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11/15/2021 1W SALit Dr Nailah Riaz 1

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• Language of a dominant
Key Phrases minority
• Social mobility • Egalitarian/fairer language
• Divisive source policy
• Relevant literature • Supremacy of English
• Language policies of the country • Ambiguities regarding
• Pakistani English as a distinct variety language policy
• Doctoral Research • Lack of political stability in the
• Colonial times country
• The Orientalists supporting indigenous languages • Due to protecting the interest of
• Anglicists supporting the English language the elite
• “resisted and rejected”
• Preserving the dominance of
English is linked to perception
• “accepted and assimilated”
that English supremacy helps
• Those who supported the “pragmatic utilization”
to preserve elite status in
• Internal linguistic confusion society

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English in Pakistan
• While English was considered to be a threat to local culture and languages, the
elite, however, including those in the civil service and military establishment,
landlords and political appointment holders chose to educate their children in
public and private English-medium schools (Haidar, 2016). This support by the
elite has sustained English as the language of higher education and English
proficiency as a selection criterion for entry into prestigious professions.

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English in Pakistan has been nativised (Bhatt, 2005; Mahboob, 2009).

Kachru’s World Englishes (WE) paradigm (1985) asserted that deviation from the
standard was considered a feature of nativisation of local varieties

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