through forms of
communication unique to their people group.
Importance of Indigenous Media and Information

Popular media cannot reach some rural areas. While print, broadcast and new media have
a wide reach, there are still areas that these forms of media have not reached.

•Indigenous media and information are highly credible because they are near the
source and are seldom circulated for profit.
•Indigenous media are channels for change, education and development because of
its direct access to local channels.
•Ignoring indigenous media and information can result in development and education
programs that are irrelevant and ineffective.

Learning Task 1: Interview your parents or elder siblings. Ask them the questions
below. Write their statements in your notebook.
1. What are your roles in the community?
2. What are the types of information you are responsible for, or the information that you
receive and pass on to the community?
3. How is the type of information that you handle helpful to the community?
4. In what ways does passing on this information help the community?
5. How do you know that the information you pass on is true?
6. What difficulties do you face in passing on this information to others?
7. Are these pieces of information available in popular media?

• Media and Information Literacy by Boots C. Liquigan


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