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SUCCESS means…
1. Happiness Dependent on
 Let fathers, mothers, and the
educators in our schools remember
that it is a higher branch of education
to teach children obedience.
 Children will be happier, far happier,

under proper discipline than if left to

do as their untrained impulses
suggest. Manuscript 49, 1901.
 Children should learn that in
submission to the laws of the
household is their perfect
 Christians will learn the same

lesson—that in their obedience

to God's law is their perfect
freedom. The Review and
Herald, August 30, 1881.
2. Disobedience Caused Loss of Eden
 The history of Adam
and Eve's
disobedience in the
very beginning of this
earth's history is fully
given. By that one act
of disobedience our
first parents lost their
beautiful Eden home.
 We have reason to
be thankful that it
was not a larger
matter, because if it
had been, little
disregards in
disobedience would
have been
multiplied. It was the
least test that God
could give the holy
pair in Eden.
 Disobedience and
transgression are ever a
great offense to God. It is
not the greatness of the
disobedience, but the
disobedience itself which
is the crime. 5Manuscript
92, 1899.
3. The Foundation of Temporal and
Spiritual Prosperity
 Temporal and spiritual prosperity are made
conditional upon obedience to the law of God.
But we do not read God's Word, and thus
become familiar with the terms of the blessing
that is to be given to all who hearken diligently to
God's law and teach it diligently in their families.
 Obedience to God's
Word is our life, our
happiness. We look
upon the world and
see it groaning under
the wickedness and
violence of men who
have degraded the
law of God.
4. Guide the Children Into Paths of
 A sacred duty rests
upon parents to guide
their children into paths
of strict obedience.
 Let Christ's life be the

 Satan will devise every

possible means to
break down this high
standard of piety as
one altogether too
It is your work to impress
upon your children in their
early years the thought that
they are formed in the image
of God.
 Christ came to give a living

example of what they all

must be.
 Itis God's design that
even the children and
youth shall understand
intelligently what God
requires, that they may
distinguish between
righteousness and sin,
between obedience and
5. Obedience to Become a Delight
 Parents should
educate their
children line upon
line, precept upon
precept, here a
little and there a
little, not allowing
any disregard of
God's holy law.
to God

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