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What is National Security
Every nation strives to protect its core values, aimed at
enabling people to lead their lives in free and secured
environments according to their shared common beliefs
by preserving their national identity and sovereignty. A
Stable Proposed model of National Security, “national
security is an umbrella under which these core values are
well protected and promoted through application of well
thought out national security strategy.
Definition of National Security
National security is the ability to preserve the nation's physical
integrity and territory; to maintain its economic relations with
the rest of the world on reasonable terms; to preserve its nature,
institution, and governance from disruption from outside; and to
control its borders. Macmillan Dictionary (online version),
defines the term as "the protection or the safety of a country’s
secrets and its citizens" emphasizing the overall security of a
nation and a nation state.
Elements of National Security


Military Security
◦ This is traditionally, the earliest recognized and mostly construed form of
national security. Military security implies the capability of a nation to
defend itself, and/or deter military aggression to its frontiers.
Alternatively, military security implies the capability of a nation to enforce
its policy choices by use of military force . One of the definitions of security
given in the dictionary of Military and Associated Term is, “A condition
that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective
measure s that ensure a state of inviolability from hostile acts or
influences. Military security traditionally lies at the heart of nation state
concept furthered by Westphalia Concept
Political Security
◦ The political aspect of security has been offered b y Barry
Buzan, Ole Waever, Jaap de Wilde of Copenhagen School of
Thought as an important component of national security.
Political security is about the stability of the social order .
Closely allied to military security and societal security, other
components proposed in a framework for national security.
Economic Security
◦ Economic security contributes to the overall security in a big way. Without
ensuring the economic security, other forms of security remain
incomplete. The economic security of the people and state is
interdependent. In today’s complex system of international trade,
characterized by multi-national agreements, mutual inter-dependence and
availability of natural resources etcetera, the freedom to follow choice of
policies to develop a nation’s economy in the manner desired, forms the
essence of economic security. Economic security calls for an assured basic
income for the people in a state
Energy Security
◦ Energy security and economic security are intrinsically linked
to each other as energy assumes the role of lifeline for economic
security. 85 % of the country’s estimated 40,000 MW potential
remains untapped. At the level of people, the load shedding of
electricity and gas has created problems for the people of
Pakistan. The provision of these commodities is responsibility
of state. Resources include water, sources of energy, land and
◦  Diplomacy is one of the many instruments that a government
utilizes in its pursuit of national interests. It never functions in
isolation from the other instruments of national power but at
times may be emphasized as the situation warrants. In its
simplest form, diplomacy is the official means by which one
state formally deals with other states. Being an important pillar
of statecraft and effective tool amongst the nations to interact
with each other, this must be effectively and most judiciously
Media/ Information Base
◦ Being the 4thpillar of state, it must provide security to the state
against all external and internal anti-state narratives and
themes. It is this ability of the media that makes it fight on
conceptual, psychological and ideological planes. If media is
effective, proactive and responsible, it will augment national
spirit and societal bondages. On the contrary, it will weaken the
social/ national fiber by spreading more chaos and confusion.
Wholesome View of Security
◦ It is critical to view national security in a holistic manner. A host
of significant threats to the state and society stem from other
forms of security in addition to Human Security. Dr. Sania
Nishtar has given out several forms of security in addition to the
traditional security. Traditional security relates to the security
of nation state centered on ensuring survival through use of
economic, political and military power and through adroit
Human Security
◦  Oneof the important dimensions of national security is human
security which is slightly a departure from other forms of the
traditional security focusing on the state. Human security has
the people as its primary focus. Human security has multiple
dimensions i.e. economic security, food security, water security,
personal security, community security, environmental and
Health Security.
Food Security
◦ Food security entails that all people of a particular state
at all times have easy access to basic food. According to
the United Nations, the overall availability of food is not
a problem; rather the problem often is the poor
distribution of food and a lack of purchasing power
prevailing amongst the people.
Health Security 
◦ Health Security covers assurance of minimum protection from diseases
and unhealthy lifestyles. According to the United Nations, in both
developing and industrial countries, threats to health security are usually
more for poor people in rural areas, particularly children. The threats
include the dangers emerging from emerging and re-emerging infections
and public health emergencies of national and international concern. Non
provision of health security is due to malnutrition and insufficient access
to health services.
Environmental Security
◦ Environmental security is linked with energy, food and water
security. Environmental hazards accentuate the problems of the
people in relation to health, food and energy security of the
people. Environmental security aims to protect people from the
consequences of nature, man-made threats in nature, and
deterioration of the natural environment. Global warming,
caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, is another
environmental security problem.
Personal Security
Personal security can be defined as set of several things.
“Personal security is the feeling of being secure, having a
personal or residential security system, or being aware of your
surroundings. Personal security guarantees the subject people
from physical violence, both from the state or external actors,
from domestic abuse, or from predatory adults. At large the
common cause of personal insecurity is due to crimes especially
violent crimes.
Community Security
◦ Community security aims to protect people, their families and
belongings as a shared responsibility. The community seeks to
protect itself against any kind of violence stemming from ethnic
and sectarian angles. Normally minority ethnic and sectarian
groups are often threatened. It is the state responsibility to
provide security to all communities irrespective of their size
and strength.
Political Security 
◦ Political security is about honoring the basic human rights of
the people by the state. According to a survey conducted by
Amnesty International, political repression, systematic torture,
ill treatment or disappearance was still practiced in 110
countries. Human rights violations are most frequent during
periods of political unrest.

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