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Group Members

Name & Surname Reg number Prog

Simbarashe Mandala R1810236 HTHMC
Michelle Chisoni R1813978 HTHMC
Paidamoyo Simari R183262C HTHMC
Farirai Muringani R181651H HTHMC
R188643M HTHMC
Rufaro Chekera R183273K HTHMC
Florance Toma R183264M HTHMC
Ashwell Chuwe R1811145 HBBSC
Roosevelt Madyira R186323V HTHMC
Netsai Haripo R186258U HTHMC
Rufaro Chikwaira
• The Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant will be a moderately priced 80
seat restaurant offering family style food and service : roasted
chicken, pot roast, steaks and pork chops along with classic
hamburgers, wraps and generous salads are all on the menu.
• be leasing a 3,400 square foot space located at West Roads
Shopping Center, located in Mt Pleasant, Harare.
• The restaurant does not only cater to table dining only but they also
provide space and equipment for seminars and buffet menus in
order to increase sales by attracting a wider market of customers.
• It opens from Monday to Saturday and Sundays are only opened for
dinner reservation services.
• To be the premier home-style restaurant in Harare.
•  To provide quality meals at reasonable prices with
exemplary service
•  Achieve customer goodwill
•  To open new branches all over Zimbabwe
•  To support the community through corporate social
• Team Work
•  Customer care
•  Maximum commitment
•  Honest
•  Integrity
• “We strive to provide the best catering and restaurant
products and services through friendly, professional and
customer-oriented strategies and to create the best
contemporary cuisine restaurant and catering services in
• “To be the outstanding dining restaurant in Zimbabwe by
Organisational structure
• It is a formal way in which levels of authority and
responsibility is arranged to differentiate between
subordinates and superiors
• Thecomponents of the restaurant formal structure consist
• director, general manager,front of house
,accounting,kitchen head chef and subordinates
2 Human Capital Planning

• Haber, S. and Reichel, A.,( 2007) define HC planning as the

process by which managers ensure that they have the right
number and kinds of people in the right places and at the right
times, who are capable of effectively and efficiently perform
assigned tasks.


• Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant is a hospitality business in a market characterized with
stiff competition from well established brands for instance chop chop grill house.
• we are going to do a well proper Human Capital planning to invest in the right
manpower who will give us a competitive advantage.
• Our vision is to be the outstanding restaurant in Zimbabwe by 2024, so we are going
to perform a well proper manpower planning in order to invest in the right manpower
to meet our objectives, mission and vision.
Environmental Uncertainty

• Especially in this COVID 19 era, there are a lot of economic

hardships so it is very difficult to be profitable in the hospitality
industry so a proper human capital planning is key to employ
the right skilled manpower who will manage our organization
efficiently and profitably in this difficult situation.
Time Horizon

• Since Ocean Pub Restaurant want to operate for a foreseeable

future, our plan is long term so we need a proper human capital
planning to employ the right quality and quantity of workers
such as chefs, waiters and the management staff who will give us
a competitive advantage not temporarily but permanently.
• In the future the restaurant have a vision to expand so we need to
recruit contentiously and there is a well organised human capital
Reason for Human Capital Planning at Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant

• Human capital planning enables Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant to meet it’s future needs and this
will ensure that there will be no deficiency and surplus of manpower in the future and this will
minimise costs.
• Human capital planning enables the restaurant to copy with change since our industry is full of
technological changes, stiff competition and adapting to the working conditions brought by Covid
• Human capital planning will ensure that the restaurant employs qualified and flexible employees
to meet any change in the industry and giving our restaurant a competitive advantage.
• Finally Human Capital Planning enables Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant to create a highly talented
personnel through recruiting the right skilled candidates, training and development programmes
which are given to our manpower to broaden their skills.

• The planning process consists of different steps such as:

forecasting demand and supply of labour, Preparing Manpower
Inventory, Determining Manpower Gaps, formulating
manpower plans, action and monitoring and control. These six
steps are fully elaborated in the following paragraphs.
Demand forecast.
• - Is the process of estimating the future quantity and quality of
labour required at an organisation (in this case Ocean Pub and
Grill Restaurant).
• - helps to reduce the risk of over and under staffing and make
financial decisions that impact the profit and cashflow.
• - On forecasting demand, Ocean Pub and Grill will consider both
internal and external factors.
• - Internally the restaurant will consider factors such as budget
constraints, organisational structure, expected sales and our
mission of providing a quality relaxing and unique dining
• - Externally we will consider competition levels, technological
levels, government laws and labour regulations.
• - Ocean Pub and Grill will use a variety of quantitative and
quantitative techniques such as Managerial judgment, Ratio-
Trend analysis, Delphi technique and Work study method.
1. Managerial judgment
• - managers will arrange a meeting to discuss the quantity
and quality of future labour to be employed.
• - bottom-up approach (line managers do the forecast)
• - top-down approach ( top management do the forecast).
2. Ratio-Trend analysis.
• - based on our restaurant's index, that is, profit.
• - for every $1000 profit earned, we employ 1
• - if profit per month is $10 000, we employ 10 more
waiters, (1:1000).
3. Work Study analysis
• - it is work load analysis that seek to show how work is
efficiency and effectively done, the time taken to complete
the task and how many workers are required.
4. Delphi technique.
• - based on facilitating group questionnaires sent to a
panel of experts usually managers concerning the
quantity and quality of labour to employ.
• - feedback is given to further the discussion until a
decision is made.

• Supply forecasting measures the number of people likely to be available

from within and outside an organisation, after making allowance for
absenteeism, internal movements and promotions, wastage and changes in
hours and other conditions of work.

• For forecasting supply of human resource we consider internal and

external supply factors.

• It helps Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant helps to quantify number of

manpower such as waiters, table cleaners, restaurant chefs to be
available in the near future
Internal supply of manpower
• will be available by way of transfers, promotions and training of
employees to specifically suit the restaurant’s unique demands.
• For example a table cleaner can be promoted to be a Head of

External supply of manpower

• Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant will engage in external recruitment
outside the organisation such as recruiting college and university
graduates such as a restaurant accountant, food and beverage
• Age group structure requirement also help to forecast supply of

• Most importantly, manpower supply forecasting enables to identify

the right skilled and qualified candidates in the labour market to
gain a competitive advantage over our bitter rivals and sustain
Supply forecasting methods
• Trend analysis,
collecting and evaluating data to identify patterns of information that might
impact the future for example number of tourism graduates produced per year. 

• Succession planning
• the planner modifies the analyses to reflect changes expected in the near
future as a result of retirements, promotions, transfers, voluntary turnover, and

• Markov analysis
• to predict internal employee movement from one year to another by identifying
percentages of employees who remain in their jobs, get promoted or demoted,
3: Manpower Inventory
• It involves the classification of characteristics of personnel
to be employed in the restaurant, in addition to counting
their number. Both present and future characteristics of
personnel are recorded in the manpower inventory at
Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant.
manpower continues...
• the current manpower status
• has to be analysed. For this the following things have to
be noted-
•  Type of organization
•  Number of departments
•  Employees in these work units
3.0 Determining manpower gaps
• It is an analysis that involves breakdown of current
workforce and the skills they possess compared to the
workforce that the restaurant will need in the future to
reach key business goals.
• At Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant we determine our main
power gap through defining our goals, identifying key
skills, assessing current skills.
• this will help the organisation to determine whether the
restaurant need growth by hiring more staff or downsizing
by making some employees redundant.
• Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant has got a negative
manpower gap, this means there is a need of more
workers to achieve our vision.
• For example we need to increase our front of house staff
from 5 to 10 to increase the number of staff working in the
dining room to meet our vision . We need to increase
• our kitchen staff from 4 to 7 so that we can expand the
• We have a negative gap to employ 3 experienced security
guards to ensure maximum safety of our guests
Formulating Manpower Plans
• Basing on our manpower gap analysis, we have
concluded that our manpower is not enough and we need
to higher more workers to close the gap. To meet our
vision to be the outstanding restaurant in Zimbabwe by
2024, we need to recruit the right quality and quantity of
manpower who will gives us a competitive advantage
over our bitter rivals.
• This stage involves posting adverts on job website,
posting adverts on social media platforms for qualified
potential employees.
• Process of collecting and analysing information about a
job’s purpose, tasks performed, responsibilities, skills,
training needs etc,
• Analysis will be used to draw up a job description.
• For example there is a gap within the workforce, a job
analysis will be made that the manager has to gather
information on how the front house employees need to
perform their tasks.
• Provides information for forecasting future staffing needs.
• It is broad description of the job, title, purpose, tasks,
authority and performance targets.
• It describes what is done, why and where its done and
briefly how its done.
• For example a waiter’s job description is to greet
guests,provide sitting spots and menus, take their orders
and serve them.
• Describes level of knowledge, skills and work experience
and persons characteristics and aptitudes considered
necessary for the competent performance of a job.
• Alec Rodgers seven point plan is intended for personal
selection and vocational guidance purposes.
Alec Rodgers 7 point plan

• Physical • Age from 20 to 50
• Attainments • Degree in tourism and hospitality management,
business related degree, knowledge in culinary
• General intelligence • Fast at coming up with ideas, positive mindset,
• Special aptitude • Interpersonal skills to interact with different
• Interests
• Interested in hospitality activities
• Time cautious, energetic, ability to work without
• Disposition close supervision, social
• circumstances • Residing within Harare, Zimbabwe
• An informative text that describes job vacancies and
details for potentials applicants.
• Ocean Pub and Grill restaurant will perform job
advertisement using various media such as social media
platforms and newspapers.
• It is a process of generating a pool of qualified applicants
for organizational jobs in this case the recruiting is for
Ocean Pub & Grill restaurant

• At Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant we are mainly going to

use external recruitment since we already have few
internal employees.
External Recruitment
• External recruitment is hiring people outside the
restaurant through a selection process. Numbers of
methods are available for external recruitment such as for
example media advertisements, online e-recruitment,
campus recruitment, employment agencies and
internship are the external recruitment means available
for the restaurant
• Once the restaurant has received completed application
forms and or CVs, they will be assessed the applicants
against the criteria set out in the person specification.

• The process varies according to the nature of the vacant

post; the more senior the post, the more formal and
potentially lengthy the process
The selection process :
• If there are many applications, a long list of candidates
may be analysed and reduced by screening the best
• The firm will be able to ask more probing questions of the
candidate and examine their performance under pressure
Contract of employment
• At the end of the selection process, the successful
candidate who managed to pass the tests is offered a
contract of employment.
Monitoring and Control:
Performance Management
• It is the process of ‘Directing and supporting employees
to work as effectively and efficiently as possible in line
with the needs of the organisation
• The performance result can be observed, recorded and
evaluated. Since Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant is going
to be operating in a competitive environment, it is very
crucial for management to do performance appraisal to
make sure the firm is being competitive.
Reward Management
• People trade labour and loyalty for financial and non
financial compensation with business organization
• Reward management results in motivating workers to be
hard working and creative .For instance Ocean Pub &
Grill Restaurant’s non financial benefits can be worker of
the month award in form of branded gifts such as caps,
may encourage workers to work hard since the restaurant
wants to achieve objective of being the best in Harare.
reward mgt
• Ocean Pub & Grill restaurant will reward employees
according to the position and employee hold and in some
other circumstances some employees turn not to enjoy
work ,with such a scenario we use piece rate system and
this will motivate workers to work hard..
Training and development
• It is a process in which workers get a chance to find out
the key skills, that are needed to try and do their work.
• The restaurant can unceasingly conduct work
assessment and conduct training for workers not
performing very well because employees in the hospitality
sector are seen as key assets in-order for the companies
to be prosperous.
training continues
• It enables an employee to continue to make positive contributions in
the form of good performance.
• Training and development at Ocean pub and grill restaurant may
involve more than learning how to serve food, or how to present one’s
self to other
• people. It also cover what to do during emergency situations such as
how to perform first-aid.Anything can happen at the restaurant.
Someone can choke and the company
• needs to take that into considerations that's why training is important to
cover all that matters.All our employees will be further trained mainly to
suit our unique requirements as well as meeting our company goals.
occupational health & safety

• process of being concerned with preserving and

protecting human and facility resources.
• preventing them from being injured or illness due to
workplace hazards
• The restaurant will carry mandatory healthy and safety
inductions and meetings regulary highliting the do’s and
dont’s within the workplace e.g warning signs in the
kitchen and floors.
• Overally, Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant will undergo a human capital planning
process to know the exact quantity and quality of manpower to employ to
meet the restaurants objectives, mission and vision.
• Workforce planning can create effective restaurant operations that promotes
employees development and dedication to promote the restaurant goals as a
• To achieve our vision to be the outstanding restaurant in Zimbabwe by 2024,
Ocean Pub & Grill Restaurant need a proper human capital planning to employ
the right quality and quantity of employees at the right time at the right place to
give the restaurant a competitive advantage.
• Without doubt, a proper human capital planning process will carry Ocean Pub
& Grill restaurant to greater heights in line with the mission statement.

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