Popula: What Is Better For The Planet?

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W h a t i s b e t t e r f o r t h e p l a n e t ?
•Long before 10 000 BC, we were nothing but hunter
gatherers, so basically we were hunting animals as a
source of food.

•Then around 10 000 BC we started to grow our

own food by labor and rear animals. Meaning we
started to farm! Our population started rising but
•From around 10 000 BC to 3300 BC we had used
stone for tools, this means we were in the Stone

•Then around 3300 BC we discovered how to

make Bronze, which was better than stone, now we
THE AGES were in the Bronze Age.

•Then around 1200 BC we discovered Iron, which

was more durable and stronger to make tools;
better than bronze.
Till 1760, the population did rise,
but very slowly. Due to some major
events, such as the Great Plague,
Black Death and the Roman vs
Britain war which caused a lot of
So the reason why population didn't
increase in the early ages is because
the death rates were higher than the
birth rates, not only is it because of
the "major events" but also
when people were hunter gatherers,
they were reckless about hygiene and
a lot of people died because of
poisonous food and dirty water, since
they didn't have the knowledge or
the sense 
As we know the population increased
very slowly until 1760, but what
happened in 1760 that changed the
population increase rate?

Well, in 1760 humans came up with a

better idea. Today it's called the "Industrial
Revolution", the industrial revolution was
the process in which we changed from
handcrafted economy to machinery which
resulted in economy growth

Because of the industrial revolution, the

machines were doing human work,
which made our lives much easier and
machines made an improvement in every
day work.
Timeline of major events in history
that affected population

Hunter Industrial
Gatherers Stone Age Iron Age Black Death Revolution World War II

 Around 10 000 BC Around 3300 BC In 43 AD In 1665 AD From 1914-1918 AD

 Before 10 000 BC From 10 000 BC to 3300 Around 1200 BC In 1348 AD In 1760 AD From 1939-1945 AD

Romans vs The Great

Farming Bronze Age World War I
Britain Plague
What is Better?

Why less population is better for the planet

Benefits of less
population: If you really think about it, less
-  A decrease in deforestation population doesn't really have a
-  More resources disadvantage :)
-  Animals won't lose their habitats
- Less slums
All these benefits improve daily life VERY much
•  Less deforestation: 
• - More water in the air for the soil
• - Global warming decreases

• More Resources:
• - People wouldn't die of famine/drout
• - Greater quantities of amenities can be produced

• Habitats:
• - Less population would need less land, so animals would have their own habitats
• - A lot of species would not go extinct due to habitat loss

• Slums: (Because of a lot of population, some people are forced to live in tightly packed houses)
• - People wouldn't die because of health hazards
• - There would be a decrease in environmental degradation (The process in which the natural environment is compromised)
What is Better?

IF the population increases, then there would be a set of disadvantages

Disadvantages of more Advantages of more
population: population:
- Less resources
• famine or starvation - Economy growth
-More workers
- More deforestation BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN - More funds
•More space needed
•Habitats destroyed
•Higher crime rates
By now, we all know that population distribution is
not even. Some places have more population than
others. The population density is higher in
crowded areas than open areas

Continents Population
Asia 4.6 Billion
Africa 1.3 Billion
Europe 750 Million
North America 590 Million
South America 430 Million
Oceania 43 Million
Anatartica 0 :(

Most population to
least population


To conclude, we now know that the

population shot up because of the
industrial revolution, before that it was
just a slow increase, but if the
population keeps increasing at this rate,  Be sparsely populated
then soon enough, we will have than densely populated
overpopulation, which could result in a
number of disadvantages. So as we can
see that, less population has more
advantages than having
more population. Moreover, we can't
think of ANY disadvantage regarding
less population, unless "loneliness"
counts? Hehe ;-; 
Population: the amount of people in a certain place

Population Distribution: How people are spread in  a certain area

Population density: The amount of people in 1km²

Densely populated: A lot of people in 1km²

Sparsely populated: Few people in 1km²

Slums: An overcrowded urban area

Deforestation: The process in which a wide area of trees is cut down

Economy Growth: An increase in an amount of goods or services

Lawlessness: The result of disregard in the law

Famine/Drout: Famine is the lack of food and rout is the lack of water
𝕭𝖞: 𝕰𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖑
𝕰𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖑 𝖆𝖓𝖉
𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕱𝖆𝖎𝖟𝖆
List of the funniest
teachers in school
Never mind, end of slide ;-;

Hehe just joking :)

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