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Ministry of Public Sector Development

Public Sector Development Program


“Better Government Delivering

Better Result “
Public Sector Development & National Goals

National Goals Economic Political

Jordan’s 10- development development
year goals and
programmes Security &
development Justice

Public Sector Development

Improving the machinery

to deliver the National
Challenges Facing Public sector

Too Much Emphasis on processes More effective mechanisms

. and not enough on results to make and Coordinate
strategic policy decisions .
Resources not allocated against
Need to ensure that achieving
. strategic results
results take priority
Ministers involved in operational over processes .
matters , leaving insufficient time for Need to streamline rationalize
. policy and strategy government institutions and
ensure they focusing on
Over – centralized decision – making , government's core functions .
which undermines accountability at Need for more efficient
lower level . and effective management of
resources both financial and
Lack of Human Resources planning human to ensure they are
and Development adequate and allocated in line
with strategic objectives
Policy and Decision – Making

Components Government Performance Management

Service Delivery Improvement
Sector Institutional Streamlining
Development Human Resource Management and
Program Development

(PSDP) Financial Management

Program Management

Communication and Public Awareness

Public Sector Development Ministerial Committee
To play a supervisory role, monitoring the implementation of the
program, managing public policies

Institutional Ministry of Public Sector Development

setup Leading a Sustainable Public Sector Development (PSD) Program
and coordinating initiatives with concerned parties. The ministry is
for :charged to implementing the following components of the (PSDP)
implementing • service delivery improvement.
• Institutional streamlining
Public • Human Resource Management and development .
• Program Management .
• Communication and public Awareness
Program Government Performance Directorate (GPD)
(PSDP) Established at Prime Ministry for the purpose of implementing the”
Government Performance Management “ component of the (PSDP )

Prime Ministry is responsible for implementing the “ Policy and

Decision- Making “ component of the (PSDP )
Policy & decision-making

Objectives Strategies

Streamline & strengthen the

PM & Council of Ministers
Prime Ministry
More time and enhanced
support for strategic policy
decision-making & Reduce the administrative
performance management burden on PM & CoM

Enhanced policy-
development & performance Top management Development
management capacity Programme
Policies & programmes
linked to National objectives
Service Delivery Improvement (SDI) Component

Achieving more competent and sufficient governmental

Services in the public sector by providing ministries and
Public institutions with:

Objective Approaches and tools for service delivery improvement.

Necessary training for development teams within these
ministries and governmental institutions .
Consultative and technical support in general.

Enacting the “focus on citizens' service” principle as

the main tool to review the services and the method of
Principles providing them.
Continuous improvement assuming that governmental
services are offered to meet citizens' and other
beneficiaries' needs.
Challenge Fund

Providing technical and financial support to the

. different public institutions

Spreading best Practices among ministries and

objectives . governmental institutions

Reinforcing the concept of “services

excellence“ among Ministries and Governmental
. institutions
Institutional Streamlining Component
Streamlining Rational

Large and Divergent Governmental Organization Structure

Duties and Responsibilities of Government are not focused on

Governmental core Functions .

No Distinction between Policy Making and Executing Functions.

No Principles or mechanisms that regulate the establishment of

any new governmental institution
Design the structure around core functions

Doing away with redundant , contradictory and

unnecessary procedures

Strengthen policy functions

Separate operational functions to support shift to

Streamlining ‘management for results’

Create a top management structure

Establish manageable spans of control

Establish clear reporting lines; eliminate

overlaps and duplication
Build on what we already have
Human Resource Management and development

• HR planning and development

Challenges • Aligning HR needs with strategic objectives
• Training and development

Employees with the right skills in the right

Objective positions to perform key functions

• Setting the legal and organizational frame

work for effective HR policies
Strategies • Setting the methodologies of HR management
and development
• Building Capacity of HR of public Sector
(PSD) Communication & Public Awareness Component

Raising Public Awareness on the program among Ministries

Objectives : and Public Institutions and other stakeholders such as
.Jordanian public, donor agencies and media

Developing Internal and External Communication Strategies.

Awareness Workshops directed on both leadership and staff levels

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